Configurations (Limited)
You can use the fields of the Configurations (Limited) subject area to create reports that describe the configurations implemented in Alma for your institution. Currently, this subject area can be used to create reports concerning Fulfillment Policies and Terms of Use configurations. These fields are found in Alma in several configuration pages under Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment.
This subject area can be used to answer the following business questions:
- What are the configurations and terms of use for the policies in the system?
- How many policies and terms of use are there? What are the break down and the differences and similarities between libraries in the institution regarding policies and terms of use?
- (For consortia) What are the break down and differences and similarities between institutions in the network regarding policies and terms of use?
Field Descriptions

Configuration Measures
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Number of Configuration Rules | The number of rules configured. | Includes only terms of use and fulfillment policy rules |
Number of Configuration Rule Parameters | The number of rule parameters. | Includes only terms of use and fulfillment policy rules |
Number of Fulfillment Policies | The number of fulfillment policies. | |
Number of Terms of Use | The number of terms of use. |
Rule Details
Field | Description | Field Location in Alma | Additional Information | Data Type | Data Size |
Is Active | Indicates if the fulfillment unit rule is active. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. The label in Alma is Enabled. |
3 |
Is Default | Indicates if the fulfillment unit rule is the default. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. |
3 |
Operator ID | The ID number of the operator. |
Operator Name | The name of the operator of the fulfillment unit rule parameter. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. The label in Alma is Operator. |
255 |
Rule Create Date | The date the fulfillment unit rule was created. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. The label in Alma is Created On. |
Rule Creator | The user who created the fulfillment unit rule. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. The label in Alma is Created By. |
255 |
Rule ID | The ID number of the fulfillment unit rule. |
Rule Modification Date | The date the fulfillment unit rule was modified. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. The label in Alma is Update Date. |
Rule Modified By | The user who modified the fulfillment unit rule. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. The label in Alma is Updated By. |
255 |
Rule Name | The name of the fulfillment unit rule. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab |
50 |
Rule Param Value | The value of the parameter of the fulfillment unit rule. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab > Edit Input Parameter. The label in Alma is Value. |
4000 |
Rule Parameter Create Date | The date that the parameter of the fulfillment unit rule was created. |
Rule Parameter Creator | The user who created the parameter of the fulfillment unit rule. |
255 |
Rule Parameter ID | The ID of the parameter of the fulfillment unit rule. |
Rule Parameter Key | The parameter code. |
200 |
Rule Parameter Modification Date | The date that the parameter of the fulfillment unit rule was modified. |
Rule Parameter Modified By | The user who modified the parameter of the fulfillment unit rule. |
255 |
Rule Parameter Name | The name of the fulfillment unit rule parameter. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab > Edit Input Parameter. The label in Alma is Name. |
255 |
Rule Parameter Type | Indicates if the fulfillment unit rule parameter is an output or input parameter. | Possible values: OUT and IN. |
255 |
Rule Type | The type of rule. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit Fulfillment Unit > Fulfillment Unit Rules tab
Configuration > User Management > Roles and Registration > User Registration Rules > Add/Edit Fulfillment Unit Rules |
Possible values:
255 |
Library Unit
Terms of Use
Field | Description | Field Location in Alma | Additional Information | Data Type | Data Size |
TOU Create Date | The date the terms of use was created. |
TOU Creator | The user who created the terms of use. |
255 |
TOU Definition Level | The level on which the terms of use is defined. | Possible values: Institution and Library. |
25 |
TOU Description | The description of the terms of use. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies |
255 |
TOU ID | The ID number od the terms of use. |
TOU Modification Date | The date the terms of use was modified. |
TOU Modified By | The user who modified the terms of use. |
255 |
TOU Name | The name of the terms of use. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies |
255 |
TOU Originating ID | The ID number of the original terms of use in the Network Zone if it was distributed from the Network Zone. |
TOU Type | The type of the terms of use. | Possible values:
255 |
Fulfillment Policy
Field | Description | Field Location in Alma | Additional Information | Data Type | Data Size |
Policy Active | Indicates if the policy is active. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies > select a terms of use > edit a policy. Label in Alma is Value: True or False |
3 |
Policy Additional Data | Data in any additional fields that the policy has. |
255 |
Policy Constant | For some policies, this displays the value of the policy. |
50 |
Policy Create Date | The date the policy was created. |
Policy Creator | The user who created the policy. |
255 |
Policy Definition Level | The level on which the terms of use is defined. | Possible values: Institution and Library. |
25 |
Policy Description | The description of the policy. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies > select a terms of use > edit a policy. |
255 |
Policy ID | The ID number of the policy. |
Policy Is Default Value | Indicates if the policy is marked as the default. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Advanced Policy Configuration | Possible values; True and False. |
3 |
Policy Modification Date | The date the policy was modified. |
Policy Modified By | The user who modified the policy. |
255 |
Policy Name | The name of the policy. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Advanced Policy Configuration |
255 |
Policy Originating ID | The ID number of the original policy in the Network Zone if it was distributed from the Network Zone. |
Policy Type | The type of the policy. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Advanced Policy Configuration |
25 |
Policy Unit of Measurement | The unit of measurement of the policy. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Advanced Policy Configuration | Possible values are:
255 |
Policy Value | The value of the policy. | Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Advanced Policy Configuration |
255 |
Policy Creation Date
The Policy Creation Date table is a dimension table that contains fields describing the date the fulfillment policy was created in different formats. Key fields are used whenever calculations are required. Description fields may be used for formatting the display of the report.There are two type of date fields:
- Calendar Fields – These are date fields as they display in the calendar.
- Fiscal Date Fields – These are date fields that match the institution's fiscal period.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Policy Creation Date | The policy creation date in the date format 2/29/2012. | |
Policy Creation Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week. | |
Policy Creation Week Number | The number of the week of the year. | |
Policy Creation Month Key | The month of the date in number format such as 2 for February. | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Policy Creation Month | The month of the date in month description format such as February. | |
Policy Creation Full Month | The month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12. | |
Policy Creation Quarter | The quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1. | |
Policy Creation Year | The year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Policy Creation Fiscal Month Key | The fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February. | |
Policy Creation Fiscal Year | The fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Policy Creation Date Filter (under construction) | Used to filter the policy creation date.
The functionality of this field may change in the future, so this field should not be used for saved reports.
Policy Creation Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1. | |
Policy Creation Date | The Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific policy creation date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |
Policy Modification Date
The Policy Modification Date table is a dimension table that contains fields describing the date the fulfillment policy was modified in different formats.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Policy Modification Date | The policy modification date in the date format 2/29/2012. | |
Policy Modification Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week. | |
Policy Modification Week Number | The number of the week of the year. | |
Policy Modification Month Key | The month of the date in number format such as 2 for February. | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Policy Modification Month | The month of the date in month description format such as February. | |
Policy Modification Full Month | The month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12. | |
Policy Modification Quarter | The quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1. | |
Policy Modification Year | The year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Policy Modification Fiscal Month Key | The fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February. | |
Policy Modification Fiscal Year | The fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Policy Modification Date Filter (under construction) | Used to filter the policy modification date.
The functionality of this field may change in the future, so this field should not be used for saved reports.
Policy Modification Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1. | |
Policy Modification Date | The Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific policy modification date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |