Voyager to Alma Migration Form - if "Item.Price as replacement cost" = no, then how does Alma get price?
- Product: Alma
- Product Version: March 2017
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
If we answer "no" to "Do you want to use the Item.Price field as the actual replacement cost if an item is lost?" question on the Voyager to Alma Migration Form, then where does Alma get the price information?
- The Alma item record "Replacement Cost" field will be blank.
- The Voyager "Item.Price" field data migrates to the Alma item record "Inventory Price" field.
Additional Information
If this is not the desired outcome, the options are:
Option 1: Answer the Migration Form question "yes." Then the Voyager "Item.Price" field migrates to the Alma item record "Replacement Cost" field.
Option 2: Establish a default "Lost Item Replacement Fee" in the fulfillment Terms of Use (TOU) (Note: will apply to all items without a "Replacement Cost" circulated under the TOU).
Option 3: Fill in the "Replacement Cost" field manually as you add or receive items.
- Article last edited: 24 Mar 2017