Discovery Customer Settings
For Alma-Summon environments, see Configuring Discovery Customer Settings.
Setting Discovery Customer Parameters
The Discovery Customer Settings mapping table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings) contains global settings that pertain to discovery. Each row of the table contains a parameter, which can be customized to change settings or enable/disable functionality.
Most of the linking templates for Central Index collections (CDI) are now configured in the Custom linking for Central Index databases mapping table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Custom linking for Central Index databases). For more details, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
Select the Customize row option if you have not already done so. Otherwise, select the Edit row option.
The following parameters are configurable:
Discovery Customer Settings Parameter Key Description add_keywords_stemming_to_query
When set to true, queries use stemming to boost searches with few results. The default setting is false. For more details, see Stemming.
When set to true, users can search for call numbers that start with a specified value in Advanced Search. The default setting is false, which disables this functionality.
Call Number - Starts With Option EnabledTo use this functionality, you must also enable the Holding Call Number search index in the Advanced Search Configuration tab on the View Configuration page (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views). For more details, see Configuring Discovery Views for Primo VE.
When set to true, the pickup locations are listed alphabetically on the Request Form, starting with the available pickup locations.
If pickup locations are configured by campus, they are grouped by campus and sorted alphabetically by campus and pickup location. If the patron is associated with a specific campus, that campus appears first in the list, followed by the other campuses alphabetically.
In a fulfillment network, the pickup locations for the patron's institution are sorted alphabetically and appear first in the list. The remaining pickup locations are grouped by institution and sorted alphabetically by institution and pickup location.
The authorization token enables secured access between Primo VE and campusM. To complete the handshake, this same value must also be defined in campusM (App Manager > Product Integrations > Add Product Integration > Primo VE > Authorization Code). A valid token may contain any character except for whitespace (such as tabs, spaces, and line breaks) and must be at least 8 characters long (for example, q58151J4bD).
For more information, see Integrating Primo VE with campusM.
As with the availability link in the brief results, you can configure whether users go directly to full text from the availability statement in the full record instead of being taken to the View Online section to choose from the listed providers.
Set this parameter to true to enable direct linking from the full record's availability statement. By default, this functionality is disabled (false).
Direct linking must also be enabled on the Direct Linking Configuration page (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Direct Linking) in Alma. Otherwise, direct linking is not enabled in the brief or full displays of the record.
This parameter indicates whether Quicklinks are enabled for all views. By default, it is set to true to enable Quicklinks automatically and to hide the view-level configuration.
When set to false, the Display Quick Links checkbox appears on the General tab of the View Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views) to disable or enable Quicklinks for specific views.
For more information about Quicklinks, see Quicklinks in Primo and Primo VE.
When set to true, coverage information for electronic journals appears in the availability statement on the Brief Results page, reducing the need for users to view a journal's details to see the coverage information.
Coverage information is based on the resource's portfolios. It appears mostly for Journals, but it may also appear for other types of resources that contain portfolios.
The availability statement by journal coverage does not include related services.
You can use the Calculated Availability Text Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) to customize or translate the display labels for the following coverage statuses:
delivery.code.coverage – Coverage: {1}
delivery.code.coverage.from – From {1}
delivery.code.coverage.until – Until {1}
delivery.code.coverage.and_more – and more
delivery.code.coverage.year_not_available – Most recent {1} year(s) not available
delivery.code.coverage.year_available – Most recent {1} year(s) available
delivery.code.coverage.month_not_available – Most recent {1} month(s) not available
delivery.code.coverage.month_available – Most recent {1} month(s) available
delivery.code.coverage.year_month_not_available – Most recent {1} year(s) {2} month(s) not available
delivery.code.coverage.year_month_available – Most recent {1} year(s) {2} month(s) available
When set to true, the system uses the enhanced availability statuses in the brief display of the search results instead of the Not available status:
- Not available - Acquisition
- Not available - Claimed Returned
- Not available - Hold Shelf
- Not available - Loan
- Not available - Lost
- Not available - In Process
- Not available - Missing
- Not available - Resource Sharing Request
- Not available - Technical - Migration
- Not available - Transit
- Not available - Requested
The default value is false.
You can use the Calculated Availability Text Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) to customize or translate the display labels.
Indicates whether the preferred source for citation titles is taken from the display/title or addata/btitle fields in the PNX. The valid values are display (default) or addata.
Indicates the way that search strings with Chinese characters are divided into searchable tokens since spaces do not separate words. The following search methods are supported:
OnegramWithBasis – ("A B C D") OR ("A B" "C D") OR (A B C D)
Basis – ("A B C D") OR ("A B" "C D")
Onegram – ("A B C D") OR (A B C D)
For multi-campus configurations, this parameter indicates whether the Database Search page displays results from the entire institution or the user's campus. When set to true, results are based on the entire institution. By default, this parameter is set to false so that results are based on the user's campus.
Regardless of this setting, the category tree on the Database Search page displays categories at the institution level, not per campus.
When set to true, the default sort for results in Featured Newspapers changes from Relevance to Date-newest.
Set this field to true to disable the following additional personal settings in My Library Card by default:
Allow saving my search history
Use my search history for the recent search suggestions
When not specified or set to false, the above settings are enabled by default unless overridden by the user.
For consortia only, set this field to true if you want to redirect to the other institution and retain context and page settings (such as search terms and filters/facets) from the original page. The default setting is false, which redirects to the other institution without transferring page settings from the original page.
This functionality requires the Allow direct login to other institutions option to be set on the View Configuration page (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views).
Disables links for empty linking parameter defined for Link to Request templates defined on the Discovery Import Profile page. For more details, see Configuring Import Profiles for Primo VE.
When set to true, this parameter disables the use of synonyms in search queries. By default, this parameter is set to false.
For more information, see Linguistic Features for Primo VE.
When set to false, resource sharing requests are enabled in the How to get it section on the record's Full Display page when the record has no electronic and physical holdings in the library.
When set to true, resource sharing requests are enabled in the How to get it section on the record's Full Display page when the record has electronic holdings and no physical holdings in the library. If display logic rules in Alma prevent resource sharing requests, the How to get it section displays a message indicating that this item does not have any available services.
By default, facets in Primo VE return up to 20 facet values for local searches and up to 20 more facet values for CDI in blended searches. This parameter enables you to increase the maximum number of facet values to 50 for local searches only. The valid values are 20–50.
CDI continues to display a maximum of 20 values in blended searches.
For a record to be considered an online record, it should have electronic or digital inventory in Alma. Otherwise, it is considered a print record by default. This functionality enables you to treat records with an 856 subfield u in the holdings as online records, even if they do not have electronic or digital inventory in Alma.
This parameter configures the treatment of holdings records that have an 856 u field:
true – If the holdings record has an 8564 u field and the second indicator is not 2, the View It service appears and contains a link based on the 856 u field.
false – The View It service does not display for the holdings record, and these records are treated as physical items only.
IgnoreFirstIndicator – If the holdings record has an 856 u field and the second indicator is not 2, the View It service appears and contains a link based on the 856 u field.
As a result, the availability status in brief display is displayed as Available online, and those records are included in the Available online facet.
The online status and delivery are in addition to any physical availability indication.
When set to true, all available library notices display in My Library Card > Personal Details. For more information, see Additional Library Card Configurations for Primo VE.
To allow users to select which library notices to receive or not, you must select the Enable Edit My Library Card option on the View Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views). For more details, see Enabling Users to Edit Personal Details
When set to true, the Locations page in Get It opens by default when there is only one location available. Otherwise, the Location Items page opens by default when there is only one location available. The default setting is false.
When set to true, the SMS Wanted checkbox appears in My Library Card > Personal Details, allowing users to have notifications sent to their preferred SMS number. If no SMS number is already configured, the user must specify a preferred SMS number before selecting the checkbox.
This field defaults to false, which hides the SMS Wanted checkbox from the user.
Set this field to true to enable the My Library Card > Personal Details and Settings tab, which enables users to change additional settings. This functionality is disabled by default. For more details, see Configuring the Personal Details and Settings Tab.
This setting also enables the My Personal details and settings link in the User Area menu of the UI.editions_eni_linking
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
When set to true, display logic rules apply to guest users when service restrictions pertain to user groups.
When set to true, institutions can track successful Primo patron logins in reports. Institutions may opt out of this option of Primo logins appearing in the report by setting the parameter to false.
Set this parameter to true to enable the Person Info Card on the Full Display page. For more information, see Searching Linked Open Data - Person Entity.
Set this parameter to true to enable autocomplete for person entities. For more information, see Searching Linked Open Data - Person Entity.
When set to true, search results are automatically expanded to include CDI records from sources other than those that have been activated for your institution if no results are returned without expansion.
When set to true (default value), searches on the Database Search page are expanded to match information in all fields instead of only the record's title. If you prefer searching by title only, set this parameter to false.
For additional information, see Configuring Database Search for Primo VE.
When set to true (default value), deduped records are filtered from Browse Search results and may display different results from Alma's Browse Shelf Listing. If you prefer similar results in Alma and Primo VE, set this parameter to false.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
When set to true, the available libraries are listed alphabetically in Get It if there is more than one available library with holdings. Otherwise, Get It displays all available locations alphabetically as it does for the default setting.
The default setting is false, which does not group locations by library.
GetIT! Tab1 Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) defines the Libraries group heading in Get It.
When set to true, users can view holdings information on the Get It > Locations tab instead of opening the Location Items tab. The default value is false.
For more details about the configuration of holdings information, see Configuring Holdings Display Fields for Primo VE.
search_time_language_recognitionThis parameter enables you to disable language recognition during searches so that the same results are returned for every UI interface language.
When set to true, the system indexes the following 5XX fields from your records to enrich the authority records:
MARC 21 – 500, 510, 511, 530, 548, 550, 551, 555, 562, 580, 581, 582, or 585
UNIMARC – 500, 510, 511, 515, 530, 550, 580
The default value is false. For additional information, see Authority Record Enrichment in Primo VE and Search Section Mapping.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
kanopy and kanopy_latest
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming service that enables institutions to provide access to a large collection of films. During the activation of these services, you must also configure the template that CDI uses to link users to these streams.
To configure these templates, you must replace <INSTITUTIONID> with your site-specific base URL prefix.
http://<INSTITUTIONID>{{control/sourcerecordid}}For example, if the prefix for the University of Testing is unt, your template would look something like the following:{{control/sourcerecordid}}marc_field_for_additional_service
Indicates which MARC field and subfield that holds the associated locations for the May Also Be Held By service and enables the use of the May Also Be Held By mapping table. For more information, see Configuring the "May Also Be Held By" Service in Primo VE.
In the Get It section of a record's full display, Primo VE displays a maximum of 10 holdings. If you set this parameter to a value from 11-100), the system displays the Show More Locations link under the list of holdings if there are more than 10 holdings. Users can select this link to view all the holdings. The valid values are 1-100.
This also applies to Locations for Related Titles.
After you have registered your Primo VE server with the Mendeley application (see Registering Your Primo VE Institution), enter your Mendeley application ID to configure the connection between your Primo VE server and the Mendeley application.
After you have registered your Primo VE server with the Mendeley application (see Registering Your Primo VE Institution), enter the secret value for your Mendeley application to configure the connection between your Primo VE server and the Mendeley application.
After you have registered your Primo VE server with the Mendeley application (see Registering Your Primo VE Institution), enter the redirect URL for your Mendeley application to configure the connection between your Primo VE server and the Mendeley application. Use the following format for your Primo server:
<Primo_VE_host_name>/primaws/mendeleyPost?vid=<Primo_VE_view_code>For example:
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
When set to true, all preferred terms from authority records are displayed as facet values. The default value is false.
If language-specific configuration is not defined or matched in the Multi-lingual Configuration table, Primo VE displays all preferred terms from the authority records as facet values, regardless of the interface language.
For more details, see Authority Record Enrichment in Primo VE.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
The maximum number of representations that display by default in the View Online section of a record's full details. The default value is 5.
If the number of representations exceeds this setting, the Show More button displays below the list of representations and enables users to view the remaining representations by selecting it.
When set to true, the link to the WPM Education E-Pament System is enabled in My Library Card to enable patrons to pay fines and fees online. For more information, see Configuring the WPM Education E-Payment System.
Search queries that include single terms enclosed in parentheses, may unexpectedly return a "No records found" message to users and also log a Solr exception. Set this field to true to remove the parentheses prior to sending the query to Solr and to return matching results.
This setting applies only to exact field searches.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
The percentage of search terms (excluding stop words) that must match the defined tag to return its resource recommendation. The default value is 75.
For example, if the tag is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the user must enter at least three of the following words: Harry, Potter, Philosopher's, and Stone.
When set to true, search queries added to My Favorites > Search History are saved between sessions by default for signed-in users unless they disable the Allow saving my search history option on the My Library > Personal Details and Settings tab, which appears only when the display_user_settings parameter is set to true.
When set to false, existing search history is retained between sessions for signed-in users, but they are not permitted to save new search history.
To change the default setting of the Allow saving my search history option on the My Library > Personal Details and Settings tab, see the default_user_search_history_off parameter.
When Digital Resource Sharing is enabled for an IZ in Alma, external records are not shared by default with other institutions. If you want to share these records with other institutions, set this parameter to true. These records appear in searches using the Entire Network scope as long as it exists in each member of the consortium.
Changing the value of this parameter requires you to re-index or reload the data.
When set to true, search queries added to My Favorites > Search History are used for recent search suggestions by default for users unless they disable the Use my search history for the recent search suggestions option on the My Library > Personal Details and Settings tab, which appears only for signed-in users when the display_user_settings parameter is set to true.
When set to false, search queries are not used for suggestions.
The default_user_search_history_off parameter enables you to change the default setting of the Use my search history for the recent search suggestions option on the My Library > Personal Details and Settings tab.
When set to true, DEDUP and FRBR groups are sorted by owner, starting with the current IZ, NZ, and then other IZs. The default is false.
This setting may be necessary, for example, if Course indicators do not display reliably when associated with multiple records in the same group.
When set to true, subjects that display in the record's full details are sorted alphabetically by subject. The default value is false (disabled).
For example:
Subject Sort ComparisonSyndetics_Unbound_Customer_ID
Specify the license ID that was received during the registration of the Syndetics Unbound service. When this field is defined, you can enable this service at the view level (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views).
For more information regarding Syndetics Unbound, see Setting Up Syndetics Unbound in Primo VE.
Not used. For configuration information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
Select this field to enable controlled vocabulary search expansion. For more information, see Configuring Search Expansion With Controlled Vocabulary.use_facet_in_creator_hyperlink
Out of the box, selecting the author's hypertext link in a record's details returns results based on the creator and the record's creator facets.
Author Details on the Record's Full Display PageThis parameter enables you to return all records associated with the selected creator and not filter by the record's creator facets. Out-of-the-box, this functionality is disabled. The following values are valid:
true (default) – Indicates that the Author link includes the filter for the record's creator facets. For example:
mode=advanced&offset=0 -
false – Indicates that the Author link excludes the filter for the record's creator facets. For example:
When set to true, collections are filtered by library/view as follows:
Only the collections/sub-collections associated with the relevant library are displayed on the Collection pages.
When searching for items from the Collections Lobby page, only those associated with the relevant library are displayed.
The collection path that displays for an item on the Full Display page includes only the paths to collections associated with the relevant library.
The More from the same collection area shows only items associated with the relevant library.
You must also map your views to libraries in your institutions so that they can be filtered accordingly for collection discovery on the Primo view mapped into Alma libraries mapping table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > GetIt Configuration > Primo View to Libraries). For more details, see Configuring the Location Filter List for Get It.
Westlaw UK is an online legal information service. While activating this service, you must also configure the template CDI uses to link users to this collection. To configure the template, replace <sponsorcode> with the sponsor code that is provided by Westlaw UK:
action=reset&docguid={{control/sourceid}}&sp=<sponsorcode> -
Enter a value in the parameter value field.
Select Save to save your changes to the table.