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Questions and Answers from the Managing Print Serials in Alma Webinars

These are questions that were asked by attendees at the Managing Print Serials in Alma webinars, and answers from Ex Libris training staff.


Week 1: Ordering and Invoicing Print Serials

June 13, 2024


1. With auto renewal do you get notified of the renewal?

ExL: With auto renewal you do not, though it is performed by a job and thus has a job report.


2. How can you resend/reprint an order if need be?

ExL: You can resend a Purchase Order following the instructions in our Approving and Sending POs documentation.


3. Can you perform these functions with EBSCO instead of ProQuest?

ExL: Yes, you can choose whichever vendor record you are ordering resources from.


4. Can you turn off the notes being added to the order for auto renewals and assigned inventory manual? They can clutter up the notes.

ExL: I do not know of a way to turn off the automatic notes. That might make for a great post on the Idea Exchange!


5. My institution uses Ebsco and orders about 20 titles under one PO. Would it be best practice to use the third method by adding with one Primary PO and 20 technical POs?

ExL: This all depends on what makes the most sense for how you purchase the titles. In this scenario it is a separate entity that is being paid for and the PO Line is just being used as a record.


6. Why did you not put subscription to and from dates in the main order?

ExL: They aren't required fields, and since we're just doing a demo and don't have actual subscription dates, we didn't need to fill them in. Especially if you're subscribing to something and anticipate renewing it for the ongoing future, you might want to just leave those fields blank. Full information on the behavior of these fields can be found in our Manually Creating a PO Line documentation.


7. You would use Subscription Date Range field [in the invoice line] if you are doing accrual accounting?

ExL: Yes, that field will be important if you are using accrual accounting.


8. That error message “The subscription is not active”.  Why does this happen when subscriptions are continuous and pol is not cancelled. The subscription dates are also continuous eg  01/04/2023-31/03/2024   01//04/2024-31/03/2025

ExL: I'd recommend opening a support case so our team can look into the specific error you're seeing.


9. What suggestions do you have for going back and adding ACQ info for subscriptions where you already have on-going subscriptions?

ExL: This is going to be the workflow in our second scenario.


10. What are the arguments in favor of Manual or Automated? Dependent on the title, or operator preference?

ExL: Exactly so, it can depend on your own institution’s practices as well as your purchasing agreement.


11. So you can leave the Sub. From Date and the Sub. To Date blank?

ExL: Yes you can, in which case the PO Line will remain open and renewable in perpetuity until you manually close it. Full information on the behavior of these fields can be found in our Manually Creating a PO Line documentation.


12. Should the subscription from date be the date when you first started the subscription? This could pre-date anything to do with Alma if your subscription started when you had a different system. Thanks!

ExL: If you would like to have that information recorded in Alma, then yes.


13. What will we need to change when a periodical ceases to exist in the middle of a subscription period?

ExL: You can always close a PO Line manually as needed.


14. Is there a way to set manual renewal because we want to check before decide if we renew or not, and after that, make a set of POL and renew by job?

ExL: No, once the PO Line is in the manual renewal task list, the renewal date will need to be updated by an operator manually.


15. When you have cancellations - should you cancel or close the PO? When do you close a PO line vs cancel a PO line?

ExL: To some extent this depends on what makes most sense for you, but more likely in the context of periodicals, if this is something you've paid for before and is now ended, you'd want to close it. A cancellation is more intended in the sense of something you originally ordered but are cancelling before it was actually received.


16. If we have inventory on a title and a separate POL that is not technically linked to the inventory, just a separate holdings record in the bib, will associating these items with the POL correctly connect these two things?

ExL: I'm not certain on your exact scenario, so you'll need to test this out. As always you can open a support case so our team can look at the actual data in your environment to provide a specific recommendation.


17. You have talked about adding a field in a particular way if you are using prediction patterns. What is Alma doing with this date?

ExL: Tune in next week for more on that!


18.  I have many serials that were ordered as standing order monographs in the past, how do I change that?

ExL: The Update PO Lines Information - Advanced job can be used to change PO Line type as long as it is still in the same format and continuity.


19. Does the procedures for the technical PO lines apply also with print + online?

ExL: Yes, this applies for any scenario where you pay for one resource but are receiving a print edition along with it.


20. We occasionally buy issues independently of a subscription. We don't want every issue, just when it is requested. We call them serial singles. We have created an ordering scenario, but it is very clunky and requires ordering, receiving and then deleting the issue item record and then recreating like added holdings. Wondering if there is an easier way?

ExL: Please open a case with our support team to advise in more detail about options for this scenario.


21. Is there this type of training with the updated system, but for brand new acquisitions staff?

ExL: The Alma Essentials trainings have been updated to show the new PO Line interface. We'll also be delivering the Implementing Acquisitions in Alma series again next year, at which point we'll be demonstrating using the new interface.


22. Is the Technical/Secondary PO Line appropriate to use in cases where we get multiple serial titles that are paid for on one PO? (such as bundle subscription paid on one PO). Will this enable us to have separate check in and claiming for each of the journals in the bundle?

ExL: The Technical/secondary PO line approach is useful when you pay for one resource and receive additional resources as part of that subscription/membership/order.


23. Creating POL "without inventory" you don't need to suppress or anything? It doesn't display in discovery?

ExL: Correct, since there is no actual bibliographic record being created.


24. Since EBSCO manages our periodicals, we will often get an additional invoice/credit memo for a change in price. What do we do with that?

ExL: You can add credits to invoices or create an invoice with a negative total.


25. When I add a credit to an invoice, should I manually change the total on the invoice to reflect the credit we got?

ExL: Do not manually change the invoice as the invoice has already expended money on the fund.


26. Can existing invoices on one PO Line be transferred to another PO Line? If so, How?

ExL: Please open a case with support to discuss this scenario.


27. I have had trouble assigning an existing holdings with volumes on it to an order. Our orders didn't migrate from Voyager. Alma adds a dummy order that I have to delete.

ExL: Please open a case with support to discuss this scenario.


28. Could I associate a membership POL to several technical POLs?

ExL: Yes.


29. Is the checkbox for Release Remaining Encumbrance going to be mentioned? I find it crucial for subscriptions.

ExL: This topic was not covered in the session.


30. Is there any way to hide the additional invoice lines for shipment, discount and so on? We haven't been able to.

ExL: The documentation on Configuring Invoice Line Types explains how to disable standard additional invoice line types.



Week 2: Receiving Issues

June 20, 2024


1. This may be a stupid question, but does this only work for seials with PO lines?  We don't use acquisitions, but was hoping this might be a way we would be able to create records for our serials without having POs.

ExL: This demonstrated workflow is part of the receiving workbench, so it's specific to the acquisition process/receiving items associated with PO Lines.


2. What do you do if you accidentally receive the wrong issue?

ExL: Simplest option with accidentally receiving the wrong issue on a continuos POL is probably to just edit or delete the item.


3. Why are you not using the ISO 10324, standards for holdings statements?  This uses 2-digit numbers for months (or seasons) and days of the month instead of a written month.  This will allow better transfer of data when migrating to a new system.  It should also allow your GENERATE button to create the holdings statement more easily

ExL: This is what we're choosing to show for demonstration and based on the configurations we have in our training environment. This is a good consideration for others though as they're setting up their description templates, which we'll talk about more next week.


4. How does the description field automatically have the "v. X no. X (XXXX Mon)" format?

ExL: That's added based on the description templates. Stay tuned next week for more on those!


5. Does the ad hoc recv. update the holding?

ExL: It doesn't make changes to the holding, but it creates items on the holding associated with the POL.


6. Is there a way to delete an item from the Received Items List? Or do you have to go to the holdings record to do that?

ExL: It looks like you'll have to do that from an Alma search for the title/holdings/item.


7. Sorry this may be a silly question. and we are new to Alma. if the person at the reception who receives the magazines do not hae access to the POL number (or acquisition module) , how does he receive the magazine in Alma?

ExL: If the operator does not have access to the receiving workbench, they won't be able to follow this receiving workflow.


8. Will it enter the prediction pattern on the holding?

ExL: Ad hoc receiving does not create a prediction pattern.


9. With predicted items receival, is it possible to mark the issue as "not received and not expecting to" without receiving it and deleting it?
Case: an issue is published but despite claims to the Publisher it is not delivered. I want to mark the issue as excisting, but not received without having to have it in the claims-workflow. The solution today is to mark it as received and then lost, but this does not reflect the real problems with getting the issue from the publisher. 

ExL: I don't know of any default way to indicate this. Your workaround may be the best option, but please open a case with the support team for further investigation.


10. I've been using a combination of 853 and 854 when I need two patterns in the same screen e.g. a monthly with quarterly supplements. Is that the only way to do this, and can the 855 be used the same way? I'm generally failing to 855 to work alongside, but I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong

ExL: Based on the Library of Congress, the 855 is defined for Indexes and may have different behavior. If you have further questions, please open a case with our support team.


11. This Serial Holdings record Jenny is working with is encoded as a"Monograph" Holdings record based on the "x" in the Holdings LDR byte. It would be wonderful if -- when a library adds a Holdings record to a Serial or Continiing Resource Bib, if Alma would by default open a Serial/Continuing Resource (Holdings LDR byte 06 = "y") ; again international standards are developed and exist for a reason ...

ExL: I'd encourage you to share this as a post on the Idea Exchange.


12. To clarify, does that mean that any rules we set up via description templates will not apply to our generated descriptions if we use predition patterns?

ExL: Correct, items created via prediction patterns will follow the Library of Congress standards.


13. Did the predictive check-in generate 863 fields to match the 853?

ExL: Please see our documentation on Automatic Generation of the Summary Holdings Statement Based on Items.


14. How do I sign up for the ALMA listserv or check if I'm signed up?

ExL: The Alma email list is found here.



Week 3: Templates, Display Settings, and Claiming

June 27, 2024


1. What does it mean if I have no serial predictions in the MDE, but I have them within each periodical title holding?

ExL: I'm not quite sure I understand your question, but if you have concerns about what you're seeing in your particular environment, please open a case with the support team.


2. How do you enter a space in a description template? Is the empty space just the space bar being tapped?

ExL: Yes, if you want there to be a space in the description when it's generated, you'll add a space character by tapping the space bar in the desired field.


3. Is there a library of description templates?

ExL: Not in Alma, but another institution may have a resource with example templates. I'd recommend asking on the Alma listserv.


4. Will the space after v. sort differently than no space?

ExL: Correct.


5. If your items records vols and number etc are all out of order since migrating how can you fix this in bulk?

ExL: I'm not sure what specific data issues you see in your environment, but in terms of item descriptions, the "Rebuild Physical item description" job can be used to generate new description fields following the configured templates.


6. Is there a way to change the values that display in Alma "Sort by" drop-down menus, for example, to spell out "Asc" and "Desc" (or alternatively add graphic characters like ▲ and ▼ to indicate sorting direction)?

ExL: Not that I am aware of, you'd need to pursue this as an enhancement request.


7. Can you edit a duplicate of an out-of-the-box template?

ExL: Yes, once you duplicate the template it can be edited.


8. Can the description template contain arbitrary text such as NO TEMPLATE MATCHED for troubleshooting and testing purposes?

ExL: Yes, you could add this to one of the punctuation fields.


9. Is this order for the library as whole?  Does the person logging in have any impact?

ExL: Physical Items Sort Routines are configured at the institution level.


10. What User Roles / permissions are required to perform these display editing features?

ExL: Exclude Process Types from Discovery Indexing requires the Discovery Administrator role. Other configurations under the Resources menu would require the Repository Adminsitrator role.


11. Originally, session 3 was called "Claiming and Renewing". If there is time, will we still be coving renewing today? Or was it essentially covered in session 1?

ExL: As the content was finalized, renewals were removed from this session (so essentially covered in session 1).


12. How are claim letter for titles where we do not use prediction pattern meant to look? I.e is there a method which can show the receiver of the claim letter what material is missing without using prediction pattern?

ExL: You'll need to test with your specific PO Lines, but the Claim Letter can include the last received item, which would apply even if not using prediction patterns.


13. How do you add items in receiving if you receive a claimed issue and are not using a predictive pattern do you create an item line for it and receive it when it comes?

ExL: You can still receive this via ad hoc receiving.


14. In my claims task list I have standing orders and standing order-non monograph in claim, why would this happen? Documentation I read said these types should not be in claim.

ExL: Please open a support case to look at your specific examples.


15. If I don't have the claims auto sent, can I still send them via EDI from the checklist?

ExL: EDI communication can not be initiated from the claims task list. 


16. Does a POL need to be in any particular status to be claimed? 

ExL: A PO line must be in the sent status in order to be eligible for claim.


17. How do you deal with historical items which were not received and mark the PO in claim?

ExL: Please open a case with support to review this question. 


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