Leganto Release Notes January 2017
New and Changed Leganto Features
The following features are new or changed in this month's release of Leganto.
Enhanced Copyright Workflows for Instructors
- Initiate Copyright Clearance in Leganto: Similarly to the way that instructors can use Leganto to place digitization requests for physical items, instructors can now also use Leganto to request copyright clearance for uploaded items. This feature requires configuration in Alma; see Copyright Clearance Support in Alma, below. For more information, see Configuring Leganto Copyright-Related Procedures.
When this feature is enabled, then when viewing a citation associated with an uploaded file, instructors see a link and form for a copyright clearance request.Copyright Clearance Request LinkCopyright Clearance Request Form
- Self-Declared Copyrights for Uploaded Files: When enabled by the library, the checkbox to self-declare copyright on an uploaded file now appears when you edit the citation, as well as when you create the citation. A citation with an uploaded file that is self-declared is automatically marked as Complete. This option is disabled if you save the citation after selecting this option or any Creative Commons option (see below). For more information, see the parameters and notes in Configuring Default Statuses for Citations/Reading Lists.
Reading ListThere are currently some technical limitations on this feature that will be resolved in a future release.
- Support for Creative Commons: When you harvest a URL or item using Cite It!, or upload or drag and drop a file into a reading list, the add/edit dialog box now includes the option to select a Creative Commons license. The option is disabled if you select a Creative Commons option and save the citation or if you select to self-declare the copyright (see above). For more information on this feature, see Regional Licensing and Creative Commons for Citations in the Fulfillment January 2017 Release Notes.
Creative Commons License in Citation
- When initiating a digitization or copyright clearance request from Leganto, the field Includes Image(s) appears. Select this field if your digitization request includes images. For additional changes in Alma regarding this feature, see Fulfillment - January 2017 Enhancements.
Include Images Field
Enhanced Notes Features for Leganto
Public notes from electronic portfolios now appear in the Links & Availability area of a related citation.

Portfolio Notes
In addition, students and instructors can add private notes to items in My Collection. These notes are not visible by any other user.

Private Note in My Collection
Additional Leganto Features
The following additional changes were made in this month's release:
- You can now export a reading list or section to a file in RIS format. Export to RIS File
- If the list of authors for a citation longer than one line, only the first authors appear on the reading list page, followed by an elipses (...). Reading List
- Additional help pages were added for students.
- Cite It has now been tested to support LexisNexis and ProQuest Summon. To use Cite It in LexisNexis, you must reinstall your Cite It toolbar widget if it is currently installed.
- The RefWorks key (refworks_key) and secret (refworks_secret) were replaced by a group code (refworks_group_code). See Configuring RefWorks.
SIPX Integration in Leganto
This feature is available only for institutions in North America and must be enabled by Ex Libris.
SIPX is a ProQuest company that provides pay-per-use course related licensing materials for the North American market. When enabled, instructors or librarians can provide direct access to SIPX licensing from Leganto. Depending on your Leganto installation, the materials are either for purchase by the student or they are purchased/cleared by the library.
When material is available to purchase by the student, a link with the price appears in the reading list.

Clicking this link opens the SIPX website and the opportunity to purchase the full text of the citation.
When the library purchases/clears the material for the student to view without purchasing, or for material that is free, a view link appears in the reading list.

Clicking this link opens the SIPX website and the opportunity to view or download the full text of the citation.
When enabled (see SIPX Integration in Alma, below), instructors or librarians can license material directly in Leganto. Librarians can also license material in Alma. If the resource is provided by SIPX, SIPX provides a PDF. Otherwise you can upload the PDF for which you require a license; if you already uploaded the PDF to Leganto, it is sent to SIPX during the licensing process.
See the example workflow in Working with SIPX.
New Alma Configurations
The following features were added to Alma to support Leganto features in this release.
For additional Leganto-related Alma changes in this release, see Fulfillment - January 2017 Enhancements, in particular the feature Upload Files to Citations.
SIPX Integration in Alma
For more information, see SIPX Integration in Leganto, above.
To enable instructors and librarians to license citations using SIPX in Leganto, set the parameter allow_leganto_license_through_SIPX to true. Even if this parameter us set to false, librarians can still license citations using SIPX in Alma on the Edit Reading List page; see Managing Citations. The workflow is the same as it is in Leganto.
See Working with SIPX for more information about this feature and an example licensing workflow.
Copyright Clearance Support in Alma
The following configurations were added to enhance Leganto's copyright clearance support (see Enhanced Copyright Workflows for Instructors):
- The new parameter instructor_copyright_clearance In the Copyright Management mapping table is used to enable/disable the ability for instructors to initiate copyright requests in Leganto. For more information, see Configuring Leganto Copyright-Related Procedures.
- The new parameter copyright_clearance_header configures the header in the Request for Copyright Clearance dialog box. For more information, see Configuring Leganto Copyright-Related Procedures.
- The uploaded_file and uploaded_file_enabled_default parameters affect whether the checkbox appears in both instances and its default selection. Once selected, a self-declared copyright cannot be unselected. For more information, see the parameter and notes in Configuring Default Statuses for Citations/Reading Lists. There are currently some technical limitations on this feature that will be resolved in a future release.
- The parameter display_CLA_info_in_leganto was removed and replaced by the copyright_region parameter in Alma. For more information, see Fulfillment - January 2017 Enhancements.
Additional Alma Configurations
- To configure whether a citation's information is overridden by any conflicting repository information after Alma finds a match in the repository, configure the customer parameter override_bib_on_locate (true/false). When set to true, Alma overrides the information in the citation with the information in the repository after a match is found; non-bibliographic fields remain untouched.
- When an instructor publishes/unpublishes a reading list, Alma now notifies the library by adding a note "List was published/unpublished" to the first citation in the reading list.
- (URM-63754) In the course loader integration profile, the option Being Prepared was added as an option to the field On rollover citation statuses. Use this option to set the status of all citations to Being Prepared when performing a rollover on a reading list.
- You can schedule the job that emails instructors when notifications are waiting for them in Leganto on the Fulfillment Jobs Configuration page (Fulfillment > Fulfillment Configuration > Configuration Menu > General > Fulfillment Jobs Configuration).
- A new mapping table Leganto Links is accessible as a new configuration option (Fulfillment > Fulfillment Configuration > Configuration Menu > Leganto > Links). This table is reserved for future use.
- You can click the View It link beneath a citation (in Alma) to view a digital representation associated with a citation (in addition to the link's previous function, which enabled you to view the OpenURL link resolver links to an article).
Resolved Issues
The following issues were resolved in this release:
- (URM-57037) Some searches in Leganto against Primo didn't return the same results as were returned when searching in the Primo interface (restricted records were not displayed). This was fixed.
- (URM-59447) A section dropdown menu didn't close after Send to Library was clicked. This was fixed.
- (URM-63274) Citations that were declined (for copyright purposes or other reasons) by the library continued to appear to students in the reading list. This was fixed.
- (URM-63911) When using Cite It on a Science Direct item, the DOI was taken with its prefix http://dx.doi.org/. This caused the link resolver url to fail. This was fixed
- (URM-64172) The Leganto search in Primo was enhanced by adding the book title and chapter number to the Primo API.
- (URM-64618) The password fields for Zotero and RefWorks credentials are now type=password, so that they appear as asterisks in the UI when text is entered.
- (URM-64640) In the Leganto sandbox, the thumbnail did not appear after a refresh. This was fixed.
- (URM-64762) When clicking a recommended citation, an error message appeared for the item, even though the item was actually available. This was fixed.
- (URM-64769) Cite It now supports gumroad.com, which supplies data to artbypapercut.com .
- (URM-64843) Tags did not appear in Leganto n the order specified in Alma. This was fixed.
- (URM-65074) When accessing Leganto from Canvas, the landing page was not the reading list for the course. This was fixed.
- (URM-65888) When a guest accessed a reading list using a permalink, an item that was complete appeared as "Item in under library process". This was fixed, and the item now appears as complete.
- (URM-66392) Deleting a citation now deletes any uploaded files associated with the citation. For existing files that were associated with deleted citations, we will run a job to delete these.
- (URM-67293) Uploading a file to an existing citation would sometimes overwrite metadata of the citation. This was fixed.
Next Month Sneak Peek
Features scheduled for next month include:
- Additional options for publishing a reading list, including full guest access.
- Students can receive notifications regarding changes to reading lists, such as new citations, public notes added to citations, and so forth.