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    Out-of-the-Box Reports

    The following table describes the out-of-the-box reports that are available in Rapido Analytics (Analytics > Access Analytics > Catalog > Shared Folders > Alma > > Reports).
    In general, if a report is available in a dashboard, it should preferably be run through the dashboard.
    Out-of-the-Box Reports
    Report Description
    Acquisitions (based on Funds Expenditures SA)
    Detailed Expenditures Displays fund, title, and price information for items.
    Expenditure Per Acquisition Method Displays annual expenditures per acquisition method.
    Expenditure Per Acquisition Method – Annual Trend Displays a line chart of annual expenditures per acquisition method.
    Expenditure Per Acquisition Method - Top 10 Displays a bar chart of the top 10 expenditures per acquisition method.
    Expenditure Per Classifications Displays annual expenditure per classification.
    Expenditure Per Classifications - Top 10 Displays a bar chart of the top 10 annual expenditures per classification.
    Expenditure Per Fund Ledger Code Displays annual expenditures per fund ledger code.
    Expenditure Per Fund Ledger Code - Top 10 Displays a bar chart of the top 10 expenditures per fund ledger code.
    Expenditure Per Fund Ledger Transaction Type Displays encumbrance, expenditure, and remaining allocation per fund ledger type.
    Expenditure Per Metadata Type Displays annual expenditure per metadata type, format, and continuity.
    Expenditure Per Metadata Type - Annual Trend Displays a line chart of annual expenditure per metadata type.
    Expenditure Per Metadata Type - Pie Displays a pie chart of expenditure per metadata type.
    Expenditure Per Reporting Code Displays annual expenditure per reporting code.
    Expenditure Per Reporting Code - Top 10 Displays a bar chart of the top 10 expenditures per reporting code.
    Expenditure Per Reporting Code - Top 10 Pie Displays a pie chart of the top 10 expenditures per reporting code.
    Expenditure Per Transaction Item Type Current Year Displays a pie chart of the transaction item types for the current year.
    Expenditure Per Vendor Displays annual expenditures per vendor.
    Expenditure Per Vendor - Top 10 Displays a bar chart of the top 10 expenditures per vendor.
    Expenditure Per Year - Month Displays a bar chart of annual expenditures per month.
    Expenditures Per Material Type YTD Displays a pie chart of annual expenditures per material type.
    P and E Expenditure trends Displays expenditures for physical and electronic resources for the previous 10 years starting from the last closed fiscal year.
    P and E Expenditure trends - last 8 quarters Displays expenditures for physical and electronic resources for the previous 8 full quarters
    Funds Burn Down - Pivot Displays remaining allocation of funds per month.
    Funds Burn Down - Pivot--tmp Displays a chart and pivot table of the remaining allocation of funds per month.
    Funds Burn Down - Table Only Displays a table of the remaining allocation of funds per month.
    Funds Burn Down per Fund Ledger - YTD Displays remaining allocation of funds per fund ledger per month.
    Funds Overview for Fiscal Period Displays an overview of the funds for a fiscal period
    Legal Deposit Annual Receipt Displays all of the serial issues that were received in the institution for a given vendor in the last 12 months.
    Non-Serial Issues Claims Report (Items without material type issue and expected receiving date greater than seven days that have not been received) Displays items that are not issues whose expected receiving date is 7 or more days in the past and were not received
    PO Lines by Fiscal Year and Type Displays the PO lines according to fiscal year and type.
    POLs which have a renewal date in the next three months (next quarter) with bibliographic and POL information Displays the PO lines with whose renewal date is in the next 3 months together with bibliographic and PO line information
    Serial Issues Claims Report (Items with material type issue and expected receiving date greater than seven days that have not been received) Displays items that are issues whose expected receiving date is 7 or more days in the past and were not received
    Top 5 Vendors Spending YTD Displays a bar chart of the top 5 spending per vendor.
    Transactions by expenditure and encumbrance per month comparing current and previous fiscal years Compares the expenditures and encumbrances of the previous fiscal year to the current fiscal year.
    Analytics Objects
    Customized objects with at least one user Displays customized objects with at least one user
    Customized objects with no users Displays customized objects with no users
    Number of objects created per user Displays the number of objects created per user
    Objects breakdown by type Displays an object breakdown by type
    Objects created in the last year (last 365 days) Displays the objects created in the last year (last 365 days)
    Top 5 most popular scheduled reports Displays the top 5 most popular scheduled reports
    Top 5 most popular widgets Displays the top 5 most popular widgets
    Analytics Usage Tracking
    Analytics Avg Analysis Run Time Displays the average analytics run time
    Analytics Query Details Displays the analytics query details
    Analytics Top 20 reports - Last 30 Days Displays the analytics top 20 reports for the last 30 days
    Analytics Top 20 Subject Areas Displays the analytics top subject areas
    Analytics Top Users Displays the analytics top users
    Analytics Usage Overview Displays an overview of analytics usage
    Analytics Usage Tracking ETL Information Widget Displays the date the last time the ETL job ran
    Analytics User Activity Per Week Displays the analytics user activity per week
    Top 10 users running analytics reports in last 365 days Displays the top 10 users  running analytics reports in last 365 days
    API Usage
    API method by area in last 365 days Displays the API method by area in last 365 days
    API usage by application name Displays the API usage by application name
    API usage by application name in last 365 days   Displays the API usage by application name in last 365 days
    API usage by application name in last 365 days - top 10     Displays the top 10 API usage by application name in last 365 days
    API usage by area Displays the API usage by area
    API usage by area and method Displays the API usage by area and method
    API usage by area in last 365 days Displays the API usage by area in last 365 days
    API usage by key Displays the API usage by key
    API usage by URL Displays the API usage by URL
    Borrowing Requests - fulfilled non-fulfilled and total per institution Borrowing Requests - fulfilled non-fulfilled and total per institution
    Borrowing requests - multiple requests for same title Borrowing requests - multiple requests for same title
    Borrowing requests - per institution Borrowing requests - per institution
    Borrowing requests - per institution and partner combination Borrowing requests - per institution and partner combination
    Duplicate electronic collections in different member institutions linked to Community Zone Displays a list of electronic collections that were activated from the Community Zone from multiple member institutions. The electronic collections were not activated from the Network Zone using the Available For functionality and therefore cause many duplicate titles across the member institutions.
    Duplicate titles by 035a for network institution Displays a list of titles that exist in the Network Zone institution and are duplicate titles. The records are determined to be duplicates based on the 035 field subfield a.
    Duplicate titles by ISBN for NETWORK institution Displays duplicate titles by ISBN in a Network Zone institution and excludes titles linked to the Community Zone. This report is designed to be run in the Network Zone.
    Duplicate titles by ISSN for NETWORK institution Displays duplicate titles by ISSN in a Network Zone institution and excludes titles linked to the Community Zone. This report is designed to be run in the Network Zone.
    Duplicate titles by Title Author Combined and Normalized for NETWORK institution Displays duplicate titles by the field Title Author Combined and Normalized in a Network Zone institution and excludes titles linked to the Community Zone. This report is designed to be run in the Network Zone.
    Electronic Portfolios purchased by date LC Range and held by institutions Electronic Portfolios purchased by date LC Range and held by institutions
    Items created per institution Items created per institution
    Lending Requests - fulfilled non-fulfilled and total per institution Lending Requests - fulfilled non-fulfilled and total per institution
    Loans not renewed due to patron permission per institution Loans not renewed due to patron permission per institution
    Loans per institution Loans per institution
    Logins to Alma per institution in last 30 days The number of logins in the last 30 days
    Logins to Alma per institution in last 365 days The number of logins in the last 365 days
    Number of fully processed COUNTER files per institution in current calendar year The number if fully processed COUNTER files per institution in current calendar year
    Number of fully processed COUNTER files per institution in previous calendar year The number of fully processed COUNTER files per institution in previous calendar year
    Percent of overdue returns per institution Percent of overdue returns per institution
    Titles with inventory in only one institution based on field 035 subfield a with library and location Displays titles held by only one institution in the consortia. The analysis uses the field 035 subfield a as a basis for determining the uniqueness of the title. This report is designed to be run in the Network Zone.
    Cost Per Use
    Cost Per Use Journal Details Displays journal cost, usage, and cost per use per fiscal year.
    Cost Per Use Package Details Displays the package cost, usage, and cost per use per fiscal year.
    Least Expensive Journals Displays a bar chart of the 10 least expensive journals (based on cost per use).
    Least Expensive Packages Displays a bar chart of the 10 least expensive packages (based on cost per use).
    Most Expensive Journals Displays a bar chart of the 10 most expensive journals (based on cost per use).
    Most Expensive Packages Displays a bar chart of the 10 most expensive packages (based on cost per use).
    Package Cost Per Use - Annual Trend Displays a line chart of the year over year comparison of the monthly cost per use per package.
    Title Cost Per Use - Annual Trend Displays a line chart of the year over year comparison of the monthly cost per use per title.
    Course Reserves  
    Academic Dept Course Name and Reading List Name for current year  
    Active courses (end date later than today and start day earlier than today) A table of the active courses, the instructor, and the start and end dates
    Active courses (end date later than today and start day earlier than today) with prompt filter by reading list status A table of the active courses, the instructor, and the start and end dates according to the reading list status you select
    Active courses which will end within the the next three months A table of the active courses that will end within the next three months
    Citations created in the last 1 day  A table of the citations created in the last day
    Citations created in the last 30 days A table of the citations created in the last 30 days
    Copyright - CLA Reporting Template - UK A table that displays copyright information for institutions in the UK to report about copyright issues
    Copyright - Reporting Template - Australia A table that displays copyright information for institutions in Australia to report about copyright issues
    Items in a temporary location (for example Course Reserves) which need to return to permanent location (due back date has passed) A table displaying information about items that are in a temporary location that need to return to their permanent location
    List of active courses and citations with status prompted by Course Name and Reading List Citation status A table displaying active courses and citations according to course name and reading list citation status
    Number of reading lists in which each citation appears for active courses A table displaying the number of reading lists for which a citation appears for an active course
    Number of reading lists/course/participants in which each citation appears for active courses A table displaying the number of reading lists and participants in which a citation appears for active courses
    Reading list citations created in the last year with prompt by copyrights status A table displaying the reading list citations  created in the last year according to a selected copyright status
    Reading list citations which exist in multiple reading lists A table displaying reading list citations that exist in multiple reading lists
    Reading lists and additional information with prompt for reading list date range A table displaying reading list information according to a date range that you select
    Top ten courses with the most loans in the last year A table displaying the top ten courses with the most loans in the last year
    Digital Inventory
    Total Digital Space Usage  Displays a bar chart of your digital space used and remaining
    Available Electronic Resources Displays the available electronic resources.
    Electronic Inventory Count Displays a count of electronic items grouped by material type
    Newly Activated Collections Displays newly activated collections
    This report can be run only as part of a dashboard.
    Newly Activated Portfolios Displays newly activated portfolios
    Packages - Drill Down to Portfolio Displays a list of electronic packages from which you can drill down to the portfolios.
    Portfolio List Displays a list of portfolios.
    Portfolios with portfolio library unit different than electronic collection library unit Displays portfolios that have a different portfolio library unit than the electronic collection library unit
    Top 10 Classifications - Dewey Displays a bar chart with the ten Dewey classifications with the most portfolios.
    Top 10 Classifications - LC Displays a bar chart with the ten LC classifications with the most portfolios.
    System Events
    Alma User Logins in the Last Month Displays Alma user logins in the last month. Successful logins are also tracked for Primo VE customers in this report and can be identified as logins from users that have only patron roles (and no additional roles) in Alma.
    Alma User Logins in the Last Year Displays Alma user logins in the last year
    Cataloger Activity Displays a bar chart and table of records created, deleted, or modified per cataloger.
    Events of type Physical Item went into transit and transited in less than 24 hours for the last year Displays physical item events that went into transit and were transited n less than 24 hours in the last year
    FERPA Report Displays a chart describing user access information.
    Invoice Related Events  Displays a report describing events related to invoices.
    Z39 Searches Displays a report of Z39 searches. By default, the report runs on the past 7 days. 
    Count of Items Loaned - Top 10 Displays a bar chart with the 10 libraries with the most items loaned.
    Annual Count of Loans and Renewals Displays the total number of annual transactions, including loans, renewals, and in-house loans to all borrowers of all libraries according to patron group.
    Circulation Notes Displays a chart of items and their loan notes.
    Circulation Statistics by Item Policy Displays circulation statistics by title.
    Count of Items Loaned Displays the number of items loaned annually per library and location.
    Count of Items Loaned by Patron Group Displays the number of items loaned annually per library and patron group.
    Count of Items Loaned by Patron Group - Pie Displays a pie chart of items loaned per patron group for the selected library.
    Fines and Fees - Pivot Table A pivot table of fines and fees per library.
    Fulfillment Network - Loans by guest patrons per library Displays loans by guest patrons per library in a fulfillment network
    Fulfillment Network - Local items loaned at another institution Displays Local items loaned at another institution in a Fulfillment network
    Fulfillment Network - Requests by source  (AFN and Manual) and pickup location (Local and Remote) Displays requests by source  (AFN and Manual) and pickup location (Local and Remote) in a fulfillment network
    General Circulation Statistics Displays several circulation statistics per library.
    High ratio loans to number of items example 1 Displays high ratio loans to number of items
    High ratio loans to number of items example 2 Displays high ratio loans to number of items
    Item Circulation Statistics Displays circulation statistics per item.
    Loan Counts by Title Displays the number of loans per title.
    Loans - Items Ratio Per Classification Displays the ratio of loans per item per classification.
    Loans - Items Ratio Per Location Displays the ratio of loans per item per library and location.
    Number of Loans Per Month in the Last 12 Months Displays a bar chart of the number of loans per month in the last 12 months.
    Open Cash Transactions for Patron Status Displays the amount owed per transaction type.
    Recalled Items Displays recalled item information.
    User Cash Transactions Displays a list of patrons and their fine/fee status.
    Detailed Item Count by Library and Location Displays the number of items per library and location.
    Holdings records with no active items Holdings records with no active items
    Item Count by Library and Location The number of items per library and location.
    Item Count by Material Type Displays the number of items per material type.
    Item Count by Material Type - All Displays the number of items per material type.
    Item Count vs Time Loaned Displays a bar chart of the number of items loaned per number of times loaned.
    Item Withdrawals Displays the number of items withdrawn per lifecycle, base status, and process type.
    Items Added Displays the number of items added per material type.
    Items by Process Type Displays a list of title information and process type.
    Missing Items - including number of copies per title Displays items missing from the library.
    Physical Inventory Count Displays a count of physical items grouped by material type
    Purchase Requests
    Purchase Requests – Assigned and Not Updated within the Last 30 Days Details A List of Purchase Requests that have a Modification Date greater than 30 days ago, that are assigned, but are not finalized.
    Purchase Requests – Monthly Trend by Format and Type in the Previous Complete 12 Months Two Line Charts (Physical and Electronic) showing number of requests over time, grouped by format. Dates are based on Creation Date
    Purchase Requests – Monthly Trend by Status in the Previous Complete 12 Months A line chart of finalized requests over time (Modification Date), grouped by status.
    Purchase Requests – Monthly Trend of Requests and Costs in the Previous Complete 12 Months A combination chart of finalized requests showing the number of requests (bar) and total price (line - based on Net Price from PO Line) grouped over time (Modification Date.)
    Purchase Requests – PO Reference Numbers from a Request in the Last 30 Days A List of PO Line References, PO Line Creation Date, and Titles that were created from Purchase Requests from requests created in the last 30 days.
    Purchase Requests – PO Line IDs from a Request in the Last 365 Days A List of PO Line References, PO Line Creation Date, and Titles that were created from Purchase Requests from requests created in the last 365 days.
    Purchase Requests – Quarterly Trend of Requests and Costs in the Previous Complete 8 quarters A combination chart and list of finalized requests, showing number of requests (bar) and total price (line - based on Net Price of PO Line) over time, grouped by quarter (Modification Date).
    Purchase Requests – Request Handling Time from creation to rejected or approved in the Previous Complete 12 Months Statistics showing number of requests, average, minimum and maximum handling time (in days) of requests. Handling time is time from the creation of the request until its status is finalized (using the creation and modification dates.)
    Purchase Requests – Request Handling Time from creation to rejected or approved in the Previous Complete 12 Months Details Statistics showing number of requests, average, minimum and maximum handling time (in days) of requests. Handling time is time from the creation of the request until its status is finalized (using the creation and modification dates.) This information is grouped by the user 'Modified By Primary Identifier' – the last user to modify the request (presumably the user who handled the request).
    Purchase Requests – Requests Created in the Last 365 Days by User Group A bar chart of number of requests grouped by the Creator's User Group
    Purchase Requests – Requests Created in the Last 30 Days by Status A pie chart and list of number of requests in the last 30 days, grouped by status
    Purchase Requests – Requests Created in the Last 365 Days by Creator User Record Type A pie chart and list of number of requests in the last 365 days grouped by the request creator's User Record Type
    Purchase Requests – Request Created in the Last 365 Days by Format A pie chart and list of the number of requests created in the last 365 days grouped by format
    Purchase Requests – Requests Created in the Last 365 Days by Library A bar chart of number of requests created in the last 365 days grouped by library
    Purchase Requests – Request Created in the Last 365 Days by Source Type A bar chart of number of requests created in the last 365 days grouped by creation source type
    Purchase Requests – Requests Created in the Last 365 Days by Status A pie chart and list of number of requests in the last 365 days, grouped by status
    Purchase Requests – Requests Created in the Last 365 Days by Vendor A bar chart of number of requests in the last 365 days grouped by vendor
    Purchase Requests – Summary of Requests Unassigned or Not Updated that are Older Than 30 Days A bar chart of number of requests not finalized and not updated within the last 30 days, grouped by assignee (Assigned To Primary Identifier.)
    Purchase Requests – Top 10 Requested LC Groups Requests Created in the Last 30 Days A bar chart and list of the top 10 LC Groups by number of requests created in the last 30 days
    Purchase Requests – Top 10 Requested LC Group Requests Created in the Last 365 Days A bar chart and list of the top 10 LC Groups by number of requests created in the last 365 days
    Purchase Requests – Unassigned and Older than 30 Days Details A list of details of requests that are not finalized and are unassigned whose creation date is more than 30 days ago.
    Resource Sharing
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests Average time to material arrival The average time material arrived for a resource sharing borrowing request
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests Average time to material arrival per partner The average time material arrived per partner for a resource sharing borrowing request
    Borrowing Requests Copyrights CONTU Borrowing requests in relation to their copyright status
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests List The list of resource sharing borrowing requests
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests Per Borrowing Request Status Graph A graph of resource sharing borrowing requests per borrowing request status
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests Per Partner Graph A graph of resource sharing borrowing requests per partner 
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests Per Requested Format A bar chart of resource sharing borrowing requests per requested format
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests Per Requested Format Pie A pie chart of resource sharing borrowing requests per requested format
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests Per Requester User Group Graph A graph of resource sharing borrowing requests per requester user group
    Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests YoY Resource sharing borrowing requests year over year
    Resource Sharing Lending Requests List The list of resource sharing lending requests
    Resource Sharing Lending Requests List Per Lending Request Status Graph A graph of resource sharing lending requests per lending request status
    Resource Sharing Lending Requests List Per Partner Graph A graph of resource sharing lending requests per partner 
    Resource Sharing Lending Requests List Per Shipped Format Pie A pie graph of resource sharing lending requests per shipped format
    Resource Sharing Lending Requests YoY Resource sharing lending requests year over year
    Bibliographic records with holdings record and no items Bibliographic records that have holdings records but no item records
    Bibliographic records with no inventory of any type Bibliographic records that do not have any inventory
    Inventory Breakdown A breakdown of the inventory
    Overlap E and D The overlap between electronic and digital titles
    Overlap P and D The overlap between physical and digital titles
    Overlap P and E The overlap between physical and electronic titles
    Overlap P and E and D The overlap between physical, electronic, and digital titles
    Overlap P and P The overlap between duplicate titles, each of which have a bibliographic record with associated physical items. You select from a prompt to have the overlap determined by the normalized title or by a combination of the normalized title and the author key.
    Only P Displays only physical inventory.
    Only E Displays only electronic inventory
    Overlap Any Inventory Overlap of any type of inventory
    Deleted Records Report Displays a report of deleted records
    Titles with physical inventory received in the last month Displays a report of titles with physical inventory received in the last month
    Titles with electronic inventory activated in the last month Displays a report of titles with electronic inventory activated in the last month
    Database Usage - Annual Trends Displays the annual database usage per month.
    Database Usage - Titles Displays a table of the annual database usage per title.
    Databases - Most Frequently Used Databases Displays the most frequently used databases.
    Journal Platforms - Most Number of Journals Displays a bar chart of the journal platforms with the greatest number of journals.
    Journal Platforms - Most Requests Displays a bar chart of the journal platforms with the most successful requests.
    Journal Publishers - Most Requests Displays a bar chart of the journal publishers with the most successful requests.
    Journal Subscribers - Most Requests Displays a bar chart of the journal subscribers with the most successful requests.
    Journal Usage - Annual Trends Displays the annual journal usage per month.
    Journal Usage - Titles Displays a table of the annual journal usage per title.
    Most Frequently Used Databases Displays a bar chart of the most frequently used databases.
    Most Frequently Used Journals Displays a bar chart of the most frequently used journals.
    Platforms - All Displays a table of data for all platforms.
    Publisher - Average Usage Displays a bar chart of the journals with greater average usage.
    Publishers - All Displays a table of data for all publishers.
    Subscribers - All Displays a table of data for all subscribers.
    Titles Displays a table of data for titles.
    Usage by Title - Graph Displays a line chart of monthly usage by title.
    Book Reports - Annual Trends Displays the annual book reports per month.
    Most Frequently Used Book Reports Displays a bar chart of the most frequently used book reports.
    Book Report Usage - Titles Displays a table of the annual book report usage per title.
    Book Report Sections - Annual Trends Displays the annual book report sections per month.
    Most Frequently Used Book Report Sections Displays a bar chart of the most frequently used book report sections.
    Book Report Sections Usage - Titles Displays a table of the annual book report sections usage per title.
    Usage via Alma Link Resolver
    Alma Link Resolver Usage Requests for the last complete 24 months Displays the Alma link resolver usage requests for the last complete 24 months
    Alma Link Resolver Usage Requests from Primo and not Primo for the last complete 24 months Displays the Alma link resolver usage requests from Primo and not Primo for the last complete 24 months
    Usage via COUNTER Reports
    Top ten title accesses via OpenURL requests in the previous year Displays which titles are being most searched for via the Alma link resolver to know what areas should be stressed in collection development.
    Top ten Title accesses via OpenURL requests without services in the previous year Displays which titles are being most searched for via the Alma link resolver, but do not have services. This may indicate areas where collection development should be increased so that end users will have less results with no services.
    This will typically not happen when coming from Primo because the search was already made on a record with inventory holdings, but it may happen when coming from an external native interface or database such as PubMed.
    Top ten LC Subject categories accesses via OpenURL in the previous year Displays which subjects are being most searched for via the Alma link resolver to know what areas should be stressed in collection development.
    Bibliographic records with subjects are matched from the Open URL via ISBN, ISSN, DOI or IE ID to the local repository.
    Top ten LC Subject categories accesses via OpenURL in the previous year Displays which subjects are being most searched for via the Alma link resolver to know what areas should be stressed in collection development.
    Bibliographic records with subjects are matched from the Open URL via ISBN, ISSN, DOI or IE ID to the local repository.
    Top ten article title accesses via OpenURL in the previous year Displays which article titles are being most searched for via the Alma link resolver to know what areas should be stressed in collection development.
    Top ten article title accesses via OpenURL requests without services in the previous year Displays which article titles are being most searched for via the Alma link resolver but do not have services. This may indicate areas where collection development should be increased so that end users will have less results with no services.
    Resolver Statistics by Source Displays resolver statistics according to source.
    Top Ten Requests Displays the top ten rested items
    Requests by Source Displays requests according to source.
    Resolver Statistics by Journal Displays resolver statistics according to journal.
    Top Ten journals by requests Displays the top ten journal requests.
    COUNTER report loading analysis for the last complete 24 months Displays a COUNTER report loading analysis for the last complete 24 months
    Usage via COUNTER Reports - Release 5
    COUNTER report loading analysis for the last complete 24 months Displays an analysis of COUNTER report loading for the last 24 months
    File Details Displays file details
    Monthly Usage Data Displays for each platform what data was and was not loaded for each month.
    Most Used Platforms Displays the most used platforms.
    Most Used Publishers Displays the most used publishers
    Most Used Titles Displays the most used titles
    Trends By Month Displays the trends by month
    Usage Amounts for All Material Types for Three Calendar Years Ago Until Current Date Displays the usage amounts for all material types for three calendar years ago until the current date.
    Users with More than One Barcode Displays a table of users that have more than one barcode
    Users who have a social login ID Displays the users that have a login ID to Alma through a social media site, such as Twitter or Facebook.
    YoY (Year over Year)
    API executions YoY Displays changes to executions by APIs – year over year
    COUNTER usage Books R4 YoY Displays changes to book usage according to R4 counter reports – year over year
    COUNTER usage Books R5 YoY Displays changes to book usage according to R5 counter reports – year over year
    COUNTER usage Journals R4 YoY Displays changes to journal usage according to R4 counter reports – year over year
    COUNTER usage Journals R5 YoY Displays changes to journal usage according to R5 counter reports – year over year
    Expenditure for Electronic Format Displays changes to expenditures for electronic format – year over year
    Expenditure for Physical Format Displays changes to expenditures for physical format – year over year
    Leganto Student Usage Events YoY Displays changes to student usage events – year over year
    Loans YoY Displays changes to loans – year over year
    Patron Physical Item Requests YoY Displays changes to physical item requests – year over year
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