Displaying Local Fields in DEDUP Records
Unless enabled, the Details section of a DEDUP record displays data only from the preferred record. The Local fields to display from all dedup members mapping table (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Local fields to display from all dedup members) enables you to display local field data from other records in the Dedup group (including local data from other institutions in a consortium).
In the following example, the value of the MARC 505 field in the preferred DEDUP record is listed first, followed by the 505 field data from other DEDUP records:
This functionality displays local data from a maximum of 10 DEDUP records (including the preferred record).
If you have not already done so, open the Manage Display and Local Fields page (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Manage display and local fields) and configure the Primo local fields 1-100 that you want to appear on the Full Display page. You can use either the Bibliographic Field method or the Normalization Rule method to map the source to the local field. For more details, see Managing Display and Local Fields for Primo VE.
The following MARC fields are supported only when using the Normalization Rule method: 09X, 500, 502, 505, 59X, and 69X.
Enable the local fields to display data from all DEDUP group members:
Open the Local fields to display from all dedup members mapping table (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Local fields to display from all dedup members).
Select Add to open the dialog box.
Select the Local Field from the drop-down list.
Select Add Row to close the dialog box.
Return to step b to enable another local field.