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    Item information in Analytics reports on requests

    • Product: Alma


    In the "Requests" subject area in Analytics, when including item information, barcode, location and all other item information is displayed either empty or as "-1". Why is that?


    The reason is the way how Alma works with requests. The item information is assigned to the request in the moment when the request is submitted - but only if there is only one item that can fulfill the request. In cases where you have a pool of items which can fulfill the request, no item will be defined for this request and the value will be "-1". Even later when an item is chosen to fulfill the request, this information is not added to the request record.

    Requests are linked to the MMS ID of the BIB record, so when creating reports for requests, use the MMS ID and not the barcode.



    • Article last edited: 18-January-2018
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