Intota: Data Retrieval Service (DRS): Same Data from Both Vendors and Hosting Platforms
- Product: Intota
How do we deal with usage statistics that are loaded into Intota by the DRS service that have the same data from both vendors and hosting platforms?
When filling out the Data Retrieval Service (DRS) Request Form, you may find there are vendors/publishers/providers on the list that are COUNTER-compliant and provide their own statistics, and whose statistics are also covered by their hosting platforms, such as Highwire, MetaPress or Atyphon.
Highwire, MetaPress, Atyphon and Allen Press are examples of Hosting Platforms, which are platforms that host the content of many scholarly Publishers. When setting up e-resources in Intota, you need to consider the implications of adding the titles at the Publisher level or at the Hosting Platform level so the information about the titles is not duplicated. For example, Highwire "hosts" Duke titles and Duke is also a provider; thus, you can add those titles in either place.
An additional challenge occurs because many of the publishers within these hosting platforms are also Project-COUNTER compliant. Therefore, if usage data is uploaded from both the hosting platform and the COUNTER-compliant publisher, each title (which will have the same URL) will have duplicate usage statistics attached to it.
For example, in the following table of usage statistics, the library has subscribed to both HighWire Press (a Hosting Platform) and one of its subsidiary Publishers, SAGE Publications. The same usage data was uploaded to both, resulting in duplicate usage data:

If your institution treats titles at the Hosting Platform level (not the Publisher level), then it is safe for the Data Retrieval Service (DRS) to upload the reports of these aggregators as a complete report (just as it was received from the Hosting Platform).
On the other hand, if your institution treats titles at the COUNTER-compliant Publisher level (not the Hosting Platform level), you will probably want the DRS to add usage data at the Publisher level. This is done by requesting the Publisher reports on the DRS request form.
However, if you have DRS process usage data at the Publisher level, you will miss usage data for the non-COUNTER compliant publishers that the Hosting Platforms provide. If you then have the DRS add data at the Hosting Platform level (in other words, have them upload the Highwire, MetaPress or Atyphon reports for you), you will get duplicate data from your COUNTER-compliant publishers. To avoid this duplication of data, we suggest that you choose to upload the reports from the Hosting Platforms yourself. Before uploading the reports from these platforms, you will want to delete the rows of data from the publishers who are COUNTER compliant and provide their own reports. In the HighWire/SAGE example illustrated above, you would first delete the rows of SAGE data before uploading the Highwire report to Intota.
- Date Created: 12-Jun-2014
- Last Edited Date: 20-Oct-2015
- Old Article Number: 10891