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    Recalculating Citation Copyrights in Bulk


    For links to all the main fulfillment documentation pages see Fulfillment.

    To run the Bulk Citation Copyrights Recalculate job, you must have one of the following roles:
    • Fulfillment Administrator
    • Circulation Desk Manager
    • General System Administrator
    The Bulk Citation Copyrights Recalculate job allows you to recalculate the copyright rules in bulk for each citation in a set. To do so, select the Bulk Citation Copyright Recalculate job from Fulfillment > Advanced Tools. The job will not recalculate the following types of citations:
    • Citations that are not associated with a copyright.
    • Citations that have a copyright in the past (the copyright has ended).
    • Citations that have a license type of Bolk, CLA or CCC.