Ex Libris Partnerships and Green Initiatives
Ex Libris is an environmentally friendly company with a shared mission to reduce our carbon footprint wherever possible. One way to achieve this is through our hosting partnerships with data center providers that share the vision of being stewards of the environment. As a customer using Ex Libris SaaS and hosted applications, you can be confident that we are pursuing green initiatives wherever possible.
Below is a list of our partners and some of their green initiatives.
Equinix data centers and offices meet global environmental and energy management standards, and Equinix worldwide headquarters in California’s Silicon Valley has earned the LEED® Gold Certification. Equinix seeks to elevate their status in the broader industry as a leader in sustainable design, efficiency, and innovation. Equinix designs, builds, and operates their data centers with high energy efficiency standards and a long-term goal of using 100% clean and renewable energy for their global platform.
TierPoint has many data-center specific standards that drive “green” energy building and consumption. Depending on the geographic location of a data center (DC), TierPoint takes advantage of anything from geothermal cooling fed via aquifer (in Spokane), to custom-built air-cooled machines that use outside air in the Midwest. TierPoint subscribes to the idea of taking a green approach specific to the environment where the data center is located. Thus, at TierPoint, there is no “one size” model that works for all DCs, but rather a customized knowledge of the local environment and how to best utilize it.
Cyxtera is working to ensure that all Cyxtera data centers have a roadmap to reduce their carbon footprint and exceed regulatory requests to reduce emissions and utilize green sustainable resources. Cyxtera’s site in Canada is 85% hydroelectric, 5% solar, and 10% from other sources. Cyxtera also uses free-air cooling in many of their environments for the majority of the year. Cyxtera’s PUE is currently 1.69 and is dropping daily as Cyxtera expands. Cyxtera is consistently listed at the top of almost every Google search result for “Greenest Data Centers.”
- Article last edited: 22-Jun-2018