Managing License Terms
To configure license terms, you must have one of the following roles:
- Acquisitions Administrator
- General System Administrator
Watch the Managing License Terms video.
You can configure, reorder, and add license terms that you want to appear in the different sections of the License Terms tab of the License Details page.
For information about the License Details page, see Managing Licenses and Amendments.
For information about license terms in centrally managed licenses, see Distributing Centrally Managed Licenses.
You manage license terms on the Manage License Terms page (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > Licenses > Manage License Terms).
Manage License Terms Page
User-defined license terms appear at the bottom of the page:
Manage License Terms Page with User-Defined Term
Perform one or more of the following procedures. When you are done, select Save.
- Select Add License Term. The Add License Term dialog box appears.
Add License Term Dialog Box
- Enter a term Name and a unique Code.
- Select the License Term Type. The options are:
- FREE-TEXT - Free text
- LicenseTermsPermittedProhibited - Permitted or prohibited options:
- Uninterpreted, Not Applicable, Silent, Prohibited, and Permitted,
- Permitted (Explicit), Permitted (Interpreted), Prohibited (Explicit), Prohibited (Interpreted), and Silent (Uninterpreted).
These terms conform to Digital Library Federation (DLF) standards. - LicenseTermsRenewalType - Renewal type options: Explicit and Automatic
- LicenseTermsUOM - Calendar selection: Week, Calendar Day, Month, and Business Day
- LicenseTermsYesNo - Yes or No options.
- Controlled Vocabulary - Create your options for the drop-down after creating this type
- NUMERIC - A numeric field
Note that free text is accepted for this field; an entered value is not validated to be numeric.
- Select the License Section in which the term will appear.
- Enter a sequence number in Order in Section to configure where, within the section, the term will appear.
- Select Display To Public to have the term appear in the View It tab.
Any terms you create also appear in the Discovery Interface Labels Custom code table. See Viewing User-Created License Terms that Appear in Primo.
- If you selected Controlled Vocabulary as the License Term Type, select Add value for each item that will appear in the corresponding drop-down in the License Term tab of the license. Continue to add values for as many options as needed.
- When you are done, select Add and Close. The term appears in the list of terms on the Manage License Terms page (but the list still has to be saved).
- In the Manage License Terms page, select Save. The list is saved, with the new term included in it.
To edit a license term:
Select a new option for the term in the License Section or Display to Public columns, or edit the value of the Order in Section column.
To delete a term you added:
Select Delete in the row actions list. You cannot delete the out-of-the-box terms.
List of License Terms
The following table lists the license terms and their descriptions:
License Term | Description | Code |
Accessibility Compliance Indicator | An agreement that the data is provided in a form compliant with relevant accessibility (disabilities) legislation. | ACCESSIBILITY |
All Rights Reserved | A clause stating that all intellectual property rights not explicitly granted to the licensee are retained by the licensor. | ALLRIGHTS |
Applicable Copyright Law | A clause that specifies the national copyright law agreed to in the contract. | APPCLAW |
Archiving Format | The format of the archival content. | ARCHIVEFMT |
Archiving Note | Additional information related to archiving rights, product, and format. | ARCHIVEN |
Archiving Right | The right to permanently retain an electronic copy of the licensed materials. | ARCHIVE |
Authorized User Definition | The group of users allowed to use the Electronic Product, as defined in the contract. | AUTHUSERDEF |
Citation Requirement Detail | A specification of the required or recommended form of citation. | CITREQD |
Clickwrap Modification Clause Indicator | A clause indicating that the negotiated agreement supersedes any click-through, click-wrap, other user agreement, or terms of use residing on the provider's server that might otherwise function as a contract of adhesion. | CLICKWRAPI |
Completeness of Content Clause Indicator | The presence of a provision in the contract stating that the licensed electronic materials shall include all content found in the print equivalent. | COMPLETENESSI |
Concurrency with Print Version Clause Indicator | The presence of a provision in the contract which states that the licensed materials will be available before, or no later than the print equivalent, and/or will be kept current. | CONCURPRINTI |
Concurrent User |
Concurrent User Note |
Confidentiality of Agreement | The presence or absence of clauses that specify or detail restrictions on the sharing of the terms of the license agreement. | CONFA |
Confidentiality of Agreement Note | Specific details about what aspects of the license are private. | CONFAN |
Confidentiality of User Information Indicator | The requirement that user data should not be shared with third parties, reused, or resold without permission. | CONFUSERI |
Consortial Agreement Indicator | Whether an acquisition falls under a multiparty agreement that uses the same license for all parties. | CONSORTIALAGREEMENT |
Content Warranty | A clause that guarantees a remedy to the licensee if the quantity or quality of material contained within the resource is materially diminished. | CONTWARR |
Course Pack Electronic | The right to use licensed materials in collections or compilations of materials assembled in an electronic format by faculty members for use by students in a class for purposes of instruction. | COURSEPACKELEC |
Course Pack Note | Information which qualifies a permissions statement on Course Packs. | COURSEPACKN |
Course Pack Print | The right to use licensed materials in collections or compilations of materials assembled in a print format by faculty members for use by students in a class for purposes of instruction. | COURSEPACKPRINT |
Course Reserve Electronic Copy | The right to make electronic copies of the licensed materials and store them on a secure network. | COURSERES |
Course Reserve Note | Information which qualifies a permissions statement on Course Reserves. | COURSERESNOTE |
Course Reserve Print | The right to make print copies of the licensed materials and place them in a controlled circulation area of the library as reserved reading materials for specific courses. | COURSERESPRINT |
Cure Period for Breach | The cure period for an alleged material breach. | CUREBREACH |
Cure Period for Breach Unit of Measure | The time interval that measures the Cure Period for Breach. | CUREBREACHUOM |
Database Protection Override Clause | A clause that provides fair use protections within the context of assertions of database protection or additional proprietary rights related to database content not currently covered by U.S. copyright law. | DATAPROTOVERC |
Digital Copy | The right of the licensee and authorized users to download and digitally copy a reasonable portion of the licensed materials. | DIGCOPY |
Digital Copy Note | Information which qualifies a permissions statement on Digital Copy. | DIGCOPYN |
Distance Education | The right to use licensed materials in distance education. | DISTANCE |
Distance Education Note | Information which qualifies a permissions statement on distance education. | DISTANCEN |
Electronic Link | The right to link to the licensed material. | ELECLINK |
Electronic Link Term Note | Information which qualifies a permissions statement on Electronic Links. | ELECLINKNOTE |
Embargo Period | The amount of time by which content is intentionally delayed. | EMBARGOPERIOD |
Fair Use Clause | A clause that affirms statutory fair use rights under U.S. copyright law (17 USC Section107), or that the agreement does not restrict or abrogate the rights of the licensee or its user community under copyright law. | FAIRUSE |
Governing Jurisdiction | The venue or jurisdiction to be used in the event of an alleged breach of the agreement. | GOVJUR |
Governing Law | A clause specifying the governing law to be used in the event of an alleged breach of the agreement. | GOVLAW |
Indemnification by Licensee Clause | A clause by which the licensee agrees to indemnify the licensor against a legal claim, usually for a breach of agreement by the licensee. | INDEMLEEC |
Indemnification by Licensor Clause | A clause by which the licensor agrees to indemnify the licensee against a legal claim. | INDEMLORC |
Indemnification Note | Additional information providing amplification of any nuances to the indemnification clauses. | INDEMN |
Intellectual Property Warranty Indicator | A clause in which the licensor warrants that making the licensed materials available does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third parties. | IPWARRI |
Interlibrary Loan Electronic | The right to provide the licensed materials by interlibrary loan by way of electronic copies. | ILLELEC |
Interlibrary Loan Note | Additional information related to interlibrary loan. | ILLN |
Interlibrary Loan Print Or Fax | The right to provide the licensed materials by interlibrary loan by way of print copies or facsimile transmission. | ILLPRINTFAX |
Interlibrary Loan Record Keeping Required Indicator | The requirement to keep records of interlibrary loan activity and provide reports to the licensor at periodic intervals or upon request. | ILLRKRI |
Interlibrary Loan Secure Electronic Transmission | The right to provide the licensed materials by interlibrary loan by way of secure electronic transmission. | ILLSET |
License End Date Tickler | This field is not currently functional. | LICENSEENDDATETICKLER |
License Replaced By | The license agreement that succeeds a superseded agreement. | LICENSEREPLACEDBY |
License Replaces | The license agreement which preceded the current agreement. | LICENSEREPLACES |
License Reviewer Note | Comments recorded by the license reviewer regarding the license. | LICENSEREVIEWERNOTE |
Licensee Notice Period for Termination | The amount of advance notice required prior to contract termination by the Licensee. | LORNOTICE |
Licensee Notice Period for Termination Unit of Measure | The time interval in which the Licensee Notice Period for Termination by the library is measured. | LORNOTICEUOM |
Licensee Termination Condition | The conditions that would allow a licensee to terminate acquisition during a contract period. | LORTERMCON |
Licensee Termination Right Indicator | The ability of the licensee to terminate an acquisition during a contract period. | LEETERMRIGHT |
Licensor Notice Period for Termination | The amount of advance notice required prior to contract termination by the licensor. | LEENOTICE |
Licensor Notice Period for Termination Unit of Measure | The time interval in which the Licensor Notice Period for Termination is measured. | LEENOTICEUOM |
Licensor Termination Condition | The conditions that would allow a Licensor to terminate an acquisition during a contract period. | LORTERMCON |
Licensor Termination Right Indicator | The ability of a Licensor to terminate an acquisition during a contract period. | LORTERMRIGHT |
Local Authorized User Definition Indicator | The inclusion of an institution-specific preferred authorized user definition. | LAUTHUSERDEF |
Maintenance Window | The recurring period of time reserved by the product provider for technical maintenance activities, during which online access may be unavailable. | MAINTWIN |
Non-Renewal Notice Period | The amount of advance notice required prior to license renewal if the licensee does not wish to renew the subscription. | NONRNOTICE |
Non-Renewal Notice Period Unit of Measure | The time interval in which the Non-Renewal Notice Period is measured | NONRNOTICEUOM |
Other Use Restriction Note | Additional information about other use restrictions not adequately described elsewhere. | OTHERUSERRSTRN |
Other User Restriction Note | Additional information about other user restrictions not adequately described elsewhere. | OTHERUSERSTRN |
Performance Warranty Indicator | Indicates whether a clause that requires a satisfactory level of online availability and/or response time is present. | PERFWARRIND |
Performance Warranty Uptime Guarantee | The specific percentage of up-time guaranteed for the product being licensed, and the context for that percentage. | PERFWARRUPTIME |
Perpetual Access Holdings | The dates of coverage for which perpetual rights are available and agreed upon in the legal contract. | PERPETUALH |
Perpetual Access Note | Additional information related to perpetual access. | PERPETUALN |
Perpetual Access Right | The right to permanently access the licensed materials paid for during the period of the license agreement. | PERPETUAL |
Pooled Concurrent Users | The number of concurrent users if shared across a consortium rather than within a specific institution. | PCONCURUSER |
Print Copy | The right of the licensee and authorized users to print a portion of the licensed materials. | PRINTCOPY |
Print Copy Note | Information which qualifies a permissions statement on Print Copy. | PRINTCOPYN |
Remote Access | The right of an authorized user to gain access to an Electronic Product from an off-site location. | REMOTE |
Renewal Type | The process by which the license is renewed by the licensee: automatically or by explicit request. | RENEWTYPE |
Scholarly Sharing | The right of authorized users and/or the licensee to transmit hard copy or an electronic copy of a portion of the licensed materials to a third party for personal, scholarly, educational, scientific or professional use. | SCHOLSHARE |
Scholarly Sharing Note | Information which qualifies a permissions statement on Scholarly Sharing. | SCHOLSHAREN |
Termination Requirement | The obligation to take certain actions upon termination of the contract. | TERMREQS |
Termination Requirements Note | A clarification of the termination requirements and what certification of the requirement activities is necessary. | TERMREQSN |
Termination Right Note | Additional information necessary to amplify any specifications of termination rights. | TERMRIGHTN |
UCITA Override Clause Indicator | A clause that reflects the licensor's agreement to use U.S. state contract law in the event UCITA is ever passed and implemented in the specified governing law state. | UCITAOVERI |
Usage Data Set Up Status | The status of the library’s arrangement to receive usage data for the product. | USAGEDATASETUPSTATUS |
Walk-In User Term Note | Information which qualifies the status or permitted actions of Walk-In Users. | WALKIN |