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    Pivot-RP FAQs: Anticipated Deadlines in Pivot-RP

    • Product: Pivot-RP

    If the deadline is listed as "anticipated", it means that the deadlines are based on our expectation the opportunity will return within a similar time cycle. So an annual award with a deadline of January 31, 2021, would be set to “anticipated – January 31, 2022” when the 2021 deadline passed. The large majority are based on our experience with the award and sponsor, and our expectations. There are some that are based on sponsor contact or sponsor literature, and some that won’t come back, but we don’t know it until we go to confirm a new funding round.

    We would recommend anyone wishing to plan a submission based on unconfirmed dates, contact the sponsor directly before doing any work.

    We begin checking for new deadlines 4-6 months before the anticipated date, but there are an awful lot of things that could change or interrupt that process.

    Again, prior to a confirmation of the deadline (i.e. “confirmed” on Pivot-RP), interested parties should make direct contact with the sponsor.

    Note: If you are tracking an anticipated opportunity, Pivot-RP will alert you when our editors change an opportunity from "anticipated" to "confirmed" and you will be notified of the newly verfied deadline.

    • Article last edited: 25-Oct-2021
    • Old Article Number: 11613
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