Unable to create an itemized title set of bibliographic record matches for an import
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
When I try to create an itemized title set of bibliographic record matches for an import I get an empty set. I have tested this functionality on other imports and it works fine, could you please investigate why it is not working for this import?
To generate the itemized set I do the following:
1. Click on Actions>Report for the correct import in the ‘monitor and view imports’ list
2. Click ‘View Alternative Report’
3. Expand the ‘Bibliographic Record Matches’
4. Click Actions> ‘Create itemized title set’ for the matches found
The actions 'Create itemized title set ...' and 'Preview' available from the job report and also action 'View Imported Records' from the Monitor and View Imports list work only, if records were in fact imported by the job. The actions do a search in the repository with the SIP ID numbers of the import job resp. with the MMS ID numbers of the imported records. So if the import profile is configured in the Match Profile tab with “Upon match”: Do Not Import and then during the import a match is found, then the record is *not* imported and therefore, 'Create itemized title set ...', 'Preview' and 'View Imported Records' result in 'No records were found'. If the import profile has “Upon match”: Import then 'Create itemized title set ...', 'Preview' and 'View Imported Records' successfully retrieves the imported records, even if there were matches found for them during the import.
Category: Resource Management - Alma
Subject: Configuration - Alma
- Article last edited: 1/20/2015