Managing Display and Local Fields
The Manage Display and Local Fields page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Manage Display and Local Fields) allows you to perform the following additional configurations:
Modify the normalization rules used to display information for the the out-of-the-box display fields. For more information, see Adding a Display Field.
Create local fields that you can use to display additional information on the Services page. For more information, see Adding a Local Field.
Adding a Local Field
The Define a Local Field page allows you to map additional information (such as notes) from the source records to a maximum of 50 local fields in Alma, where these fields can then be used to display additional information on the Services page for a record. The following mapping methods are provided to populate your local fields:
MARC21/UNIMARC Fields – This method limits you to the following fields and provides out-of-the-box mapping for all subfields:
MARC21: 009, 09X, 490, 5XX, 69X, and 9XX
UNIMARC: 300 - 308, 310 - 318, 320 - 328, 330 - 338, 340 - 348, 350 - 358, 360 - 368, 370 - 378, 380 - 388, 609, 619, 629, 639, 649, 659, 669, 679, 689, 69X, and 9XX
Normalization Rules – This method uses custom normalization rules to map any MARC21 and UNIMARC fields from the source records to local display fields.
Alma allows you to configure up to 50 local fields per format that you support in Alma.
On the Manage Display and Local Fields page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Manage Display and Local Fields), select Add local field from the Add field drop-down list to open the Define a Local Field page.
Specify the following fields:
Field to edit – Select the local field that you want to use.
Display label – Specify a display label for the information that you are mapping from the source records.
Select the Globe button if you want to create translations for the label in the Local Fields Labels code tables. For more information, see Configuring Display Labels.
Specify the following fields in the Local field details section:
Use Translations – When this option is selected, Alma will display the translations that are defined in the Local Field Translate code table for the local field's values. For more information, see Configuring Translations for Local Display Values. If no translation is provided, Alma will display the value provided by the source record.
Use full text links for indexing – Select this option if you want to index the externally-held full text file (which can be of type PDF, TXT, or HTML) to which this field links in the bibliographic record. During the indexing of the local fields, Alma will perform the following actions on each of the full text records:
Remove stop words based on the language.
Remove HTML tags.
Index up to 10,000 terms.
You can assign this capability to a single local field only.
If you prefer to use the MARC21/UNIMARC Fields mapping method, configure the MARC21 Fields and UNIMARC Fields sections, as needed. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
Select Add MARC21 Fields or Add UNIMARC Fields to open the appropriate dialog box for the source record's format.
Select a field from the drop-down list.
Add a MARC21 Field Dialog Box -
Select Add to save the assignment.
Repeat step 4 if you want to map multiple MARC21/UNIMARC fields to a single local field. Note that you cannot map more than 20 fields to a single local field.
Multiple MARC Fields Mapped to a Local Field
If you prefer to use the Normalization Rules mapping method, configure the MARC21 Normalization Rules and UNIMARC Normalization Rules sections.
Select Normalization Rules to Edit-
Depending on the source record's format (MARC21 or UNIMARC), edit the following normalization rule rows to display the normalization rules for the local field:
MARC21 normalization rule for display – This option allows you to map any MARC21 field to a local display field and overrides any mappings defined in the MARC21 Fields section.
Unimarc Normalization Rule for display – This option allows you to map any UNIMARC field to a local display field and overrides any mappings defined in the UNIMARC Fields section.
Example of MARC21 Normalization Rules for Local Display Field-
Alma provides a normalization template to assist in the creation of the field's normalization rule.
For each MARC21/UNIMARC field that you are mapping, you must specify a subfield.
Update the normalization rule as needed, and then select Save to save your changes to the local field's normalization rules. For more information, see Configuring Normalization Rules for Display and Local Fields.
On the Define a Local Field page, select Save to create the local field and to return to the Manage Display and Local Fields page.
Select Apply rules on the Manage Display and Local Fields page to enable your normalization rule changes.
To utilize a new local field, perform the following actions in the view:
Add a field to a Display line – See the instructions for the Brief Record Display tab in Configuring the Services Page.
Add a field to the Details section – See the instructions for the Full Record Display tab in Configuring the Services Page.
Adding a Display Field
For MARC21 and UNIMARC source formats only, the Define a Display Field page allows you to modify the normalization rules for the following out-of-the-box display fields: Contents, Contributor, Coverage, Creation Date, Description, Dissertation, Edition, Format, Frequency, Genre, Identifier, Includes, Is Part Of, Language, MESH subjects, Other title, Publisher, Related Work, Related titles, Rights, Series, Subject, Title, Uniform title, and Vernacular title.
On the Manage Display and Local Fields page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Manage Display Fields), select Add display field from the Add field drop-down list to open the Define a Display Field page.
Select one of the supported display fields from the Field to edit drop-down list.
In the MARC21 Normalization Rules section or UNIMARC Normalization Rules section, edit the appropriate normalization rule for the source format that you are configuring:
MARC21 normalization rule for display – This option allows you to map any MARC21 field to a local display field and overrides any mappings defined in the MARC21 Fields section.
Unimarc Normalization Rule for display – This option allows you to map any UNIMARC field to a local display field and overrides any mappings defined in the UNIMARC Fields section.
Out-of-the-Box Normalization Rule for Contributor Field -
Update the normalization rule as needed. For more information, see Configuring Normalization Rules for Display and Local Fields.
Select Save to save your changes and to return to the Define a Display Field page.
Select Back to return to the Manage Display and Local Fields page.
Select Apply rules on the Manage Display and Local Fields page to update your records.
Configuring Translations for Local Display Values
The Local Field Translate code table allows you to define translations for the local display field values. If the Use Translations option is selected for a local field and a translation is not defined in the table, the Services page will display the value supplied in the source record.
Edit the Local Field Translate code table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels). The first time that you modify the table, you will need to select Customize.
From the Filter drop-down list, select English. The English version will be used as the default for other languages if they are not defined.
Select Add Row to open the Add Row dialog box.
Enter the following fields:
Code – Enter the value that you are mapping from the source record's MARC subfield. For example, if you are mapping 907 $a 610medicineAndHealth from the source record, enter 610medicineAndHealth.
Description – Enter the English translation. For example: Medicine and Health.
Select Add Row to save your new mapping row and to return to the code table's list of rows.
From the Filter drop-down list, select the language to which you want to translate the value. For example, select Spanish.
In the Translation field, enter the specified language's translation. For example, enter Medicina y Salud.
Select Save to save your changes to the code table. The first time that you add a value, you will need to select Customize.
Local Field Translate Code Table