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    Configuring Normalization Rules

    You configure normalization rules on the Field Normalization mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Field Normalization). For more information about mapping tables, see Mapping Tables.
    Field Normalization.png
    Field Normalization Mapping Table
    You can add normalization rules with the following elements:
    • Field Type - The field in the record to normalize: List name (rollover) for rollovers or SourceURL for bulk updates (see Updating a source URL).
    • Regular Expression - A regular expression to search for in the field.
    • Normalization Method - What to do with the string in the field that matches the regular expression:
      • Concat to end - Append the contents of Replace With after the matched string in the field.
      • Concat to start - Insert the contents of Replace With before the matched string in the field.
      • Keep - Keep the contents ot the regular expression that appear in the first set of parentheses (in other words, keep $1 and discard the rest of the field). Replace With is ignored. For example, if your regular expression is .{2}(.*), then admin becomes min.
      • Lowercase - Lowercase the contents ot the regular expression that appear in the first set of parentheses (in other words, replace $1). Replace With is ignored. For example, if your regular expression is .{2}(.*), then ADMIN becomes ADmin.
      • Remove - Remove the contents ot the regular expression that appear in the first set of parentheses (in other words, dicard $1). Replace With is ignored. For example, if your regular expression is .{2}(.*), then ADMIN becomes AD.
      • Replace - Replace the contents ot the regular expression that appear in the first set of parentheses with the contents of Replace With (in other words, replace $1). For example, if your regular expression is .{2}(.*) and Replace With is 123, then ADMIN becomes AD123.
      • Uppercase - Uppercase the contents ot the regular expression that appear in the first set of parentheses (in other words, replace $1). Replace With is ignored. For example, if your regular expression is .{2}(.*), then admin becomes adMIN.
    • Replace With - Based on the selected Normalization Method.
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