Configuring Physical Item Material Type Descriptions
The following roles can configure item material type descriptions:
- Catalog Administrator
- General System Administrator
You can enable, disable, and configure the material types that appear in the Material type (sometimes Secondary Type) drop-down list in various places in Alma. You do this on the Physical Material Type code table page (Configuration > Resources > General > Physical Material Type Descriptions). For more information about code tables, see Code Tables.
For electronic material type information, see Electronic Material Types.
This list is not the same as the one described in Configuring Citation Material Types.

Physical Material Type Code Table Page
This drop-down list appears in many pages in Alma such as in the Physical Item Editor when editing a physical item. In addition, any change to the material type description appears in the Primo View It and Get It tabs.
You can enable or disable a type, or change the type name as it appears in the dropdown lists.