Configuring Default Statuses for Citations/Reading Lists
On the Course Reserves Automatic Statuses mapping table (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Course Reserves Automatic Statuses), you can configure the default statuses of some citations and reading lists. For more information, see Reading List and Citation Statuses and Course and Reading Lists Workflow. When not set, the default value of a new citation or reading list is BeingPrepared (this includes citations in reading lists that are rolled over by an instructor in Leganto but does not include citations in reading lists that are rolled over by the course loading integration profile; see Configuring Course Loading).
Parameter | Description | Values |
citation_by_material_type | The citation status is automatically set by the status in citation_by_material_type_status. | Material Type code (Configuration > Fulfillment > Courses > Citation Material Type). For more information about code tables, see Code Tables. |
citation_by_material_type_status | The status to apply to any material type set in the citation_by_material_type_parameter. |
citation_copyright_approved | The status to apply to any citation whose copyright status changes to Approved due to automatic copyright clearance (see Automatically Managing a Citation's Copyright Status). Manually changing a citation's copyright status does not trigger this parameter. |
citation_detached_from_repository | The status to apply to any citation that is manually detached from the repository. No longer has MMS ID. | |
citation_digital | The status to apply to any repository (has MMS ID) digital citation when it is added to a reading list. | |
citation_digitization_request_submitted | The status to apply to any citation that is submitted for a digitization request when manually adding the citation. | |
citation_electronic | The status to apply to any repository (has MMS ID) electronic citation when it is added to a reading list. | |
New for August! citation_nz | The status to apply to any new electronic citation added from the network zone . | |
citation_file_removed | The status to apply to any electronic citation whose file has been removed. | |
citation_pc_search | The status to apply to any citation with full text available when it is added from Primo Central/CDI to a reading list. | |
citation_pc_url | (Only relevant when citation_pc_search is empty) The status to apply to any repository (has MMS ID) citation when its url matches citation_pc_url_regexp. | |
citation_pc_url_regexp | A regular expression to match a citation URL. Considered a direct link. | |
citation_physical | The status to apply to any repository (has MMS ID) physical citation when it is added to a reading list. | |
citation_primo_url |
The status to apply to any citation when its url matches citation_primo_url_regxp. This parameter also applies to Summons URLs. |
A regular expression to match a citation URL. Considered a direct link.
This parameter also applies to Summons URLs.
citation_purchase_request_submitted | The status to apply to any citation with a submitted purchase request. | |
citation_reading_list_complete | The status to apply to any citation when its reading list is marked as Complete (the recommended value for this parameter is Complete). | |
citation_resolved | The status to apply to any citation when it is added to a reading list and resolved by the OpenURL Link Resolver. | |
citation_resource_located | The status to apply to any non-repository citation that is manually located, located by a job, or located automatically. | |
citation_resource_sharing_request_created | The status to apply to any citation when a resource sharing request has been created for it. | |
citation_uploaded_file | The status to apply to any citation that has an uploaded file when it is added to a reading list.
If this option is not defined, copyright options are not presented to an instructor when the instructor uploads a file while creating a citation. In addition, this option only has an effect if the instructor selects one of the copyright options with a value of Fair Use or Self Declared. See Uploading Files for My Collection or as Citations.
cite_it_filter | The status to apply to citations harvested using Leganto's Cite It tool according to their URL.
After setting this parameter, add filters:
leganto_citation_file_removed | The status to apply to a citation when a file is removed from the citation. |
list_new_citation_in_completed_list | The status to apply to a reading list that is currently set to Complete when a new citation is added to the list. |
list_new_citation_in_sent_list | The list status to apply when new items are added to a list with a status of Complete. |
The status to apply to a reading list after the last citation in it is manually set to Complete.
When an instructor selects Library Review or Publish on a reading list and all citation statuses are set to Complete, the list status updates according to the status set in reading_list_citations_complete, which by default is set to Complete. If you do not want to automatically set the status to Complete, set this parameter to blank.
revert_citation_status_by_adding_tags | Whenever you add a tag matching the value of this parameter to a "Completed" citation, the citation will revert to the status defined in the revert_completed_citation_status_to parameter. When adding multiple tags, use a comma between tags. |
A citation tag |
revert_citation_status_by_removing_tags | Whenever you remove a tag matching the value of this parameter from a "Complete" citation, the citation will revert to the status defined in the revert_completed_citation_status_to parameter. When adding multiple tags, use a comma between tags. |
A citation tag |
revert_completed_citation_status_by_metadata_change |
When a previously completed list has a citation status change due to the parameter revert_completed_citation_status_by_metadata_change setting, the List status changes if revert_list_status_to is set.
The following metadata triggers a change in status:
revert_completed citation_status_to
The status that a "Complete" citation will revert to if a tag matching the value of the revert_citation_status_by_adding_tags parameter is added to the citation or if a tag matching the value of the revert_citation_status_by_removing_tags parameter is removed from the citation.
revert_list_status_to | Sets the default status for a completed reading list when a citation status is changed due to any of the following parameters: revert_citation_status_by_removing_tags, revert_citation_status_by_adding_tags, revert_completed_citation_status_by_metadata_change. |
When citations with at least one electronic portfolio on a reading list include a link in the Acquisition tab > Public access model field, the citation status automatically receives the status set in the unlimited_access_citation.
The codes are derived from the Access Model codes table (Acquisitions > Licenses > Access Model). The Public access model field code on the electronic portfolio Acquisition tab is populated with the value in the unlimited_access_model_code.
uploaded_file_enabled_default_value | Not in use |