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CSV Researcher Loader Cloud App

The CSV Researcher Loader automates the process of updating researcher information from a CSV file. This efficiency tool allows the operator to add and update researchers' data quickly and easily from within the hub. It makes use of the API, but the operator does not have to know anything about the API in order to use it. In the cloud app, you create a profile that specifies which fields are being updated via the CSV file, so your CSV file need only contain the researchers' IDs and the values of the fields specified in the profile. You can create multiple profiles, and save them for reuse. To use the app, you select the profile, upload the CSV file containing the data, and run the app.

For general information about working with Cloud Apps, see Configuring Cloud Apps.

Once the app is installed and activated, you can open it by selecting the Cloud Apps Menu Icon. icon to open the Cloud App Center menu, and then selecting CSV Researcher Loader.  

CSV Researcher Loader Cloud App in the list of available cloud apps.

CSV Researcher Loader in the Cloud App Center Menu
The CSV Researcher Loader when it is first opened in the side panel.
CSV Researcher Loader Open in a Side Panel
The app initially opens in a side panel. Select Expand button that opens the app interface in the main Esploro panel. to expand it to fill the main Esploro panel.

Creating a Profile

The profiles you create for the CSV Researcher Loader describe the data in the CSV file, so that the app will know what to do with it. All profiles must include the Primary ID field, because this field identifies the researchers. Other than that, you can choose from a wide range of Researcher fields that can be populated from a CSV file.

For example, this CSV file contains researcher data for five fields – the Primary ID and four other fields:

Example of a CSV file for use with the Researcher Loader App.

CSV File Containing Values for Four Fields

A profile for handling this CSV file would list all five fields, specifying the name of each field as it appears in the header row (row 1) of the file (Header), the default value for that field if no value is specified in the CSV file (Default), and the field of the researcher record in Esploro to which each field should be mapped (Field Name), as in the following example:

CSV Researcher Loader Profile.png Profile for the CSV File Above


To create a new profile:
  1. In the app, select 3 Dots (Ellipsis) button that opens the Actions menu. to open the Actions menu, and then select Settings icon.. The profile configuration form opens. If any profiles already exist, one of them is automatically selected under Select a profile, and its properties appear below it, under Field Mapping.
  2. Beside the Select a profile field, select the Plus sign.. A dialog box opens.

    Dialog box in which you can enter a name for the profile.

  3. Under Profile name, enter a name for the new profile, and then select OK. The new profile is created. The Primary ID field is already mapped under Field Mapping, since it is a required field. (You can modify its Header if necessary, to suit the header that appears in the CSV file, as explained in the next step.)

    New Profile open for configuration in the CSV Researcher Loader.

  4. Below the list of fields, select Add Field button.png to add a mapping to the list. Fill in the information as follows:
    • Header – Enter the header of the second column in the CSV file (the column after the Primary ID column).
    • Default – Optionally. enter the value to assign to the field for researchers in the CSV file for whom the field is not defined (i.e., is blank). If the field should be left blank in this case, leave this value set to Default.
    • Field Name – From the dropdown list, select the field of the Researcher record in Esploro in which the value in this column should be saved. Because fields in different sections of the record sometimes have the same name, the fields in the dropdown list are arranged by category. After you add a field to the profile, the name of the category appears above the name of the field. For example, General is the category under which the Primary ID field appears.

      In some cases, selecting a particular field means that you also have to include certain other fields. For example, if you select the Position field under Current Internal Affiliations, you must also include the Organizational Code field in the CSV file. When requirements of this sort exist, a message appears below the Field Mapping area.

      Message about a required field.

  5. Repeat the process in the previous step for each additional field that appears in the CSV file.
  6. Select Save. The profile is saved.

Running the App on a CSV File

When a profile matching the CSV file you want to load exists, you can run the app by selecting the profile and the CSV file.

To run the app on a CSV file:
  1. In the app, under Select a profile, select the profile you want to use.
  2. In the Drag a CSV file or click to browse region, select the CSV file you want to use.

    CSV file Selected.
  3. Select Load Researchers. You are prompted to confirm that you want to run the process. The confirmation message indicates how many research records are included in the CSV file.

    Confirmation message.
  4. Select OK. The updates are implemented in the researcher records. When the process is completed, a Results message appears, and indicates how many records were successfully processed and how many failed due to errors.

    Results message that appears after the CSV Researcher Loader finishes processing the records.
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