How to configure Primo to force patrons to sign in
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
- Product Version: 4.5
How to configure Primo to force patrons to sign in?
Force all patrons and staff users to sign in prior to using Primo FE. This may be required by a local security policy.
- Go to Views Wizard > Home Page Tiles Configuration > Static HTML Tile
- Edit the customized header file specified in the All Pages: Header field. DO NOT edit the default file.
- If the default file is present (/static_htmls/header.html) a customized footer file MUST be created
- The File Uploader Tool can be used to upload the customized file
- Update the All Pages: Header field to reflect the new path and filename of the header file
- Add the following JavaScript section on a new line following any opening comments (e.g. <!-- header -->):
<script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("contentEXL").style.display = "none"; </script>
- Edit the customized footer file specified in the All Pages: Footer field. DO NOT edit the default file.
- If the default file is present (/static_htmls/footer.html) a customized footer file MUST be created
- The File Uploader Tool can be used to upload the customized file
- Update the All Pages: Footer field to reflect the new path and filename of the footer file
- Add the following JavaScript section on a new line following any opening comments (e.g. <!-- footer -->):
<script type="text/javascript"> var userName = $('#exlidUserAreaRibbon li.EXLUserName').text(); var userNameDisplay = $('#exlidUserAreaRibbon li.EXLUserName .EXLUserNameDisplay').text(); var loginLink = $('#exlidSignIn > a'); if (userName.trim() == "Guest" || userNameDisplay.trim().length <= 0) { // This call has the advantage of logging the call into Primo Analytics, but may not be compatible with older browsers loginLink.get(0).click(); // An alternative that should work in all browsers // window.location = loginLink.attr('href'); } else { document.getElementById("contentEXL").style.display = "block"; } </script>
- Deploy the view if any updates were made to in the Views Wizard
Additional Information
- This code is appropriate only for the Classic UI.
- The JavaScript in the header will hide the page, causing it to appear blank while it is loading.
- The JavaScript in the footer will use CSS tags to check the patron name and name length.
- If the patron name is Guest or blank, the code will "click" the Primo login link; otherwise it will un-hide the page.
Category: Front End - Primo
Subject: Sign In - Primo
- Article last edited: 28-Mar-2017