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    APA 7th Citation Style not formatting author name correctly

    • Product: Primo
    • Product Version: 2022 Releases and newer 
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Primo Classic and Primo VE


    for Primo 'Send To' Citations, APA 7th style is not generating the first initial of a first name of the first author.

    Defect Status

    This issue has been resolved with a fix provided by our CSL parser third-party vendor. However, the upgrade's release is pending since our testing of the upgrade has found other issues. As soon as these other issues are resolved by the vendor, we will include the latest CSL third-party upgrade in a future Release


    As an alternative, many customers have had success using the apa-cv.csl file with the APA 7th style instead of the default apa.csl file.

    Configuring the Citation Styles for Primo is described here for Primo VE and here for Primo Classic.



    Development is currently planning to include an updated CSL parser from our third-party vendor in the November 2023 Release of Primo VE and February 2024 Release of Primo Classic. This update will resolve this issue.

    This is not a requirement, however, following these Releases, we recommend reverting your Citation Styles configuration to use the default apa.csl file.

    • Article last edited: 06-Oct-2023