Intota Assessment and 360 Counter: Release Notes and Status Updates
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Where can I find release notes for the latest Intota Assessment and 360 Counter releases and updates on service status?
August 2, 2023
New Features:
Support Ebook Auto-Holdings Management with Taylor & Francis (Multiple Idea Exchange Submissions) – This enhancement saves you time and effort by automating the exchange of ebook holdings (subscribed titles) with provider Taylor & Francis. Based on the NISO RP-26-2019 standard for KBART automation, the process ensures timely and accurate holdings updates without staff mediation.
Things to know:
Available to both 360 and Intota libraries.
Updates occur weekly, generally in the Saturday/Sunday timeframe.
The updates impact database Taylor & Francis eBooks A-Z (code JTX), so you must subscribe to this database to receive updates.
Each weekend Ex Libris calls a Taylor & Francis API endpoint and retrieves a KBART-formatted file to upload on your behalf.
Configuration is easy! Once you receive a Customer Reference Number from Taylor & Francis, you need to enter the CRN in the database details page of database code JTX in order to trigger automated updates:
360 Database DetailsIntota Database Details -
Open Access Indicators (NERS Vote Winner) – This feature enables you to identify Open Access titles quickly and easily in the 360 KB. This freely available content is often intermixed with licensed content in provider databases, making it difficult to discover resources that can augment your collection.
Things to know:
Available to both 360 and Intota libraries.
The Open Access status is provided by Ulrich’s, the most comprehensive and authoritative source of information about serials from around the world.
A coverage percentage is calculated and displayed at the database level.
Individual titles display an Open Access indicator.
Search Results (only Intota is shown here)Database DetailsView TitlesTitle Details -
Access Summon Usage Statistics Without an Admin Permission (Idea Exchange #43682661) – This enhancement enables users to authenticate into and use Summon Usage Statistics without requiring full Summon administrative permissions. This allows more users to take advantage of Summon analytics while safeguarding other parts of the Summon Admin Console.
Things to know:
Available for 360 Client Center only this release. Intota functionality will be available in the November 2023 release.
The account permission “Summon Usage Statistics” should be set to View/Edit to make the link appear.
360 Client Center - Account Permissions360 Client Center - Business Intelligence Tools -
Resolved Issues:
360 Link:
360 Link: improve ISBN-10 handling for ‘979’ ids
360 Link Citation Management: APA style: missing volume, issue and pages
Remaining 2023 VPAT Level A & AA issues for 360 Link 2.0
III - WAM SSL - Original URLs containing a dash, not properly formatted
360 MARC Updates:
360 MARC Updates MFT delivery using incorrect file path
Previous MFT Files still displaying in main directory
360 MARC SSJReport.csv producing corrupt data
Data on Demand / MARC Updates email notifications blocked by Gmail for not being RFC 5322 compliant
360 Client Center:
Searching without diacritic in Database Details yields no results
Repeatedly kicked out when trying to track Ebook Central titles
Can not download the "Unmatched Titles" after ODSE file loading.
Searching for title without diacritic in Database Details yields no results
View Upload Status needs updating
360 Counter/Intota Assessment:
Accessible Archives SUSHI R5 errors
Make Intota Assessment use https by default
Add Title/Date Sort option (from legacy EJP) to EJP 2.0
May 3, 2023
This release is primarily a maintenance release, but it includes infrastructure work for a couple of exciting projects: Auto-holdings management with Taylor & Francis eBook subscriptions and Expanded 360 API capabilities!
360 Client Center
The Database Details page for database code JTX (Taylor & Francis ebooks A-Z) now includes a field for entering your CRN. Please note that auto-holdings management is not yet functional for T&F; this is in preparation for the rolling out the capability. We just wanted to make you aware of the new field.
Resolved Issues:
Unable to delete the prefix string from a Holdings URL Replacement.
Unable to see and delete cost data information.
Resolved Issues:
Some clients experienced a timeout when downloading the Tracked eBooks Management Report.
Unable to edit some of the Database Administration fields.
Custom holdings URL was not accurately reflected in the Holdings Details display.
Tracked eJournals Management Report didn’t include titles with a “From Consortium” status.
360 Counter and Intota
An issue was identified when doing SUSHI harvesting each month and then manually uploading a COUNTER report for the same time period it would not delete the SUSHI data. This caused the data to be included twice in reports. The resolution fixes the root cause and retroactively fixes the duplicate data.
Resolved Issues:
SUSHI Test failing for Encyclopedia Britannica.
360 Link
Following the creation of the January 2023 VPAT for 360 Link both level A and level AA have been addressed, where applicable. Please note that there may be some instances where we cannot make the pages totally accessible. For example, if you use a logo that is not labeled, that is not a guideline that Ex Libris can resolve.
Resolved Issues:
Added a a new label in 360 Link Custom text that appears for links when the OpenURL genre is set to video.
The E-Journal Portal
Amended the results page class="ng-scope ng-hide" aria-hidden="true" for H1 so that the screen reader will not skip reading the H1, "Online Journals, Books and more".
360 MARC Updates
Resolved Issues:
When "III - WAM SSL Host Replace" authentication method is selected and the prefix starts with HTTPS, URLs in preview (and 856 MARC field in MARC Updates file) are not overwritten and are not starting with "0-".
The upgrade to Java 17 improves the following:
Code optimizations
Refined stored procedures to increase the response time for very large databases.
June 17, 2022
The E-Journal Portal
NERS Project: Allow for the ordering of EJP results
This feature eliminates user confusion caused by results that were not obviously related to the searched terms. Currently, Alternate Titles and Main Titles are equally weighted if either contains the search terms. You now have the option to prioritize results that have the user’s search terms in the Main Title over results that only have the search terms in the Alternate Title. That is, if the Main Title includes the search string, that title will appear higher in the results list than if the search string is only in the Alternate Title.
The feature is enabled in the E-Journal Portal 2.0 Results Page Options:
This option impacts Title Begins With, Title Equals, and Title Contains All Words searches.
Resolved Issues:
The characters : + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ were causing an error in the autocomplete suggestions because Solr requires they be handled specially. Autocomplete suggestions are now successful when the user includes these characters.
360 Link
Idea Exchange: Database order in 360 Link and EJP: Make it possible to upload changes in a file
This enhancement streamlines database prioritization by allowing you to manipulate a spreadsheet and then upload it directly to the Administration Console.
The addition of Database Code in the user interface and the downloaded .tsv file helps quickly identify the databases you want to re-order.
Resolved Issues:
Ovid databases are added to the Global Exclude List at the request of that provider.
360 Core Client Center
Idea Exchange: Provide an overall percentage of MARC record availability at the database level.
This enhancement allows you to quickly view the percentage of titles in a database with an associated MARC record in the 360 Knowledgebase. Rather than sampling several titles in the database, you can immediately view the coverage percentage in Database Management and on the Database Details page.
Resolved Issues:
VPAT Level A accessibility refinements
ISBNS were not appearing in the Overlap Analysis results in some circumstances.
Updated links to corporate web pages for each product
Idea Exchange: Provide an overall percentage of MARC record availability at the database level.
This enhancement allows you to quickly view the percentage of titles in a database with an associated MARC record in the 360 Knowledgebase. Rather than sampling several titles in the database, you can immediately view the coverage percentage in the Databases list and on the Database Details page.
Resolved Issues:
Contact Details Roles can now be edited or removed.
The titles of Library Specific Holdings databases are no longer duplicated on the Database Details page.
Execution Data in License are saving and displaying correctly.
Menus Settings > Resource Status entries are able to be deleted.
Added to the License Information Report:
Course Pack Print
Course Pack Electronic
Course Pack Note
Remote Access
Remote Access Note
The More (#) hyperlink in the Home > Tools > Notes Resource(s) column now navigates you to the full list of attached resources.
360 COUNTER and Intota
Numerous improvements were made to the SUSHI harvester to increase visibility into processing hiccups and to streamline
Surface additional warnings and errors to the user interface including “No usage available for requested dates,” “Incorrect API key,” and “No longer available for requested dates.”
Limit the number of attempts to harvest a given report during the month to 5 in order to end the infinite loop of some reports in the queue
Stop requeuing reports after encountering an error like “no usage available for requested dates”
Clear unharvestable reports from the queue and user interface
February 23, 2022
The E-Journal Portal
New! Auto-complete suggestions are tailored to your library profile. Only resources to which you subscribe in your library profile are offered as potential search options when you begin typing in the search box:
This customized list distinguishes resources that the library owns/licenses/tracks from the whole universe of 360 Knowledgebase titles and eliminates “0 search results” issues.
The feature applies to all libraries, and the auto-complete index is updated weekly. I.e., there may be a delay in tracking/untracking a title and its appearance in the auto-complete suggestions list.
Resolved Issues:
Inherited Terms of Use did not display for consortium members. Now consortium members can always view Terms of Use inherited from the “parent” library.
If a library disables video searching in EJP, the “Videos Only” results filter no longer displays.
The Custom Text > Citation Linker Form > No. 48 did not display the customized message.
360 Link
Resolved Issues:
The display time for the ILL form submission pop-up is now extended from 3 to 10 seconds. The longer display time should reduce user confusion and prevent duplicate request submissions.
The Google Scholar feed did not work for a small number of libraries.
If both Crossref and PubMed identifiers are present, the Crossref identifier is always preferred.
360 Core Client Center
Resolved Issues:
Holdings URL replacements (a November 2021 feature) did not appear in the View Changes audit.
Resolved Issues:
Uploading titles lists to LSHs was inconsistent and displayed confusing error messages.
Deleting titles from LSHs did not work.
Holdings URL replacements (a November 2021 feature) did not appear in the View Recent Updates audit.
360 COUNTER / Intota
Resolved Issues:
Reports uploaded in September were not consolidated.
The SUSHI harvester mishandled some application exceptions, which prevented reports from finishing.
If validation fails due to extra tabs in an uploaded file, the error is now reported to the user.
November 3, 2021
360 Client Center
New! Make changes to database details for multiple databases at once. Edit, add, or delete the database details in a .csv file, using database codes as the identifier. For example, this feature can be used to change the “Omit proxy from this database” setting or add a Public Database Note to multiple collections.
For more details, see 360 Core: Database Details Upload.
New! Configure your own holdings URL replacements for providers like Gale, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and Thomson Reuters Westlaw. Until this release, Customer Support had to perform this configuration on your behalf. Now you can specify replacement text, add a prefix, or add a suffix to a database’s holding URL. This tool is in the Management Tools section of Client Center.
For more details, see 360 Core: Holding URL Replacement.
Database Details Upload and Holdings URL Replacement are not yet available in the Intota application. We will be working on integrating both tools into Intota.
Resolved Issues:
- Unable to save COUNTER SUSHI credentials.
- Unable to remove authorization settings for some providers.
E-Journal Portal
New! Change the database sort order: if a journal is in multiple databases, configure the EJP to display the database with the most recent coverage first. To enable this option, open the Results Page in the Administration Console E-Journal Portal 2.0:
For more details, see 360 Core: E-Journal Portal Administration Console -- 2.0 Results Page Options.
Resolved Issues:
- Browse by Subject feature not available after doing a search.
- Ulrichsweb information does not display.
- One hour cookie expiration causes mixed content error and timeout.
- Videos search filter defaults to journals instead of videos.
- Need language translations for Videos Only option.
- Database payments show as loading even after saving.
360 Link
Resolved Issues:
- Citation Linker form should use the same language parameter as 360 Link
- New linking parameter is required for MIT Sloan and Indian Academy of Sciences content
- HAN proxy handling
Resolved Issues:
- Unable to delete previously uploaded COUNTER r5 reports.
- Consortium Sharing dialog window isn’t completely rendered.
- Unable to view Renewal Details.
- Unable to delete Cost data.
- Unable to save IP addresses in Library Settings.
Resolved Issues:
- Springer Nature SUSHI URL needs adjustment.
- SUSHI queue was “stuck” and didn’t process reports for a period.
360 /Intota Holdings API
(Currently in early testing)
- Added “last updated” end point to support retrieval of changes only, rather than full exports.
August 4, 2021
E-Journal Portal/A-to-Z List
Users can now limit the results of searches to video titles only. This can be done before the search by selecting the Videos Only radio button, or done after the fact by filtering the results to Videos Only:
Please note that this feature will be turned on by default in the EJP 2.0 settings. If the library does not want to offer this functionality, it must be turned off in the Administration Console > E-Journal Portal 2.0 tab:
LSH database default holding URL was not correct in the EJP
The public note from a database was displaying in the “Search Subject Databases by Keyword” drop-down menu instead of “Select a database”
360 Core & Intota
Details of the View Changes/View Recent Updates audit trail can now be exported in .tsv format. Configure the data you’d like to see using the calendar controls and Event Type options and then click the Download button!
A long delay occurred when paging through “Unselected” titles in a database
360 Link
An email address, with valid formatting, is now required for “Report a Problem” and the default ILL forms
All Services
Using the analysis performed by a third-party consultant, potential security vulnerabilities in these areas were closed:
Citation export endpoint could be exploited with a valid library hash code
HTTP parameter pollution
Cross-site scripting
Migration from FTP to MFT
Technical infrastructure updates
May 12, 2021
360/Intota Holdings API (currently in early testing)
Added pagination for the full holdings request in order to speed up the response
360 Client Center
Based on feedback from the ProQuest User Experience group, we added changes to the 360 Client Center to ensure compatibility with VPAT Level A standards, including:
Insufficient labels on Ex Libris logo, e-Catalog search controls, and various labels on Data Management area, Knowledge Base Notifications area, and Overlap Analysis area.
Some group controls not defined as group controls in the Data Management, Overlap Analysis, and Management Reports areas.
Headings are not using semantic markup in the Data Summary areas.
Edit list functionality on Overlap Analysis page is not editable with keyboard only.
Skip links not available.
Pages have generic titles.
Focus order: On Data Management page, filtering databases causes focus to reset to the top of the screen.
Link text for 3 link types are ambiguous: Change current library link, Download report links, Database details links.
Document lacks language attribute.
Errors could be more clearly explained on Database Management page.
Resolved Issues:
Incorrect values shown in Data Management page for inherited databases.
360 Resource Manager : Title-Level Status Alerts not being sent.
Provider Details page: Databases list : friendly error when From Consortium status is selected.
Library-Specific Holdings : End Dates with non-numeric data changing back to Start Date.
360 Counter and Intota Assessment
COUNTER r5 Resolved Issues:
Platforms using Cloudflare solutions blocked the SUSHI harvester.
Loosened validation of the (mandatory) Publisher field for all providers.
Investigated and resolved upload/harvest/process errors for reports from more than 20 providers.
360 MARC Updates (currently in early testing)
Completed infrastructure to generate & deliver MARC records for video holdings.
Metadata librarians developed an RDA-compliant default template that may be further customized by the library.
February 3, 2021
360 Client Center and Intota:
We have added a new feature to Overlap Analysis that will allow you to separate the results of the comparison by format type: Books, Titles, Videos, or All. This will make it easier to view “like” titles across collections with mixed format types. There are two different ways to use this option:
Select the desired format type before running the analysis.
360 Client Center:
Select the desired format after running the analysis. This will re-execute the report without forcing you to start the whole process over.
360 Client Center:
360 E-Journal Portal 2.0:
Based on feedback from the ProQuest User Experience group, we added changes to the EJP to ensure compatibility with VPAT Level A standards, including:
Logo, radio buttons, and some search controls are missing labels.
Browse by letter and pagination group lacks sufficient labeling.
Top navigation and search/filtering option cannot be skipped.
Specific page titles are not provided. The titles are always E-Resources.
Focus order can be improved on “Search (by DOI)” form and within “Refine results group” area.
Purpose of result records links need more context.
Search controls for DOI and PubMed ID search do not have accessible names.
Document lacks language attribute.
Error message fields are not always semantically marked as invalid.
Open/closed states are not communicated for several widgets.
360 Link 2.0:
Based on feedback from the ProQuest User Experience group, we added changes to 360 Link 2.0 to ensure compatibility with VPAT Level A standards, including:
Labels were missing for multiple controls: close button in sidebar, export radio buttons, and others (detailed in VPAT)
Some required form fields were not semantically marked as required.
The Close button in the sidebar was not keyboard-accessible.
Some links needed additional context to make purpose clear.
Website lacked language attribute.
Error identification:
Email form error message was displayed visually but invalid fields were not semantically marked as invalid.
Error message was not announced to the user.
Request via Interlibrary loan form had no error validation (for example, email).
Report a problem has no error validation (for example, email).
Open/closed state of various forms were not communicated to assistive technologies.
360 Client Center:
We corrected an error in the interface that prevented users from seeing (and clicking) the Show Errors link when an ODSE file was rejected for having errors.
360 Counter and Intota Assessment:
Investigated and (when feasible) built in workarounds for data formatting in r5 reports from Alexander Street Press, EBSCO, Sage, Rittenhouse, Thiemes, CSIRO, and many more.
December 2, 2020
360 Core (Client Center) and Intota:
Early release of the new 360 API
New, more easily identifiable Chat links
WAM proxy URL rewriting
Overlap Analysis: add Database Name Contains as search criteria when adding a database to the comparison list
Add indication of database selectability without having to change status from Not Tracked
Support for M/D/YYYY format
New language translations
Fixed: User logged out when a duplicate holding is subscribed (360 Core)
Fixed: Unable to view > 50 funds in the window when adding payments (Intota)
Fixed: Overlap Analysis summary counts now include ebook numbers (Intota)
Fixed: Unable to edit subscription status on holding details page (Intota)
360 Link:
DOI Enrichment incorrectly extracts identifier from citation element
Use genre from original OpenURL instead of the one Crossref provides
Updated linkers
E-Journal Portal:
Update http link to Ulrichsweb search to https for all clients
Database level notes not appearing for ebooks
360 Resource Manager - Fixes:
Displayed error when notes were attached to video holdings
Renewal checklist not saving
Displayed In boxes unticked when using a custom status
June 10, 2020
360 Link:
Refinements to the IEDL lookup logic to improve linking accuracy.
For OpenAthens Redirector libraries, updated the EBSCOhost linker to use two new parameters for article links: Authentication Type and Customer ID.
For OpenAthens Redirector libraries, updated the ProQuest linker to use a new parameter for article links: Account ID.
Updated the service to use the Gale LocID for IEDL article links (previously it was only available for OpenURL article links).
Added OCLC number as a linking parameter to OpenURL 1.0 links.
Fixed an article linking issue that caused an <i> tag to fail in some cases.
360 MARC Updates & Data on Demand:
Technical infrastructure improvements.
Improved error handling for faster generation and delivery of records.
Direct links in 360 MARC now use the same proxy and encoding settings as the E-Journal Portal for accurate linking.
DoD report now includes “Video” to correctly identify the resource content type.
360 Core Client Center & Intota:
Added new article linking parameters to the database details pages for EBSCOhost and ProQuest databases.
Client Center:
Updated the Syndetics URL to use HTTPS so that images always display correctly in Chrome.
May 13, 2020
360 and Intota Services:
Live chat link with Support! – The Contact Us link in both Client Center and Intota will navigate you to a new landing page. The landing page will offer the option to open a case via the Support Portal or open a chat session with a Support team member, if one is available.
Chat is available from 9:00 – 17:00 Pacific time zone and may be used for questions regarding Summon and the 360 and Intota services. Please use the Support Portal for issues about CDI, 360 KB/Content, and Ulrichsweb.
The URLs for ebooks in Ebook Central databases (codes AABBV and BBABE) have been updated from http to https
Resource Renewals Checklist Report has been modified based on feedback that not all renewals data appeared in the report
360 Counter and Intota:
New SUSHI harvester for COUNTER r5 TR, DR, and PR reports. The harvester will collect reports monthly when configured on the DRS form for an r5-compliant vendor:
Client Center view:
Intota view:
Manual upload of database (DR) and platform (PR) reports and display in the summary pages
Enhanced date handling to support two- and four-digit years.
Resolved issue with processing .TSV files.
Improved COUNTER r5 error messages and accounted for titles longer than 256 characters.
360 Core Client Center:
New 360 Core permission for accessing the Summon usage statistics OBI platform without having to go through the Summon Admin Console.
February 19, 2020
360 Link:
New parameters have been added to the Database Details pages for ProQuest and EBSCOhost databases. This is the first phase in improving linking to those platforms. It was developed specifically for libraries using OpenAthens Redirector but will be applicable for all proxy services. The new parameters can be added and saved in 360 Core/Client Center and Intota, but they will not impact linking until the 2020 May Q2 release.
ProQuest will have a new Account ID parameter:
EBSCOhost will have new Authentication Type and Customer ID parameters:
ProQuest databases are added to the Global Exclude list for the Sidebar due to cookie handling changes to in anticipation of the Google Chrome (80) release.
Resolved issue where <i> tag was breaking the article link (reported for PubMed articles).
Resolved 503 Error for libraries with User Authentication enabled with IP as the method.
Resolved failure to load links in MS Edge for libraries with User Authentication enabled with IP as the method.
Updated the list of databases that are indexed in Crossref to ensure that the Crossref link displays on the results page.
Removed the empty text box displayed on the Citation Linker form.
Updated LINKERs for ScienceDirect.
360 Counter and Intota:
Fixed an issue with the manual COUNTER r5 validation so that blank lines are ignored.
There are now DRS forms for both manual and SUSHI credentials for COUNTER r5-compliant vendors. Ex Libris staff will maintain the list of r5-compliant vendors including default URLs and supported report types.
DRS manual forms:
DRS SUSHI forms:
An early Q2 deployment (outside of the published release schedule) will feature the new SUSHI harvesting framework. This JSON harvester has been built from scratch in accordance with the COUNTER r5 standard and will perform monthly harvests, with full validation.
Reports based on the new r5 standard will be available in Intota Assessment mid-2020.
360 Core/Client Center and Intota
The Authentication Type drop-down menu now includes “Redirector” as an option for OpenAthens libraries
Fixed the issue causing the Title Coverage checkbox to be grayed out on the Database Details page
The Resource Renewal Report and Resource Administrative Information reports will no longer include databases that are Not Tracked.
December 11-12, 2019
This release includes the following enhancements and fixes.
360 Link:
New LINKER for American Physical Society, LexisNexis NYU Review of Law
Display No Results page for Factiva, 19th Century Collections Online links without title-level URLs
Crossref: button will not appear when no holdings are returned
Crossref: button will not appear when the database does not exist in Crossref and no holdings are returned
Crossref: the first DOI found will be returned, rather than the last
360 Core Client Center:
Data on Demand report now has content type Video
HTML-formatted public notes correctly uploaded via ODSE
Automatically populate Display In checkboxes on status change
Retain 360 Search Display In value
E-Journal Portal:
Add daily refresh date stamp to EJP 2.0
Restore Peer-Reviewed limiter
Remove “add your help text here” from display
Provider Details page displays (harmless) error
Prevent non-numeric data from being entered into some License fields
Allow creation of new LSH without SQL error message
360 Counter and Intota:
Ability to manually upload TR, TR_J1, TR_J2, TR_J3, TR_J4, TR_B1, TR_B2, and TR_B3 reports
Full validation of the TR reports for compliance with the new standard
Full processing and storage of TR report statistics
New DRS forms for population as providers confirm r5 compliance
Due to the complexity of the COUNTER r5 implementation, it will be released in stages between now and early 2020. The TR usage statistics will not be available immediately in Intota Assessment; however, uploaded COUNTER r5 reports will remain in a pending status until we roll out the Intota Assessment piece in early 2020. Any TR statistics that have been uploaded to that point will be then accessible in the Intota Assessment application. Please also note that there are no changes to the COUNTER r3 or r4 functionality, and reports that adhere to either standard will continue to be supported for backwards compatibility.
We elected to implement the suite of TR reports first because they replace the current journal (JR) and book (BR) reports, which are the most heavily used by our clients. More details can be found at the Project COUNTER site, and we will provide more details on our implementation of the new TR metrics as the reports are released.
What will you see in 360 Client Center and Intota?
The upload process for COUNTER r5 reports is exactly the same as for r3 and r4 reports. See instructions for Intota and 360 Client Center.
You can view the pending reports on the following pages:
360 Client Center Home > 360 Counter page:
Intota Home > Reports > COUNTER Reports page:
May 10-11, 2018
For more details on the enhancements described below, you may want to review our release overview.
Overlap Analysis for books
Currently only ejournals are eligible for overlap comparison.
Now ebook holdings will be included in cross-database overlap comparison.
Ebook-only or mixed content databases can be analyzed.
The overlap results allow you to drill down into the database details of where each ebook title is held.
New database search criteria
Experienced, daily users of 360 Core and Intota want streamlined e-cat searching for common tasks.
Now staff users can search for databases by a known DBID, for example “RNT” rather than “Nature Journals Online”
Staff users can also search for databases by the custom name that the library has applied, for example “CancerNet” instead of “ Website.”
New results list management options
The size of today’s e-resource collections requires new methods to navigate results list besides pagination.
From the Provider Details page, the list of Databases can be filtered by one or more statuses.
The default display is “Subscribed”
Any combination of statuses can be applied to create the desired set.
From the Data Management page, the list of databases can be filtered by one of three options:
Database name (begins with)
Provider [name]
[Database] Status is
360 Core Updated Interface
Align with Ex Libris branding
Updated links to the Knowledge Center and Support Portal
Refinement of left-hand panes
Technology and Infrastructure:
Increase the speed of the daily cache refresh
Please note this will not be enabled immediately. The code changes will be deliberately rolled out to production beginning in June so that we can do benchmarking and coordinate the necessary teams. -
Phase 1 of a two-phase project to speed up e-catalog searching will be delivered.
Phase 2 roll-out is TBD, but will occur prior to the Q4 release. -
Enhancements to Content team’s internal tools to streamline content ingestion, metadata enrichment, and distribution (to the KB)
Product Improvements and Fixes:
GDPR privacy safeguards for all 360 Core and Intota clients
Review & complete gap analysis of all products to ensure compliance
Confirm complete deletion of user account personal information
Updated translations (8 languages) for new features
Include identifiers in the Tracked Ejournal report for non-normalized titles
Unusually long titles (256+ characters) will now reliably display in search results
Restore Access Filter on Manage Titles page for auto-managed DDA collections (Intota)
Renewal Detail show for all databases (Intota)
360 Link and E-Journal Portal
Linker news
New LexisNexis Nexis Uni linker
Update to LexisNexis Academic
Update to IEEE IEL
Implemented support for SAML 2.0
Removed Scholar Profile features due to platform retirement
Changes in the E-Journal Portal database list now display in preview
Linking issues resolved:
Conflict between rft.jtitle and in same OpenURL
Use article DOI instead of article citation DOI
360 Counter/Intota Assessment
Citation Refiner searches will appear in 360 Usage Statistics
Resolved SUSHI test errors for ProQuest Ebooks
Resolved inaccurate platform mismatch errors
December 6, 2017
Intota Assessment and 360 Counter:
The following issues were fixed:
- SUSHI processing for reports from the providers Project Euclid, Ingenta, and the Royal Society of Chemists.
- 360 Counter was incorrectly reporting missing platform errors even when the platform appeared in the report.
- Some titles without identifiers were not displaying in JR1 reports.
- The Database Change in Use report now includes all providers’ data.
June 14, 2017
360 Counter and Intota Assessment:
The following updates were released:
- Addressed issues encountered when performing SUSHI harvesting from the following providers: Sage, IEEE, Walter de Gruyter, AIAA, Elsevier, and Project Euclid.
- Reports that are manually uploaded after a successful SUSHI harvest will now overlay the earlier report.
- For clarity's sake, the "Total No. of Records" count will no longer display at the top of report results. The count did not match the number of rows returned in the report and was confusing to viewers.
- Addressed the condition that caused a drop in reported 360 Usage Statistics in the 2017 Q1 timeframe.
- The Ebook Turnaways (BR3 & BR4) report filter is now functioning as "greater than or equal to" rather than "equal to."
- The Forthcoming report is now displaying updated information from Books In Print.
October 28, 2016
- The following updates were released:
- Several improvements to the SUSHI harvester, including a fix for the reported service interruptions and the "no months in this report" error.
- Fixes to the Print Compare to RCL Chart report to correct the number of titles showing and display errors in the drilldown to view titles.
July 9, 2016
- The following update was released:
- Ejournal Report (JR1): When the Report View filter is set to Yearly, the Select View drop-down menu will now offer four options:
- Combined View (CY)
- Detailed View (CY)
- Combined View (FY)
- Detailed View (FY)
- Ejournal Report (JR1): When the Report View filter is set to Yearly, the Select View drop-down menu will now offer four options:
- The Detailed View options correspond to the existing Calendar Year (CY) and Fiscal Year (FY) views of the reports as you have had previously.
- The Combined View options will show you an additional level of de-duplication to help address metadata that is often in flux and we have to account for idiosyncrasies retrospectively. Combined View (CY) will now be the default view.
- Here is an example of a Detailed View (CY) report with a title appearing twice due to mismatched identifiers:
- In the Combined View (CY) the titles are merged:
June 18, 2016
- The following updates were released:
- Improved the handling of ebooks: ebooks with the same title but distinct ISBNs will no longer automatically be treated as duplicates. Prior to this release only the usage from one title was delivered to Intota Assessment; now both titles and their usage will be delivered to Intota Assessment..
- Top Chart reports: Added a new View as Table option that allows you to view long titles or labels (>100 characters) that are by default truncated in the chart view.
- Enhancements to Payments:
- When viewing Details pages (Provider, Database, Holding) you can now see any added foreign currency payments. Added currency codes for all transcations on Details pages. Updated alignment of columns.
- The system will now accept a payment entered as a negative number to reflect a credit received.
- Fixed the issue that was causing some JR1, BR1, and BR2 reports to get stuck in a pending status. An Internal Error Caught message displayed in the processing log. This problem was reported for Spring-Verlag, Brill, and ProQuest reports.
- Fixed the issue that moved PR1 platform information to the Title column after uploading the report. The platform data is now in the Platform column as expected.
- Streamlined the Ejournal Report (JR1) by excluding titles that have costs but no usage data because no JR1 reports have been uploaded for the provider. Now the report will only include titles with reported JR1 statistics.
April 30, 2016
- The following updates were released:
- Journal Reports
- Added a multi-select Publisher filter to the Ejournal Report (JR1) that works independently of the Provider filter.
- Updated the Journals' Top Chart report to include a 2015 column in the 4 Year Journal Usage section of the report.
- Removed non-ISSNs and special characters in the ISSN dropdown filter.
- Journal Reports
- Fixed the condition that caused an incorrect ISSN to display for some journal titles.
- Updated the tool tips in JR1, DB1, and BR1 reports to inform the user how to make the Provider column sortable.
- Print Compare to RCL Chart
- Fixed the issue that caused a No Results error page when clicking a hyperlinked number to view a particular set of titles.
- 360 Usage Statistics
- Removed default dates for the 360 Search Provider/ Resource Activity and Session/Search reports.
March 19, 2016
- The following updates were released:
- Fixed the issue where under some conditions, databases were not removed from Intota Assessment reports when an old DB1 report was deleted and replaced by a new one.
- The Last Use data value has been corrected in the Print Deselection report.
- Adjustments made for Chrome browser s responsive layout on smaller screens.
- The Print Compare to RCL book report no longer displays an error when drilling down into title information.
- When a 2016 date is selected for any Intota Assessment report, the date is now appropriately applied.
- Fixed: For certain titles, an incorrect ISSN was appearing in Intota Assessment reports.
January 30, 2016
- The following updates were released:
- Fixed: Some ebook titles in BR1, BR2 and BR5 reports were matched to Knowledgebase serials titles.
- Fixed: Some serials titles were linked to invalid ISSNs in Intota Assessment even though the correct ISSN was in the original COUNTER report and in the Knowledgebase.
- Fixed: After merging duplicate entries for the same title in an uploaded COUNTER report, the incorrect usage value was applied to the result.
December 9, 2015
- The following enhancements were released:
- "By Fund" reports are now available for eBooks.
- Ability to search by multiple ISBN or ISSN in JR and BR reports.
- Improved title search functionality by supporting the use of quotation marks (" ") when searching for a known item.
- "Monthly/Quarterly" report filter added to:
- Archived & Combined Ejournal Holdings Report.
- Platform Report (PR1).
- Accreditation reports:
- SCONUL book reports now include BR1, BR2 and BR5 report data.
- ACRL reports updated to reflect the "Instructions and Definitions for 2015 ACRL Annual Survey".
- All reports now display a total record count at the top of a report.
- 360 Usage Statistics on the Intota Assessment reporting platform: Click-Through Statistics by Title and ISSN Report now searchable by ISSN or truncated title.
- The following fixes were released:
- Print Compare to RCL report giving an error.
- Build Your Own Reports: Provider header added back as an available Header for a custom Database report.
- Top Chart (a 360 COUNTER Database report): small adjustments made to improve the clarity of the report.
- Print Cost by Publisher report: Publisher filter is now working correctly.
- Circulation Dynamics report is now an Item Level (rather than Title Level) report that offers a filter for local call numbers.
- Print Deselection report: Report display now includes a drop-down menu for switching between Title Level and Item Level view.
- Print Cost by Subject report: Filtering by subject classification is now retained when using browser back button to return to previous screen.
- 'Published Year' display format has been cleaned up in various reports.
December 4, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Intota was sending Not Tracked titles that are in Not Tracked databases to IA if the title was subscribed in another database. Now only the subscribed title and database combination is seen in Peer Analysis reports.
- Under some conditions the Data Retrieval Service (DRS) "Reports Available" COUNTER report types were disappearing in the Client Center and Intota, thereby disabling the SUSHI harvest. Those report types will no longer be automatically disabled when we receive a "not supported" error response from the provider.
- This release also includes Part 1 of a fix for clarifying how title cost per use (CPU) calculations are made. Part 2 - seeing new data points in the reports - will be visible in your Intota Assessment reports after Intota Assessment's January release.
October 28, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Build Your Own Reports
- In addition to custom eResource usage reports, users can now also create custom Print reports.
- The scheduling tool has also been enhanced to support automated delivery of both eResource and Print reports.
- Reports saved in the shared folder are now visible to other users within your institution.
- Build Your Own Reports
- Database Reports
- The Multimedia Requests Report (MR1) is now available to help you analyze your audio/video/image collections.
- Report Interface
- At the top of each 360 COUNTER report (eBook, eJournal, Database and Accreditation reports) there is now a count of the number of rows in the report.
- Provider and database filters will now be easier to use because they will only display those resources for which usage reports have been uploaded.
- Item level Print reports now have a filter for local call numbers. Previously, even if local call numbers were mapped in the ILS data you provided, a report could only be filtered by Library of Congress or Dewey numbers from Books in Print.
- Item level Print reports exist in the Print Books report group and the Deselection report group.
- Ejournal Usage by HILCC (JR1) Report
- You can now view the report by Fiscal Year in addition to Calendar Year.
- The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) column should now consistently display cleaner data due to new logic added to the report.
September 30, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Print Deselection Report
- Added Acquisition Date and Cost. Previously the report was limited to display only MSRP.
- Print Deselection Report
- Automated Scorecard
- Improved report design to make it easier to get an initial sense of the upload issues:
- Added an Exceptions Summary view that provides an overall view by error type.
- Added a Count column to the Detailed Exception Report so that repetitive holdings-level information can be rolled up into a single line item about the bibliographic record.
- Removed two errors because they should not be treated as errors:
- (Circulation) Check Out date not present (Note that this error message applied only to customers with no transaction level circulation).
- (Acquisitions) Cost not present.
- Improved report design to make it easier to get an initial sense of the upload issues:
- Further details about the Automated Scorecard are available in the Scorecard Information section of Uploading ILS Data.
- Sorting Results
- When sorting by title, duplicates will now display next to each other, regardless if one title is in ALL CAPS and the other title is not.
- You can now sort successfully by local call number in the Print Deselection and Print Book Cost Per Use reports.
- IE 11 users:
- If you are not using the latest version of IE11 (Version 11) you may need to change your browser settings. Details here.
- Voyager ILS users that have uploaded their data:
- We have identified that in most cases the local call number will be within the MFHD 852 $h$i. However because we have seen variation amongst clients, we will not update the local call number data without the consent of clients. To contact our Support team please use the Contact Us menu at the top of this page for email and phone options.
September 2, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Local call numbers
- The Print Deselection report and the Print Book Cost Per Use report now include local call numbers to facilitate ease of use in locating items.
- By default the Local Call No column is hidden; to have it displayed, right-click on any column, choose the menu option Include Column and select Local Call No. The report will refresh at this time.
- To save the display, select Save Current Customization from the Page Options menu on the right side of the report.
- By default the Local Call No column is hidden; to have it displayed, right-click on any column, choose the menu option Include Column and select Local Call No. The report will refresh at this time.
- The Print Deselection report and the Print Book Cost Per Use report now include local call numbers to facilitate ease of use in locating items.
- Local call numbers
- If the Local Call No column is empty, we currently do not have your local call numbers mapped. Use the Contact Us menu at the top of the Support Center to let us know where the call numbers exist in your ILS data and we can re-upload your ILS data.
- The above reports also now include the following new columns of local data: Status (Missing, Long Past Due, etcetera), Holding Item ID and Bib ID. By default these report columns are hidden; to display them, use the same steps mentioned above for the Local Call No column.
- Internet Explorer 11
- IE11 is now supported. Previously, support for current versions of browsers was limited to Chrome and Firefox.
- Federated Search Data
- The Database Report (DB1) now includes federated search usage and cost data.
July 15, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Schedule Reports
- New ability to schedule reports to run automatically in the future.
- Schedule Reports
- Scorecard (audit) information about ILS File Uploads
- Scorecard information will now be easier to access. The report will be online, compared to previously being available only via email.
June 26, 2015
- ProQuest released the following update:
- Consolidated usage and cost reports are now viewable solely on the new Intota Assessment platform. Previously, reports were available on both the new platform as well as the legacy platform.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available in the 360 Counter: Reporting Interface Improvements FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) support center article.
- Consolidated usage and cost reports are now viewable solely on the new Intota Assessment platform. Previously, reports were available on both the new platform as well as the legacy platform.
May 29, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- 360 Usage Statistics Reports
- The Click-Through by Provider and Database report is now available. It was not released last month with the other Click-Through reports.
- Date filters now include 2015 months.
- 360 Usage Statistics Reports
- Build Your Own Reports
- Issues with creating and saving custom reports in the Customization tool have been fixed. Some users were previously getting error messages.
- Page Options menu
- In 360 Usage Statistics reports, the Page Options customization menu on the right side of the screen now displays consistently.
April 30, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- User interface
- The interface has been refreshed to provide a site that is easier to navigate.
- Highlights include simplified content and organization, easier navigation with improved color contrast, and improved accessibility navigation.
- The interface has been refreshed to provide a site that is easier to navigate.
- User interface
- 360 Usage Statistics Reports are now available for analyzing use of your collection through ProQuest's 360 discovery tools: 360 Link, 360 Search, 360 MARC Updates and E-Journal Portal.
- Client Center login link
- Link on Intota Assessment home page now correctly takes you to the Client Center home page instead of an error message.
- Working with an Excel 2003 or 2007 downloaded report
- Cell merge was blocking the ability to fully manipulate the Excel reports, so cell merge has been disabled on each report in Intota Assessment.
- Note that the Ejournal Auth Titles by Subj with CPU (JR1) report and the Ejournal Usage by HILCC (JR1) report have a total for each subject. To avoid the issue with cell merge, configure your report for no subtotals. Do this by right clicking on the column and selecting Show Sub-total > None.
- Cell merge was blocking the ability to fully manipulate the Excel reports, so cell merge has been disabled on each report in Intota Assessment.
- Database Performers Report
- Report had previously been restricting the results to show only the databases with searches and sessions. This was too restricting because many providers do not account for Sessions. The report will now display all databases that have at least one Search.
March 24, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Change in Use Reports
- All Change in Use reports can be created using Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly views.
- Change in Use Reports
- Enhanced Title Key for Print Reports
- RCL (Resources for College Libraries) is reviewed at the ISBN level and therefore not all matching titles are tagged as RCL reviewed. This enhanced title key is designed to resolve the RCL matching issues reported by customers. Unfortunately BIP (Books In Print) does not have this key populated for all the titles at this time so customers will still occasionally see data anomalies. ProQuest is working to update all of BIP.
- Counter DB1 Reports
- Deleting a Counter DB1 report will now show in consolidated reports as "null" usage rather than "0" usage.
- Counter DB2 Reports
- The column Access Denied Category in consolidated reports will now display a value of No License, Turnaway, or Other. The column was incorrectly displaying a value of Counts.
- Working with an Excel Downloaded Report
- When trying to sort the totals column: The user must select the data portion of the report to be sorted. Then Choose the Custom Sort option. Then choose the column and sort preferences.
- Do not select all the report data fields and/or headers.
March 20, 2015
- Improvements to SUSHI automated harvesting protocol to expedite report processing;
- Improved handling of duplicate titles in provider data;
- Correction to missing data errors in DB3 report uploads - in some cases, DB3 report data was not reflected in consolidated reports; and
- Additional ISSN validation for Intota Assessment - in some cases, ISSN was incorrectly formatted.
March 6, 2015
February 24, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Ejournal Usage by Fund Report
- This new report provides views into usage and cost, based on the Ejournal fund accounts reported in your library's Intota or Client Center profile.
- Ejournal Usage by Fund Report
- Database Usage by Fund Report
- Report now correctly displays the Fund Name column.
- Ejournal Usage by HILCC Report
- Some subject headings were found to be incorrect and they have been removed.
- Messaging upcoming system downtime
- The bottom of the login area now supports a scrolling banner to inform you about upcoming downtime for updating Intota Assessment. Such notices also display on the home page after you log in.
February 17, 2015
Email notification of report availability is sent to the primary and/or alternate contacts listed on your Data Retrieval Service (DRS) Request Form. For information about the form, Client Center users click here; Intota users click here.
Libraries will be able to view consolidated reports in both 360 Counter's Consolidated Reports area, as well as through the new reporting interface in Intota Assessment. The transition to reports being available exclusively via the Intota Assessment platform will occur after the busy season of reviewing and analyzing 2014 reports. More details to come regarding the mid-2015 transition to Intota Assessment!
- Interested in learning more about the new reporting interface in Intota Assessment? Visit 360 Counter: Reporting Interface Improvements FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
If you have any questions about 2014 Counter files, the Contact Us menu at the top of the Support Center provides both email and phone options. Thank you for being a ProQuest customer.
January 27, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Enhancements to the Ebook Report, Database Report, and Ejournal Report
- The new "Report Type" filter allows for selecting a yearly, quarterly, or monthly view, giving the library the flexibility to analyze data across various time spans.
- You can now view fiscal years in addition to calendar years, making it easier to assess usage for a single subscription period.
- Enhancements to the Ebook Report, Database Report, and Ejournal Report
- Peer Analysis - Books
- Viewing by title now links together all editions of a title, allowing libraries to make deselection decisions based on similar holdings.
- Filter by Provider
- The 'Match Case' setting is now OFF by default, saving users time when entering a provider search. A user can turn it ON to conduct a case-sensitive query.
- Working with an Excel downloaded report
- Cell merge was blocking the ability to fully manipulate the Excel report, so cell merge has been disabled.
- Note that Microsoft Excel 2007 currently has an issue that continues to prevent Intota Assessment users from fully manipulating reports, so when downloading a report in Intota Assessment, Excel 2007 users should save the file as type Excel 2003.
- Cell merge was blocking the ability to fully manipulate the Excel report, so cell merge has been disabled.
January 13, 2015
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Print Deselection Report
- Speed has been improved beyond the speed enhancements made in the last release.
- Print Deselection Report
- Counter Data Fix
- The issue has been fixed where cost could be multiplied due to multiple titles linking to one authority title, which share a price. Such a scenario is due to providers not using consistent naming conventions.
- The fix will affect users on January 17.
- Note that this fix was initially scheduled and announced for the December 19 release.
- The issue has been fixed where cost could be multiplied due to multiple titles linking to one authority title, which share a price. Such a scenario is due to providers not using consistent naming conventions.
- Report Filters
- All reports now display their filters at the top of the screen.
- Ejournal Gold Open Access Report (JR1 GOA)
- Data is now being retrieved and properly displaying in the report.
- Peer Analysis - Database Report
- Databases not owned by the library are no longer showing up.
- Combined Service and Platform Report (DB3)
- Grand Totals are now displaying.
- Ebook Performers Report
- Report results for Uses >= 10 are now displaying correctly.
- Ebook Turnaways Report
- BR4 reports are now being included.
- Ebook Deselection Report
- Duplicated columns no longer display in a downloaded CSV report file.
- Ejournal Usage Report by Month
- Cost information is now displaying when the 'EJournal Usage Report by Month' option is selected from within the Ejournal Report screen.
- Peer Analysis - Journal Report
- Books are no longer showing up in this journal report.
January 7, 2015
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available in the 360 Counter: Reporting Interface Improvements FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) support center article.
December 19, 2014
- ProQuest released the following updates:
- Print Deselection Report
- Improved speed.
- Currency/Market filters were restored.
- Usage filter defaults to <=10 (less than or equal to 10) but can be set higher. This was based on customer feedback.
- Qualitative filters were changed from check fields to drop-downs. This has had a positive impact on performance.
- Qualitative columns now use a "y" or "n" to indicate yes or no, rather than the previously used "x".
- Print Deselection Report
- Print Book CPU Report
- Improved speed.
- Currency/Market filter is available.
- CPU (Cost Per Use) can be based on customer cost or MSRP. Helpful for libraries unable to extract acquisition data.
- CPU based on MSRP was part of the November 4 release but we wanted to list it here as a reminder.
- Counter Data Fix
- The issue has been fixed where cost could be multiplied due to multiple titles linking to one authority title, which share a price. Such a scenario is due to providers not using consistent naming conventions.
- This fix will affect users on December 29.
- The issue has been fixed where cost could be multiplied due to multiple titles linking to one authority title, which share a price. Such a scenario is due to providers not using consistent naming conventions.
November 26, 2014
360 Counter and Intota Assessment users will see improvements to usage data and cost on the following:
- Usage duplication due to multiple uploads In some cases, users reported that the system was not de-duping usage data when files were uploaded for the same dates.
- Title normalization failed in some cases Where cost has been uploaded, some titles were not normalized to the authority title, creating duplicate rows in consolidated reports.
- Specific to Intota Assessment, we observed an issue where cost is not calculated properly when there are some months without e-resource usage.
- 360 Counter customers: if you need information on how to access the new Intota Assessment e-Resources interface, see the "Will my current user name and password remain the same?" section of 360 Counter: Reporting Interface Improvements FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
New 360 Counter Issues:
- Cost can be multiplied due to multiple titles linking to one authority title, which share a price. This is caused when providers do not use consistent naming conventions.
- Usage files spanning across COUNTER R3 and R4 in the same month may cause inflated usage.
November 10, 2014
- ProQuest has resolved an issue with file uploading into 360 Counter where replacement files are not successfully importing when they replace a deleted one.
Pending Issues:
- Users of 360 Counter and Intota Assessment services are still experiencing issues on the following:
- Usage duplication due to multiple uploads In some cases, users reported that the system was not de-duping usage data when files were uploaded for the same dates.
- Title normalization failed in some cases Due to malformed ISSNs, some titles were not normalized to the authority title, creating duplicate rows in consolidated reports.
- Cost fix for journal and ebook reports In cases where there was zero usage for a month, calculations were impacted and could be incorrect.
- We are expecting to release fixes to the above issues during the week of November 17, 2014.
- 360 Counter Transition News:
- ProQuest has extended the transition time for users to move to the new Intota Assessment reporting interface. In early 2015, all users' consolidated reports will be available exclusively on Intota Assessment. Further details will be coming.
- To learn more about the new interface, access the Support Center article 360 Counter: Reporting Interface Improvements FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) that includes a link to a recorded training webinar and also FAQs about the new interface.
November 4, 2014
Intota Assessment:- ProQuest released the following updates to Intota Assessment:
- CPU (Cost Per Use) by MSRP field - A new CPU by MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) field has been added to the Print Book CPU report. For libraries unable to extract acquisition data, this new field provides cost per use based on MSRP.
- Accessing Overlap Analysis - Overlap Analysis now opens in a new browser window rather than opening via a pop up. Also the user no longer sees an empty Intota Assessment report display in the background.
- Cost fix for database reports - In cases where there was zero usage for a month, calculations were impacted.
- Users have reported slowness on Print report rendering - We discovered a root cause in our server architecture and have optimized to improve performance.
- Fixed an issue where the currency was not working in Print CPU (Cost Per Use) top charts.
- Saving changes in reports was failing for some users - We resolved the item that occurred when some logins were being prevented from saving report changes.
October 17, 2014
360 Counter:- ProQuest released the following fixes affecting 360 Counter and Intota Assessment:
- Cost per use not populating for all years - in some cases, cost per use was not displaying for the latest year added.
- DB1 Report upload issues In some cases, uploading of DB1 reports created a friendly error and failed uploads.
- Row deletion in 360 Counter In some cases, deleting a title from the list of resources would fail, leaving the title intact.
- BR5 reports failed to upload In all cases, users received a friendly error and were not able to load BR5 usage reports.
September 30, 2014
Highlights of the updates released to Intota Assessment:- Change in Use Reports: Database Change in Use, eBook Change in Use and eJournal Change in Use have been combined into one report by format which allows you to toggle between monthly and annual views. Previously, each format of Change in Use reports were separated, each including Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly versions.
- Performer Reports: Database Performers, eBook Performers and eJournal Performers replace the 100 Most and Least Used reports. The new performer reports allow the user to see the most and least used resources, sorted on usage.
- Report Consolidation: We have simplified how Usage, Cost Per Use (CPU), and CPU Template reports are organized. There are now three reports (listed below), each report providing Usage, Cost, CPU, and Provider information:
- Ebook report
- Database report
- Ejournal report
- Enhanced Title Linking for RCL (Resources for College Libraries): Previously the RCL indicator was matching at the ISBN level which means it would only find an exact match for the edition selected for RCL. Now, all editions for a title are included in the match. This improves Deselection and Recommendation report matching.
- HathiTrust: The Print Deselection Report now contains a column for HathiTrust, indicating if a title is "In Copyright" or "Public Domain".
- Section 508 Accessibility Compliance: This release introduces an accessible version of Intota Assessment. Declaring official compliance with the U.S. government's Section 508 will be coming from ProQuest's User Experience team at a later date.
- Support for Chrome Browser Users: Intota Assessment now fully supports the use of the web browser Chrome.
- Fixed the duplication in the Database usage reports due to multiple uploads in 360 Counter.
July 22, 2014
CPU Report Enhancements
These reports will now include currency within the filters and displays the currency chosen within the MSRP field. (Cost is still the local currency of the customer.)
Available currencies:
ISBN13 will now link out to Books In Print
This change is to be found in the following reports:
- Top Chart drill downs
- Cost by Publisher drill down
- Cost by Subject drill down
- Print Book CPU
Print Deselection
Print Deselection will now include the ability to filter by Acquisition date. In cases where one Title has more than one copy, Intota Assessment takes the acquisition date of the most recent copy.
June 20, 2014
- Upload and manage via Client Center or the new Intota platform
- View consolidated statistics though the new Intota Assessment reporting platform
- Ebook usage and cost per use reports
- Journal usage and cost per use reports
- Database usage and cost per use reports Note: some users may experience some duplication in database usage reports which ProQuest expects to correct within 2 weeks on the Intota Assessment platform.
- 28 additional custom reports based on ebooks, journals or database statistics
- A custom report sandbox for creating other reports including graphical tools
- July 1: DRS Mid-year update begins
- July 8: Filter by fund added to database cost per use reports
- July 8: Resolve issues surrounding duplication in database usage
- July 8: Resolve issues in ISSN formatting
- July 28: Resolve issues with DB3 report management
- July 28: Resolve issues where tracked reports may not show as tracked in the 360 Counter interface
- July 28: 12 additional usage reports addressing multimedia, open access and more
360 Counter users: see additional information about the new interface for e-resource usage reporting based on the Intota Assessment platform.
December 6, 2013
- Enhancements to Landing and Summary Pages: Streamline workflows and have an easier time evaluating and tracking available usage statistics with new user interface enhancements. See information about the 360 Counter Page.
September 27, 2013
- Enhanced Upload Status Page will streamline your user experience and make bulk importing easier when uploading costs.
June 22, 2013
- Easier cost reporting and assessment for libraries with 360 Resource Manager and its enhanced Cost Data Upload tool providing bulk editing and cost data application
- More log reporting and improvements to allow libraries to more easily view and interact with their data as it is being ingested into 360 Counter, especially via SUSHI
March 30, 2013
- Improvements to the Data Retrieval Service (DRS) form to make it easier for you to find and enter provider information.
- Cost for consortia members
- More fixes and performance enhancements in response to client reports to improve your experience and return-on-investment of 360 Counter.
Feb. 1, 2013
- DRS Form shows the report interval or schedule you requested (twice a year, quarterly, or monthly).
- Other minor fixes to the service.
Dec. 21, 2012
Dec. 1, 2012
- Revisions to the Data Retrieval Service Request Form to make it easier to use.
- Enhanced error display with the SUSHI-harvesting system, so that only the most recent failed SUSHI-harvest attempt is displayed in the 360 Counter page.
- And many fixes to issues that you, our clients, have told us about!
Sep. 21, 2012
- New options for displaying dates in 360 Counter and the rest of the Client Center, based on your preferred date format (for example, YYYY/MM/DD or DD/MM/YYYY)
- Download all DRS reports retrieved from this time forward.
- The left side of Database Details pages will show itemized costs again. (We had to remove that functionality for a short time.)
- Other fixes to issues clients have pointed out to us, making it easier to use 360 Counter!
Aug. 16, 2012
- We have created an online version of the Data Retrieval Service (DRS) Form in the Client Center; this replaces the previous workflow in which you used an offline Excel spreadsheet to manage and share information.
- 360 Counter can automatically harvest your usage-statistics reports from SUSHI-compatible providers. This capability is built into our new, online, DRS Form.
- Serials Solutions has migrated all of the information that we currently have in your Excel-based DRS Forms to the online Form. The online Form should be considered the most current repository of information used to gather your vendor-supplied usage statistics; when gathering usage statistics on your behalf, we will use this online Form only from Aug. 15 forward.
- You should review this new Form and make sure it is accurate some time after Aug. 16. Make any necessary changes directly in the online Form before your next scheduled data retrieval.
- There will be no need to manage the offline Form (Excel spreadsheet) any more. We will no longer store and email copies and updates, and we will no longer make updates via email.
- Please make any and all changes and updates to your usage statistics information directly in the online Form. We will always use this Form when performing the retrievals on your standard schedule.
- You should feel free to make updates and changes to the online Form at any time.
- The new, online Form offers you the ability to input SUSHI credentials for those providers that support SUSHI. (Read more about SUSHI-protocol harvesting here.) If you choose to enter SUSHI credentials, we will attempt to retrieve usage statistics from your SUSHI providers on the second day of every month. If there are any providers for which you have not entered SUSHI credentials, we will continue to gather your statistics on your regular, pre-designated schedule: monthly, quarterly, twice a year, or once a year.
- We will continue to send you an update each time your usage-statistics data is loaded on your regular frequency, as we do now; this message will indicate that your data upload is complete and will contain any information about statistics that could not be loaded. If you need to update your usernames and passwords in order for data to be gathered, please do so in the online Form and notify us if you would like those statistics gathered immediately. If not, we will use the updated information from the online Form the next time we gather your statistics.
July 21, 2012
- The 360 Counter page has been enhanced with dates covered by each usage report and the email address of the person who uploaded each report.
- New Transaction Currency Code menu
- Cost display improvements
May 18, 2012
March 13, 2012
Dec. 3, 2011
Oct. 28, 2011
Sept. 16, 2011
- 360 Counter and the 360 Counter Data Retrieval Service (DRS) support three new vendor-supplied reports for e-books and journals from archive collections:
- JR1a - Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests from an Archive by Month and Journal. For examples, go to the COUNTER Project Codes of Practice and download Appendix F: CSV Usage Report Examples.)
- BR1 - Number of Successful Title Request by Month and Title. See COUNTER Code of Practice Books and Reference Works: Release 1 for more information.
- BR3 - Turnaways by Month and Title. See COUNTER Code of Practice Books and Reference Works: Release 1 for more information.
- We are currently assessing functionality for BR2 reports as well, and we plan to add support for these additional data in the very near future. (Update: BR2 added Oct. 28.)
- The 360 Counter reporting interface has been enhanced with new pre-filtered and full reports to allow you to make the most of all your data for assessment, reporting and decision-making. The reporting interface has been updated in order to enable the use of the new e-book and journal archive data. For example, you'll be able to select from a series of new pre-filtered reports such as "100 Top Books Calculated by Use." In the process, we have enhanced the reporting interface in other ways to make it more user-friendly and better organized for ease-of-use and integration of the new data elements.
- Our technology partner, PivotLink, has made some optional enhancements to the interface of the consolidated reports system. If you choose to take advantage of these features, you will see some improved options for reporting and user-interface features. See this document (in the section called "Enhanced View" for information on how to use this new, optional interface.
July 15, 2011
- Register for a live training webinar about the new feature that allows for the removal of older data from your Counter Consolidated Report.
- View a brief video tutorial (MP4 or WMV) on the Deletion of Older Counter Reports.
- Read: 360 Counter: Deleting Old Usage-Data Reports
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 2-Nov-2016
- Old Article Number: 7191