The New Support Center: Converting Published Cases to Knowledge Articles
On November 8, 2021, the ProQuest and Ex Libris Support Centers will combine to form a single and enhanced customer portal.
The ProQuest/Ex Libris Support Center is designed to protect the privacy and security of your data. As a result, your cases will no longer be published and visible to anyone other than your institutional users. Instead, with your permission, your closed, published cases will be available as Knowledge Articles, which will be visible to logged-in, authenticated users only.
Update - March 7, 2022
The published cases of institutions that provided their permission are now available on the Support Center.
- Knowledge articles that originated from a published case will only be available for logged in users
- When performing a search in the Support Center, hovering over one of these articles will display the following statement: "This Knowledge Article originated from Ex Libris Support case #<case_number>"
- The same statement will be displayed on the top of the article
- If you encounter an issue with a knowledge articles originating from one of your cases, please contact us at
Publishing cases as Knowledge Articles requires your permission
You can rest assured that any open cases will be in the new center. Closed cases that were opened since January 2015 will also be migrated, but we won’t convert them to knowledge articles without your permission.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Knowledge Articles will be visible to logged-in, authenticated users only
- With your permission, all your institution’s closed published cases from 2015 on will be recreated as Knowledge Articles, with a publishing date later in the year
- If you choose to provide permission, be sure to review your published cases and “unpublish” anything you don’t want available as a Knowledge Article. Note that this can only be done until November 5, 5 am UTC. At this point, the Support Portal will be in read-only mode.
- Without your permission, none of your institution’s closed published cases will be converted
- All open cases and closed cases that were opened since January 2015 will be available to your institutional users as cases, regardless of your decision to convert them or not
- You can access the form to provide permission here
If we don’t hear from you by November 6, we will not convert your cases to Knowledge Articles.
Will case comments be published in the Knowledge Articles?
Yes, all case comments will be added to the Knowledge Articles.
Will attachments be included in the Knowledge Articles?
No. Due to technical limitations, attachments will not be added to the Knowledge Articles.
Does every staff member need to provide permission to convert their cases? What if I am a member of a consortia?
No, the permission is to convert all your institution's published, closed cases to Knowledge Articles.
If you are a member of a consortia, you will be asked to specify if you are providing the permission on behalf of all consortia members or only specific institutions.
Can I send you a list of cases I want available as Knowledge Articles?
No. If you provide permission by November 6, 2021, we will convert all of your closed, published cases to Knowledge Articles.
Will cases for my inactive account assets be converted to Knowledge Articles?
Yes. If you provide permission by November 6, 2021, we will convert all of your closed, published cases to Knowledge Articles.
Where will we find the Knowledge Articles?
The Knowledge Articles will be found by searching the new support center. They will be displayed as part of the Knowledge Article search results.
These articles will be identified as originating from support cases.
Will the Knowledge Articles be pubically available for search, or will a certain user permission be required?
Only users who have logged into the support center will be able to see these articles.
All logged in users, regardless of permission level, will be able to see them.
If I provide my permission, will my future cases in the new support center be automatically published?
No. Due to privacy and security considerations, it will not be possible to publish cases in the new support center.
In the new support center, you will be able to use the knowledge sharing groups to collaborate with your colleagues.
If I do not provide my permission, will my cases still be migrated for me to see?
Yes. All of your open cases, as well as your closed cases that were created January 2015 and on, will be migrated as cases for your institutional Support Center users to use. However, no Knowledge Articles will be created.
If I do not provide my permission, will I be able to publish cases in the new support center?
No. Due to privacy and security considerations, it will not be possible to publish cases in the new support center.
In the new support center, you will be able to use the knowledge sharing groups to collaborate with your colleagues.