Why are IP login restrictions being ignored?
- Product: Alma
- Product Version: March 2017
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Customer has configured IP login restriction, but it does not appear to be working. Currently, users can log
in to Alma from ranges that should be restricted.
Two things to check….
1) Do the user(s) testing this have the "General Administrator" role? If so, those users are not restricted by IP.
2) Do the user(s) testing this have the "Disable all login restrictions" option in the user record (on the Summary Tab)
checked? If so, these users are not restricted by IP.
If the question is yes to either, retest with another user record or disable the option and/or role and then retest.
- Article last edited: 31 Mar 2017