ProQuest Ebook Central Upload Electronic Holdings Transition
There are some changes in functionality and transitional implications that are implemented in Alma in order to work with the new integration:
Functionality Changes:
- Frequency – Alma processes uploads on a daily, incremental basis (vs. the previous weekly updates) which is faster and keeps your electronic collection as up-to-date as possible.
- Subscription Titles – In addition to the activation of ProQuest Ebook Central Owned and DDA titles, the integration supports the activation of subscription titles. Contact ProQuest Support to enable the addition of subscription titles.
Purchase Model Indication – Each portfolio includes an indication of the ProQuest Ebook Central purchase model – Owned, DDA, and Subscription (including the subscription electronic collection names). Therefore, Alma no longer:
- Creates a technical PO line for owned titles
- Associates a PDA profile to DDA titles
Electronic Portfolio Editor Acquisition Tab – ProQuest Ebook Central Purchase ModelThe method of purchase that pertains to a particular electronic portfolio acquired through ProQuest Ebook Central is identified on the Aquisitions tab in the Portfolio Editor. See ProQuest Ebook Central Purchase Model in the Editing a Portfolio Using the Electronic Portfolio Editor section of the Managing Electronic Resources page.Transitional Implications - Technical PO lines are removed for all the activated ProQuest Ebook Central portfolios unless they were updated since their creation time (either manually or by a job).
- Main PO lines that were created manually for Ebook Central portfolios will not be removed.
- The PDA profile is removed.
- The existing Upload Electronic Holdings integration profile is updated.
- If a scheduling option was previously selected, the updated integration profile has the Daily option selected for scheduling.
- The PO line information is removed.
- The PDA information is removed.
- The profile status (Active / Inactive) is maintained.
See Upload Electronic Holdings from ProQuest Ebook Central for Subscriptions/Owned/DDA for more information.