Running Implementation Scripts
From the Run Implementation Scripts menu (see SP Utility - Run Scripts Menu) of the SP Utility, you can run optional scripts all at once or individually by specifying a script number, indicated by the Issue ID column in the Release Notes.
Run Implementation Scripts
0. Exit Procedure
1. Run a specific implementation script
2. Run all implementation scripts automatically
Please select [0]:
SP Utility - Run Scripts Menu
Running All Installation Scripts
To install all implementation scripts:
- Enter option 2 from the Run Implementation Scripts menu.
- At the following prompt, enter the SP number:Please enter the number of service pack you want to start with automatic run:
- At the following prompt, enter any key to continue:Implementation script run ended - press any key to continue
- Enter option 0 to exit the menu.
Running Specific Installation Scripts
To install a specific implementation script:
- Enter 1 from the Run Implementation Scripts menu. The following prompt displays:Enter the service pack number to which the script belongs (e.g. enter "5" for 1.2.5):
- Enter the SP number. The following prompt displays:Enter the number of the defect number whose script you want to run:
- Enter the defect number for which you want to run the implementation script. The SP utility displays the status. For example, the status of implementation script 2368 displays as follows:You chose to run implementation script 2368 of service pack 6>>>> Now running implementation script 2368 of service pack 6Implementation script 2368 of service pack 6: updates the OpenURL templates>>>> Implementation script 2368 of service pack 6 execution finished successfully Thu Nov 29 16:23:20 IST 2007Implementation script run ended - press any key to continue
- Enter any key to continue.
- Enter 0 to exit the menu.