UNIMARC Search Indexes
The tables in the following sections identify the mapping of UNIMARC tags to search indexes:
- UNIMARC Bibliographic All Titles Search
- UNIMARC Authority Search Index Mapping
- UNIMARC Keyword Search Indexes
To access the search index information for the other metadata standards, see Search Indexes.
UNIMARC Bibliographic All Titles Search
Tags | Search Index |
LDR/06 | Bibliographic format |
LDR/06 | Material Type |
LDR/07 | Bibliographic level |
001 | MMS ID |
009 | Local Control Field 009 |
010 a,z | ISBN |
010 a,z | Standard number |
011 a,f,g,y,z | Standard number |
011 a,y,z | ISSN |
011 f | ISSN link |
012 a | Standard number |
013 a,z | Standard number |
013 a,b,z | Other Standard ID |
014 a,z | Standard number |
015 a,z | Standard number |
016 a,z | Standard number |
017 a,z | Standard number |
017 a,z | Other Standard Identifier |
020 a,b,z | National bibliography number |
022 b,z | Government Document Number |
035 a | OCLC Control Number (035a) |
Other System Number (035a) | |
035 z | OCLC Control Number (035z) |
Other System Number (035z) | |
035 a,z | OCLC Control Number (035z) |
Other System Number (035a+z) | |
035 a,z | OCLC Control Number (035a+z) |
035 a,z,9 | Other System Number |
040 a,z | Standard number |
071 a | Publisher number |
071 a,z | Standard number |
072 a,b,z | Standard number |
073 a,c,z | Standard number |
100 a,08 | Date type status |
100 a,09-12 | Publication Year |
100 a,09-12 | Additional Publication Year |
100 a,13-16 | Additional Publication Year |
100 a,22-24 |
Language of Cataloging |
101 a,d,e,f,g,h,i,j | Language |
102 a,c | Country of Publication |
122 a | Event Date |
181 a,b,c | Content Type Code |
182 a,b,c | Media Type Code |
183 a | Carrier Type Code |
200 b | Medium Type |
200 a,d,e,h-n,q-s | Title |
200 f,g | Names |
203 abc |
Form and Type |
203 ab | Content Type Term |
203 c | Media Type Term |
205 a,b | Edition |
207 a | Publication Year |
210 a | Publisher Location |
210 c,g | Publisher |
210 d | Publication Year |
210 d | Additional Publication Year |
210 e |
Publication Information (Place of Manufacture) |
210 h |
Publication Information (Name of Manufacturer) |
214 a | Place of Publication |
214 c | Publisher Name |
214 d | Date of Publication |
215 a |
Medium Type |
215 e |
Accompanying Material |
225 a,e,h,i | Series |
3XX | Notes |
Italy:3X9 a | Local Notes |
300 a | Public note |
304 a | Names |
306 a | Publisher |
314 a | Names |
322 a | Names |
323 a | Names |
327 a-i,p,z | Description |
328 a-d | Publisher |
328 e | Publisher Location |
330 a | Description |
333 a |
Audience |
203 ab 336 a |
Content Type Term |
Italy:39X a | Local Notes |
410 a,e,h,i,t,o | Series |
411 a,e,h,i,t,o | Series |
410-412 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
421-425 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
430-437 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
440-448 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
451-456 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title
For UNIMARC code 452:
are searchable under the ISSN and ISBN indexes respectively. For this to take effect, full inventory indexing needs to be run. |
461-462 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
461 x,y | Standard number |
462 x,y | Standard number |
463 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
463 x,y | Standard number |
464 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
464 x,y | Standard number |
470 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
481 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
482 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
488 a,e,h,i,t,o | Title |
500 a,b,h-n,q-s | Uniform title |
510 a | Title |
517 a,e | Title |
530 a,b,j | Serial Title |
559 a | Title |
6X9 | Local subjects |
6X9 a | Subjects |
600 a-d,f,g,j,p,t,x-z | Names |
600 a-d,f,g,j,p,t,x-z | Subjects |
600 j | Genre form |
601 a-h,j,t,x-z | Subjects |
601 a-h,j,t,x-z | Names |
601 j | Genre form |
602 a,f,j,t,x-z | Subjects |
602 a,f,j,t,x-z | Names |
602 j | Genre form |
604 a,j,t,x-z | Subjects |
605 a,h-n,q-s,u,w-z | Uniform title |
605 a,h-n,q-s,u,w,x-z | Subjects |
605 j | Genre form |
606 j | Genre form |
606 a,j,x-z | Subjects |
606 a,j,x-z if $$2 lc | Subjects (LC) |
606 a,j,x-z if $$2 mesh | Medical Subjects (MeSH) |
607 j | Genre form |
607 a,j,x-z if $$2 lc | Subjects (LC) |
608 a,j | Genre form |
608 a,j,x-z | Subjects |
608 a,j,x-z if $$2 lc | Subjects (LC) |
608 a,j,x-z if $$2 mesh | Medical Subjects (MeSH) |
610 a | Subjects |
616 a,f,c,j,x-z | Subjects |
616 j | Genre form |
617 a-e,k,m-o | Subjects |
620 a,b,c,d | Country of Publication |
620 a-e | Publisher Location |
620 f,i | Additional Publication Year |
660 a | Geographic Area Code |
675 a | UDC |
676 a | Dewey decimal class number |
680 a | LC Call Number |
686 a | Other Classification Number |
69X | Other Classification Number |
70X a-d,f,p | Names |
700 a-d,f,p | Creator |
700 4 | Relator |
701 a-d,f,p | Creator |
701 4 | Relator |
702 a-d,f,g | Creator |
702 4 | Relator |
710 a-h,p | Creator |
710 a-h,p | Names |
710 4 | Relator |
711 a-h,p | Names |
711 a-h,p | Creator |
711 4 | Relator |
712 a-h,p | Creator |
712 a-h,p | Names |
712 4 | Relator |
716 a,f,c | Names |
72X a,f | Names |
720 a,f | Creator |
721 a,f | Creator |
722 a,f | Creator |
730 a | Names |
801 b, 2nd indicator is 0 |
Original Cataloging Agency |
852 b | Sublocation |
856 u,z | Electronic location and note |
930 a | Local call numbers |
Search Index | Tags |
Accompanying Material |
215 e |
Title |
200 a,d,e,h-n,q-s 510 a |
Uniform Title | 500 a,bh-n,q-s 605 a,h-n,q-s,u,w-z |
Serial Title | 530 a,b,j |
Creator | 700 a-d,f,p 701 a-d,f,p 702 a-d,f,g 710 a-h,p 711 a-h,p 712 a-h,p 720 a,f 721 a,f 722 a,f |
Names | 200 f,g 304 a 314 a 322 a 323 a 600 a-d,f,g,j,p,t,x-z 601 a-h,j,t,x-z 602 a,f,j,t,x-z 70X a-d,f,p 710 a-h,p 711 a-h,p 712 a-h,p 716 a,f,c 72X a,f 730 a |
Subjects | 6X9 a 600 a-d,f,g,j,p,t,x-z 601 a-h,j,t,x-z 602 a,f,j,t,x-z 604 a,j,t,x-z 605 a,h-n,q-s,u,w,x-z 606 a,j,x-z 608 a,j,x-z 610 a 616 a,f,c,j,x-z 617 a-e,k,m-o |
Subjects (LC) | 606 a,j,x-z if $$2 lc 607 a,j,x-z if $$2 lc 608 a,j,x-z if $$2 lc |
Medical Subjects (MeSH) | 606 a,j,x-z if $$2 mesh 608 a,j,x-z if $$2 mesh |
Series | 225 a,e,h,i 410 a,e,h,i,t,o 411 a,e,h,i,t,o |
Publisher | 210 c,g 306 a 328 a-d
Publisher Name | 214 c |
LC Call Number | 680 a |
Local Call Numbers | 930 a |
Dewey Decimal Class Number | 676 a |
UDC | 675 a |
Other Classification Number | 686 a 69X |
Additional Publication Year | 100 a,09-12 100 a,3-16 210 d 620 f,i |
Publication Year |
100 a,09-12 |
Date of Publication | 214 d |
Language | 101 a,d,e,f,g,h,i,j |
Collection | Obtains all titles that are assigned to a given collection ID. Handles all formats (MARC, DC, etc.) |
LC Control Number | NA |
ISBN | 010 a,z
For UNIMARC code 452, ISBN cataloged in subfield $y is searchable under the ISBN index. |
ISSN | 011 a,y,z
For UNIMARC code 452, ISSN cataloged in subfield $x is searchable under the ISSN index. |
ISSN Link | 011 f |
Other Standard ID | 013 a,b,z |
Government Document Number | 022 b,z |
National Bibliography Number | 020 a,b,z |
Publisher Number | 071 a |
Standard Number | 010 a,z 011 a,f,g,y,z 012 a 013 a,z 014 a,z 015 a,z 016 a,z 017 a,z 040 a,z 071 a,z 072 a,b,z 073 a,c,z 461 x,y 462 x,y 463 x,y 464 x,y |
Other System Number | 035 a,z |
Copyright Note | NA |
Notes | 3XX |
Local Notes | Italy:3X9 a Italy:39X a |
Description |
327 a-i,p,z
330 a
MMS ID | 001 |
Bibliographic Format | LDR/06 |
Bibliographic Level | LDR/07 |
Date Type Status | 100 a,08 |
Edition | 205 a,b |
Has Inventory | Obtains titles with at least one inventory item from the following resource types: physical holdings, electronic portfolio/collection, digital representation |
MMS SIP ID (a number for a transitory set of records affected by a job) | The bulk ID of the record in the last metadata import |
Physical Description | 200 b |
Public Note | 300 a |
Is Linked | If defined as Yes, locate bibliographic records that are linked to the Community Zone or Network Zone. If defined as No, locate bibliographic records that are not linked to the Community Zone or Network Zone. |
Country of Publication | 102 a,c 620 a,b,c,d |
Genre Form | 600 j 601 j 602 j 605 j 606 j 607 j 608 a,j 616 j |
Place of Publication | 214 a |
Publisher Location | 210 a 328 e 620 a-e
Publication Information (Place of Manufacture) |
210 e |
Publication Information (Name of Manufacturer) |
210 h |
Material Type | LDR/06 |
Medium Type |
200 b 215 a |
Originating System ID | The ID of the originating system (such as WorldCat or Library of Congress) |
Originating System | The originating system (such as WorldCat or Library of Congress) |
Tag Suppressed | Suppressed from discovery |
Tag Sync External Catalog | The bibliographic management tag for publishing to OCLC |
Tag Sync National Catalog | The bibliographic management tag for publishing to Libraries Australia |
Electronic Location and Note | 856 u,z |
Event Date | 122 a |
Other Standard Identifier | 017 a,z |
Source Record ID | NA |
Additional Physical Form Available Note | NA |
Carrier Type Code | NA |
Carrier Type Term | NA |
Classification Part | NA |
Content Type Code | 181 a,b,c |
Content Type Term |
203 ab 336 a |
Geographic Area Code | 660 a |
MMS Creation Date | The creation date of the record in Alma |
Media Type Code | 182 a,b,c |
Media Type Term | 203 c |
Record Format | The format of the record in Alma |
Relator | 700 4 701 4 702 4 710 4 711 4 712 4 |
Shelving Location | NA |
Sublocation | 852 b |
Local Control Field 009 | 009 |
Modification Date | The modification date of the record in Alma |
Audience |
333 a |
Form and Type |
203 abc |
Language of Cataloging |
100 a,22-24 |
Original Cataloging Agency |
801 b, 2nd indicator is 0 |
UNIMARC Authority Search Index Mapping
Tag | Search Index |
035 a, z | Other System Number |
101 a | Language Code |
160 a | Geographic Area Code |
184 a | Classification Scheme |
200 a-f | Names, Personal Name |
200 a-w | Name Title |
210 a-d,h | Names, Corporate Name |
210 a-h | Names, Meeting Name |
210 a-t | Name Title |
215 a,j,x,y,z | Subject |
215 a,x | Geographical Name |
216 a,b,j,x,y,z | Subject |
230 a-w | Uniform Title |
231 a-w | Uniform Title |
232 a-w | Uniform Title |
235 a-w | Uniform Title |
240 a-t | Name Title |
241 a-t | Name Title |
242 a-t | Name Title |
245 a-t | Name Title |
250 a,j,x,y,z | Subject |
250 a | Classification number |
250 a, j | Classification |
300 a
330 a | Notes |
340 abcdfp | Attributes of Person or Corporate |
356 a | Geographical Name, Associated Place |
400 a-f | Names, Personal Name |
400 a-w | Name Title |
410 a-d,h | Names, Corporate Name |
410 a-h | Names, Meeting Name |
410 a-t | Name Title |
441 a-t | Name Title |
442 a-t | Name Title |
415 a,j,x,y,z | Subject |
415 a,x,y,z | Geographical Name |
416 a,b,j,x,y,z | Subject |
430 a-w | Uniform Title |
431 a-t |
Uniform Title |
432 a-w | Uniform Tile |
435 a-w | Uniform Title |
440 a-t | Name Title |
445 a-t | Name Title |
450 a,j,x,y,z | Subject |
500 a-f |
Related Personal Name |
500 a-w | Name Title |
510 0#
Related Corporate Name
510 1#
Related Meeting Name
510 a-t | Name Title |
515 a,j,x,y,z | Subject |
516 a,b,j,x,y,z | Subject |
530 a-w | Related Uniform Title |
531 a-w | Related Uniform Title |
532 a-w | Related Uniform Title |
535 a-w | Related Uniform Title |
540 a-t | Name Title |
541 a-t | Name Title |
542 a-T | Name Title |
545 a-t | Name Title |
550 a,j,x,y,z | Subject |
675 a | Classification |
676 a | Classification |
680 a | Classification |
686 a | Classification |
801 b, 2nd indicator is 0 | Original Cataloging Agency |
801 b, 2nd indicator is 2 |
Modifying Agency |
810 a,b | Source |
815 a | Source |
originating_system_id | Originating System ID |
Search Index | Tag |
Attributes of Person or Corporate |
340 abcdfp |
Classification |
250 a, j
675 a
676 a
680 a
686 a
Classification Number | 250 a |
Classification Scheme | 184 a |
Corporate Name |
210 0#, a-d,h
410 0#, a-d,h
510 0#, a-d,h
Geographic Area Code | 160 a |
Geographical Name
215 a,x
415 a,x,y,z
Geographical Name, Associated Place |
356 a |
Language Code | 101 a |
Meeting Name |
210 1#, a-h
410 1#, a-h
510 1#, a-h
MMS Creation Date | The creation date of the Alma record |
Modification Date | The modification date of the record in Alma |
Modifying Agency |
801 b, 2nd indicator is 2 |
Names |
200 a-f 210 1#, a-h
210 0#, a-d,h
400 a-f
410 1#, a-h
410 0#, a-d,h
500 a-f
510 1#, a-h
510 0#, a-d,h
Name Title |
200 a-w
210 a-t
240 a-t
241 a-t
242 a-t
245 a-t
400 a-w
410 a-t
440 a-t
441 a-t
442 a-t
445 a-t
500 a-w
510 a-t
540 a-t
541 a-t
542 a-t
545 a-t
300 a
330 a
Original Cataloging Agency |
801 b, 2nd indicator is 0 |
Other System Number | 035 a,z |
Personal Name |
200 a-f
400 a-f
500 a-f
Related Corporate Name
510 0#
Related Meeting Name
510 1#
Related Personal Name | 500 a-f |
Related Uniform Title
530 a-w
531 a-w
532 a-w
535 a-w
810 a,b
815 a
Subject |
215 a,j,x,y,z
216 a,b,j,x,y,z
250 a,j,x,y,z
415 a,j,x,y,z
416 a,b,j,x,y,z
450 a,j,x,y,z
515 a,j,x,y,z
516 a,b,j,x,y,z
550 a,j,x,y,z
Uniform Title |
230 a-w
231 a-w
232 a-w
235 a-w
430 a-w
431 a-w
432 a-w
435 a-w
530 a-w
535 a-w
Originating System ID | originating_system_id |
UNIMARC Keyword Search Indexes
- All Titles
To determine the UNIMARC fields searched for an All Titles search, refer to All Titles - UNIMARC Bibliographic.
- Copyright Note
- Creator
- DOI - Digital Object Identifier
- Description
- Dewey Decimal Class Number
- Government Document Number
For UNIMARC code 452:
- ISSN cataloged in subfield $x, and
- ISBN cataloged in subfield $y
are searchable under the ISSN and ISBN indexes respectively.
For this to take effect, full inventory indexing needs to be run.
- Subjects (LC)
- Medical Subjects (MeSH)
- Name
- National Bibliography Number
- Electronic Location
- Citation – MARC 510 a,c
- Publisher
- Publisher Number
- Series
- Subjects
- Title
- Uniform Title
- Serial Title
- Date of Publication
- Edition
- Public Note
- Other System Number
- Physical Items
- Holding Note
- Barcode
- Item Description
- Fulfillment Note
- Internal Note 1
- Internal Note 2
- Internal Note 3
- Public Note
- Storage Location ID
- Electronic Portfolios
- Package Name
- Creator Name
- Category
- Interface ID
- Collections
- IEC Label
- IEC External System
- IEC External System ID
- Electronic Collection
- Package Name
- Digital Files
- File Label
- File Note
- Risk Library Identifiers
- File Original Name
- AR Description
- Representation Label
- Authorities
- Classification Number
- Classification Scheme
- Corporate Name
- Meeting Name
- Name Title
- Names
- Originating System
- Originating System ID
- Personal Name
- Subject
- Uniform Title