Intota Assessment
- Product Documentation
- Access the latest documentation for Ex Libris products
- Release Notes
- Stay informed about the features and capabilities included in each product release
- Knowledge Articles
- Search our extensive knowledge base for answers to commonly raised questions
- Can a closed SalesForce case be re-opened?
- Chrome browser identifies connection as "Not Secure"
- Customer ability to close Salesforce Cases
- How do I bypass the login screen when trying to access the 360 Link Administration Console from Intota?
- Introduction to the Knowledge Center
- Knowledge Center Questions and Answers
- Tips for Advanced Document Searching in the Customer Knowledge Center
- What is Case Status, and What Does It Mean?
- What procedure should be followed to alert Ex Libris of a system down?
- Why Date Signed field in Intota is not saved after we save it?
- Why does it say I have permissions for 360 Counter in Intota when I can’t access Counter functions?