Loan's Borrower ID and Borrower Name info is masked; How to enable view of loan details information?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
For some staff roles, trying to find borrower information (e.g. in the physical item editor) the Borrower ID and Borrower Name are masked (in asterisks, e.g. ******).
The ability to view borrower information depends on the privilege "VIEW_LOAN_DETAILS_PRIVILEGE".
To disable or enable this privilege for all roles please contact Ex Libris Support.
The documentation explains:
The ability to view user details for loans is available for the following roles [out-of-the-box for installations post July 2015] :
* Circulation Desk Operator
* Circulation Desk Manager
* Circulation Desk Operator ? Limited
* Requests Operator
* Fulfillment Services Operator
* Fulfillment Services Manager
* Resource Sharing Partners Manager
* Fulfillment Administrator
* User Administrator
* General System Administrator.
Please contact Ex Libris Support to enable or disable this privilege for the above or other roles.
Additional Information
Some background:
Before the July 2015 release of Alma, there were a few search screens where all library staff could see information about the current, active loan for the item including the name of the patron.
To improve privacy, as part of the July release, we introduced a new privilege (VIEW_LOAN_DETAILS_PRIVILEGE) to allow for restricting viewing of the current loan transaction.
[Original message to Alma-L and Release Notes has been paraphrased.]
The privilege is disabled for most Alma roles.
It will still be possible to disable or enable this privilege for roles. If you wish to do so please contact Ex Libris Support.
Many thanks to Laura Guy, Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines for help in writing this KCS article.
Category: User Management
Subject: Configuration