Unable to save or edit Holdings records, error is: "Problem while saving record at [TIME]"
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
Impossible to save Holding records in the Metadata Editor (create new or update records). The error says: "Problem while saving record at [TIME]".
Look for any new Normalization Rules on the Holding records when saving. Remove and test again.
The rule can be found and removed with these steps:
1. Navigate to: Resource Configuration Menu > Metadata Configuration > MARC21 Holdings
2. Click the "Normalization Processes" (tab)
3. Edit: "Marc21 Holding normalize on save"
4. Remove the "MarcDroolNormalization" with "Task Parameters" that have the library's new NR.
This should resolve the issue. Please contact support for any questions.
Category: Resource Management
Subject: Metadata editor