Leganto Release Notes August 2017
New and Changed Leganto Features
The following features are new or changed in this month's release of Leganto.
Reading List Subjects
You can now add subjects to reading lists, the same way that you add tags to sections and citations. Unlike tags, subjects are pre-defined by Ex Libris. Click Add Subjects to start adding subjects; if you already defined subjects, click the edit icon to edit the subjects. Enter a letter ot two and select a subject from the drop-down list. Click X to the right of the subject to remove it. When you are done, click Save.

Add Subjects to Reading List
A Subject filter was added to the Find Lists page.

Find Lists Page
The subjects are as follows:
Aeronautics | Aesthetics | Agriculture | Air Force | Almanacs |
Anarchism | Angling | Animal Husbandry | Animal Science | Anthropology |
Aquaculture | Arboriculture | Archaeology | Architecture | Archives |
Armor | Army | Art | Artillery | Astronautics |
Astronomy | Atlas | Bahaism | Bible | Bibliography |
Biography | Biology | Books | Botanic | Botany |
Bridges | Buddhism | Building Construction | Canon Law | Cartography |
Cavalry | Chemical Technology | Chemistry | Christianity | Civil Engineering |
Classical Studies | Collected Work | Collections | Colonization | Commerce |
Communication | Communism | Community | Criminology | Decorative Art |
Demography | Dentistry | Dermatology | Design | Dictionaries |
Diplomatics | Directories | Doctrinal Theology | Drawing | Eclectic Medicine |
Economic History | Economic Theory | Education | Education Theory | Electrical Engineering |
Electronics | Emigration | Encyclopedias | Engineering | Environmental Science |
Environmental Technology | Epigraphy | Ethics | Family | Finance |
Fisheries | Folklore | Forestry | Genealogy | General Work |
Geography | Geology | Gynecology and Obstetrics | Heraldry | Highway Engineering |
History | History of Civilization | History of Education | Homeopathy | Horticulture |
Human Anatomy | Human Ecology | Humanities | Hunting | Hydraulic Engineering |
Illustration | Indexes | Industry | Infantry | Information Resources |
Inscriptions | Instruction and Study | International Law | International Migration | International Relations |
Islam | Judaism | Jurisprudence | Labor | Law |
Leisure | Libraries | Linguistic | Literature | Literature on Music |
Local Government | Logic | Manners and Customs | Map | Marine Engineering |
Marines | Marriage | Mathematical Geography | Mathematics | Medicine |
Metallurgy | Microbiology | Military Engineering | Military Science | Mining Engineering |
Modern Languages | Motor Vehicles | Municipal Government | Museums | Music |
Mythology | Natural History | Naval Science | Newspapers | Nuclear Engineering |
Numismatics | Nursing | Ocean Engineering | Oceanography | Ophthalmology |
Otorhinolaryngology | Painting | Paleography | Pathology | Pediatrics |
Periodicals | Pharmacology | Philology | Philosophy | Physical Geography |
Physics | Physiology | Plant Breeding | Plant Propagation | Political Science |
Political Theory | Practical Theology | Print Media | Psychology | Public Welfare |
Race | Rationalism | Recreation | Reference Work | Religions |
Religious Law | Sanitary Engineering | Science | Sculpture | Seals |
Series | Shipbuilding | Silviculture | Social Class | Social History |
Socialism | Social Pathology | Social Problem | Social Reform | Social Science |
Society | Sociology | Statistics | Surgery | Technical Chronology |
Technology | Theosophy | Therapeutics | Transportation | Visual Art |
Women and Sexuality | Writing | Yearbooks | Zoology |
Additional Leganto Features
The following additional changes were made in this month's release:
- When adding a section to a reading list, the section is now added to the end of the list (instead of the top). When duplicating a section, the section is added after the one that is being duplicated. This behavior can be configured by an Alma parameter; see Additional Alma Configurations.
- When exporting a reading list to a PDF, the PDF now contains section and citation tags, as well as the public note.
- When adding or editing a citation, the field Notes was moved to More Item Details and was changed to Resource Notes, in order to distinguish it from the citation's public note. This field name was also changed on the Citation page.
- When enabled by your library, you can now include search results without full text access when searching for items in Primo Central.
Include Records Without Full-Text Access
- You can now add a citation public note when using Cite It! or when manually adding a citation.
Cite It! Pane
- You can now copy the reading list permalink by hovering your mouse over the reading list name and clicking the permalink icon that appears. A popup appears. Use your mouse to copy the permalink or click Copy to Clipboard. To close the popup, click the permalink icon.
Permalink Icon
- The call number no longer appears in parentheses.
Call Number
New Alma Configurations
The following features were added to Alma to support Leganto features in this release.
For additional Leganto-related Alma changes in this release, see Fulfillment - August 2017 Enhancements.
Additional Alma Configurations
- You can now integrate Leganto with Google Analytics; see Enabling Google Analytics.
- You can configure where in a reading list newly created sections appear; see Configuring Where New Sections Appear.
- The Upload button on the Branding Management page was changed to Save; see Configuring Leganto Branding.
- You can enable Leganto users to include results without full text in Primo Central search results; see Configuring Search Repository.
Resolved Issues
The following issues were resolved in this release:
- (URM-72537) Clicking Associate to DCS resulted in an error. This was fixed.
- (URM-72562) Some duplicated wording was removed from Creative Commons license information.
- (URM-72701) When moving a citation within a list, the last updated date is now updated.
- (URM-73183) The Welcome pages were missing descriptor text for accessibility purposes. Text was added to these pages.
- (URM-73421) The resource icon graphics were of low quality. They were fixed.
- (URM-74331) There were several small formatting issues when exporting a reading list in Harvard style. These were fixed.
- (URM-74593) The fonts in the "Appears in other reading lists" popup were inconsistent with the UI. This was fixed.
- (URM-74762) Sorting reading lists by course name did not sort correctly. This was fixed.
- (URM-74865) The source URL for a web page citation did not appear when exporting a reading list in APA format. This was fixed.
- (URM-75375) When adding a citation in Leganto using a library search, pages information (300 $a) was not inherited. When editing the citation for copyright, the total pages value remained empty. This was fixed.
- (URM-75604, URM-75761) There were some UI issues and a translation issue when viewing a reading list with the UI language set to Hebrew. These were fixed.
- (URM-75753, URM-75794) Some grammatical errors were fixed in the UI.
- (URM-75791) The last character in a public note was partially covered by the graphic. This was fixed.
- (URM-75854) In some situations, citations or sections overlapped in the UI. This was fixed.
- (URM-75905, URM-76116) There were some thumbnail resolution issues. These were fixed.
- (URM-76982) Text book links for citations originating from ProQuest eBook Central were not working. These were fixed.
Next Month Sneak Peek
Features scheduled for next month include:
- Archive reading lists
- Edit course code in Alma