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    Advanced search field queries not reflected in page title

    • Product: Primo
    • Product Version: All versions
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare


    Advanced search field contents are not reflected in HTML page title

    In basic search, the search query is displayed in the HTML page title. When you search in advanced search, only the content of the first advanced field will be displayed.

    When searching for a list of keywords in the basic search the "query" parameter (which displayed as page in the browser) is populated with this list of keywords as expected. However, when one switches to the advanced search in order to add a new set of keywords in another field, the "query" parameter will not update accordingly to the fields' content and only the first field content will be displayed.


    Works as designed. The phrase in the advanced search can be complex and Primo displays only the first line search term.  The explicit search term is also displayed on the screen below the search fields after the actual search has done.



    • Article last edited: 18-May-2020