360 KB/Summon: ProQuest Legislative Insight from ProQuest: Database Migration, Name Changes -- October 2017
What is happening to multiple ProQuest Legislative Insight Products?
We have been working with ProQuest to ensure that the collection names and database-level URLs in several databases are correct. As a result, we have made some changes to ProQuest Legislative Insights and its modules. These changes include a database migration, database name changes, and a new collection being added.
In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on the 360 KB collection policy), Legislative Insight (Database code GF8) is now hidden. Coverage in Summon will be replaced with granular product level mapping.
For continued coverage of ProQuest Legislative Insight please ensure you are subscribed to the correct individual modules below that match your ProQuest product subscription.
ProQuest Legislative Insight:
On October 16, 2017, the following databases will change names to conform to ProQuest product subscription naming conventions:
Old Database Name |
New Database Name |
P-1 |
Legislative Insight Module A |
Legislative Insight Part A |
P-2 |
Legislative Insight Module B |
Legislative Insight Part B |
P-3 |
Legislative Insight Module L |
Legislative Insight Major Laws |
For Legislative Insight, In place of GF8 Legislative Insight, to ensure continued Summon coverage please track from the following:
Note: The Legislative Insight databases remain the same with the exception of an additional database (Database code AFHZA Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2017).
For coverage in Summon please track from the following:
New Database Name |
P-6 |
Legislative Insight Prospective 2013 |
P-4 |
Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2013 |
P-5 |
Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2014 |
Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2015 |
Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2016 |
Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2017 |
P-1 |
Legislative Insight Part A |
P-2 |
Legislative Insight Part B |
P-3 |
Legislative Insight Major Laws |
Action you need to take:
- Update the holdings in your Intota or Client Center profile by subscribing to the new database(s) instead of the old database. For information on how to update your profile, and considerations prior to removing the old database from your profile:
- If you are a 360 MARC Updates client and have requested the custom specification that adds direct URLs or database specific information to MARC records, you can expect to see some change records when you get your next MARC record set.
- If your library uses a third-party service (such as EBSCO A-Z, etc.), custom scripts to manage data, or other non-ProQuest tools that require the database name to function, you should note the change in ProQuest's database name in order to retain the proper relationship/mapping between those tools.
- Article last edited: 02-Oct-2017