Suppressing New Record in Network Member
When creating a new bibliographic record in a member institution of a network, if the record is marked as suppressed before it is saved, it will be marked as suppressed in the Network Zone as well and will need to be unsuppressed there separately.
When creating a new bibliographic record in a member institution of a network, if the record is flagged as suppressed from discovery upon the first save or save and release action, the suppression flag will be added to the Network-zone record as well.
The consequence of this is that the record will not have a visible suppression status in IZ after the flag is removed locally, but it could be hidden from discovery due to the Network suppression (if the Network Zone is used for discovery).
If the record is checked in the Network Zone institution, it will appear with a suppression tag, and it should be unsuppressed there as well when unsuppressed locally, to ensure it is displayed properly in discovery (if the Network Zone is used for discovery).
- Article last edited: 27-Sep-2021