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    One return receipt letter per patron

    • Product: Alma


    The Return Receipt Letter sends a notification to the user for each item they return. This however would result in a lot of email notifications being sent to the user if they are returning more than one item. Is there any way to consolidate multiple returns from one session into a single notification, which result in only one notification going out to the user?


    There are two modes for returning items.
    1. Fulfillment --> Manage patron services --> Return tab: Here you can return several items per user; the return receipt is sent once you click "Done". Even if the patron returned twenty items, only one receipt will be sent containing all twenty items.
    2. Fulfillment --> Return items: Here a return receipt will be sent after every return action. The system does not know if the patron will return more items, as there is no session per patron, and no "done" button.
    So our advice would be to use "Manage patron services" instead of "Return items", at least when a patron returns several items.



    • Article last edited: 29_sep-2017
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