Leganto Release Notes June 2017
New and Changed Leganto Features
The following features are new or changed in this month's release of Leganto.
Related Items Panel
bX recommendations for electronic items were moved to a Related Items panel on the right of the citation pane (see the below figure).
In addition to bX recommendations, the panel now also includes related items for books on the shelf adjacent to your physical items (in your inventory).
A bX token is not required to display these recommendations.

Citation Pane
Click Show more items to view more recommendations.
Click a recommendation and click Add to List to add the recommendation to the same section in the reading list as the current citation.
Additional Leganto Features
The following additional changes were made in this month's release:
- When you select a course status or faculty on the Find Lists page, the search is immediately run again without the user having to click the search icon.
- When a user enters Leganto from a CMS, the searchable ID (instead of the course code) now appears next to the course name if they are sent in the course code field (as determined by the LTI profile).
- When opening a citation, the UI now "flips" open the citation into a translucent pane over the reading list. Click the large X on the top left (or anywhere on the left side) to close the citation pane. (See the figure in Related Items Panel.) Note that the breadcrumbs that appear in the full citation view pane are no longer active unless the page was opened as a result of a permalink to the citation.
- Standards was added as a secondary type for a citation.
- Public notes are now surrounded by stylized quotes in the reading list so that they are more visible to students.
- The course year was added to the list of reading lists. Term information was added to the tooltip when you hover over the course name in this list.
New Alma Configurations
The following features were added to Alma to support Leganto features in this release.
For additional Leganto-related Alma changes in this release, see Fulfillment - June 2017 Enhancements.
Configuring Display of Digital Representations
By default, all digital representations appear in Leganto for citations attached to digital resources. This is when the new customer parameter display_digital_representations is set to true, which is by default; see Configuring Digital Representation Display Options. When this parameter is set to false, no representations appear unless you configure them to: the action Manage Digital Representations appears on the Edit Reading List page for these types of citations. You must manually select which representations you want to appear in Leganto.
For more information, see Managing a Citation's Digital Representations.
Additional Alma Configurations
- The parameter copyright_declaration_notice was expanded to cover more situations for when to display the copyright notice. See Configuring Leganto Copyright-Related Procedures. For existing customers with the value true for this parameter, the value was changed to copyright.
- When adding or editing a citation, in the Additional Resource Information area, you can manually add additional sources for the citation (in addition to the source in the Resource Information area). These links appear in the Links & Availability section when viewing a citation in Leganto. See Managing Citations.
- You can now change the prefix that appears in the browser tab that contains Leganto; the default prefix is ExLibris. See Configuring Leganto Branding.
- After licensing a citation through SIPX, Alma's metadata for the citation's resource is updated with information from SIPX.
- You can now enable general electronic services to appear in Leganto. See Enabling General Electronic Services in Leganto.
- When overriding information during a resource locate (see Configuring Repository Locate Workflow), the Source field is now also overwritten.
- In previous versions, when a list is published, a note is added to the first citation in the list, which creates a task associated with the list. This feature is now off by default, but can be turned on using the customer parameter create_task_for_published_list. See Configuring Reading List Publication Options.
Resolved Issues
The following issues were resolved in this release:
- (URM-47134) For sites using RTL languages, the CiteIt! window could not be moved from the left of the screen. This was fixed.
- (URM-57368) When adding items to a reading list from Alma, partial titles were added. This was fixed, and now the titles added are complete.
- (URM-71852) The message to a guest or unregistered student who tries to access an unavailable reading list was updated to be more clear.
- (URM-71880) Mendeley sometimes appeared in Leganto without any citations. This was fixed and a message was added for when there are no citations in Mendeley.
- (URM-72097) The date/time for reading list visibility did not reflect local time in all cases. This was fixed.
- (URM-72299) Sagepub recently stopped working with CiteIt! This was fixed.
- (URM-72391) When searching the library using advanced search, you can now press Enter on your keyboard to initiate the search.
- (URM-72508) The auth method for login (sent by URL) was not taken into account. Leganto now preserves the auth method in a cookie.
- (URM-72586) When exporting citations to PDF, some citations were missing. This was fixed.
- (URM-72592) Harvested cover images did not always appear for articles. This was fixed.
- (URM-72684) When adding a library discussion comment, the Cancel button was changed to a Close button.
- (URM-72922) After adding a section, the page focus did not move to the new section. This was fixed.
- (URM-73340) Uploading a reading list from the Leganto home page you see when coming to Leganto from the CMS did not work. This was fixed.
- (URM-74500) Library tags appeared for guest users. This was fixed.
Next Month Sneak Peek
Features scheduled for next month include:
- Add additional resources to the citation, including other physical or electronic editions.
- Additional filters on the citation screen: alerts and reading list publication status.