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    Upload Electronic Holdings from Taylor & Francis

    You can update Taylor & Francis electronic holdings for books and journals by automatically retrieving the institution-specific holdings using an integration profile.
    Prior to running a Taylor & Francis integration profile job, you need to activate certain electronic collections. See Activating the Taylor & Francis Electronic Collections from the Alma Community Zone for more information.
    The Integration profile offers various scheduling options for the job to run (Daily, Weekly, and Monthly). Each vendor places their updated Electronic Holdings files at their own time. Whenever the job is run, it will try to fetch the updated files in case the vendor updates them. If not, Alma attempts to do so on the next job run.

    Activating the Taylor & Francis Electronic Collections from the Alma Community Zone

    The Community Zone provides the following Taylor & Francis electronic collections:
    • (Books) - Taylor & Francis eBooks Complete (Community Zone Electronic Collection ID = 611000000000000660)
    • (Journals) - Taylor & Francis Current Content Access  (Community Zone Collection ID = 611000000000002216)
    Search Alma to locate these electronic collections in the Community Zone and activate them prior to running the Taylor & Francis integration profile.
    Note that only the electronic collection and its service need to be activated (select the Activate this electronic collection service and Make service available Full Text Service options). There is no need to activate any portfolios (select the Manual activation - activate electronic collection and manually select portfolios Activation Type option). The activation of the portfolios is done by the upload electronic holdings integration process.
    • If the Taylor & Francis integration profile is being used, do not use auto-active = yes in the service level. If this field is set to yes, it will lead to incorrect portfolios being activated.

    Creating the Taylor & Francis Integration Profile

    To configure the Taylor & Francis integration profile for uploading electronic holdings:
    1. Click here to obtain a Book institution token from Taylor & Francis. Click here to obtain a Journals institution token from Taylor & Francis.
      The book institution token and the journal institution token are two separate tokens and should be generated separately.
    2. Confirm that the Taylor & Francis electronic collections for which you are updating holdings are active collections in Alma. See Activating the Taylor & Francis Electronic Collections from the Alma Community Zone for more information.
      On the Integration Profile List page (Configuration Menu > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles) select Add Integration Profile to open the External System wizard for configuring an integration profile.
    3. For the Integration Type parameter, select Upload Electronic Holdings.
    4. For the Provider parameter, select Taylor & Francis.
    5. Add a description (optional) and select Next.
    6. Complete the Upload Electronic Holdings configuration section using the information in the table below.
      Upload Electronic Holdings Section
      Parameter Description


      Select Active to make this an active profile. The default setting is Inactive.

      Institution token id

      Enter the institution token ID that you obtained from Taylor & Francis.

      File format

      Select the KBART file format.


      Use this parameter to select one or more groups from the list of multi-campus options in the drop-down list. This parameter is optional, so you may also choose to leave it blank.

      The Group parameter appears when you have the multi_campus_inventory_management customer parameter set to true.

      With the multi_campus_inventory_management customer parameter set to true, you can have multiple Taylor & Francis integration profiles. When you have obtained multiple Taylor & Francis token IDs from Taylor & Francis, you may want to create multiple integration profiles using that identification information.

      Note that when you have more than one active Taylor & Francis integration profile with one or more multi-campus selections made for the Group parameter, any additional active Taylor & Francis integration profiles must have one or more multi-campus selections made. In this situation, the Group parameter may no longer be left blank.

      When the Taylor & Francis integration profile job is run and multi-campus group information is configured, the multi-campus group information appears in the job report.


      Select the scheduling option that you prefer to have the integration profile job run automatically.
      When you have the multi_campus_inventory_management customer parameter set to true, and multiple Taylor & Francis integration profiles, the first scheduling option that you select and save applies to all the subsequent, active Taylor & Francis integration profiles that you create. Note that when the scheduled job begins to run, all of the Taylor & Francis integration profiles that are set to Active are handled together by the job run. Any Taylor & Francis integration profiles set to Inactive are not handled as part of the scheduled job run.
    7. Save the profile using one of the following options:
      • Select Save. The integration profile is scheduled and appears in the list of scheduled jobs (see Viewing All Scheduled Jobs).
      • Select Save and Run Now. This saves your profile settings and immediately queues the upload to run. The Save button also appears on the Actions tab when you edit the profile. Note that when you edit your saved profile, the button appears as Run Now, and you can select to manually run the upload job.
      When you press Save in a specific Taylor & Francis integration profile, all of the Taylor & Francis integration profiles that are set to Active are run as part of the job request. Any Taylor & Francis integration profiles set to Inactive are not run as part of selecting Save. Selecting Save from an Inactive integration profile does not run the job for that integration profile or any other Taylor & Francis integration profiles set to Inactive, but will run only for the Active profiles.
      This behavior of Save is different from other integration profiles where selecting Save and Run Now runs the job request for integration profiles set to Inactive. This is a known issue. In order to have a Taylor & Francis integration profile run, it needs to be set to Active.
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