As an admin, how do I customize citation style lists?
The purpose of this article is to explain how RefWorks administrators can build various lists of styles for all users at an institution.
Two lists of styles can be created. One list is the recent styles list all new users see when they start using RefWorks, and until they choose other styles which take their place as recent. The other list is the citation styles preferred by the institution that is accessible at all times.
Recent citation style list for new users
New users will see the list as it is organized via the Admin > Settings page in the Institutional Bibliography Citation Style section, in the "Recent styles" menu.
All admins at an institution have access to this list and can make changes, therefore we recommend coordinating changes with other admins.
Institutional citation style list for all users
All users, new and existing, can be provided the same list of citation styles by defining styles as institutional, whether they are existing RefWorks citation styles or modified institution-specific styles.
CSL styles may not be added to this list. They can only be added to the Recent styles list.
Users will see these styles in the "Institutional styles" menu (and in "Recent styles" if they were used recently, and in "Favorite styles" if marked as favorite by the user), and they will be marked by a green Institutional label.
Institutional styles can be added and shared with the institution by all admins, therefore we recommend coordinating the sharing of institutional styles with other admins.
It is important to note that updates to RefWorks’ global styles will not be applied to those styles shared with an institution. When a global style is updated, the institutionally shared global style will need to be removed from the list of preferred styles, the updated global style renamed, and then shared again with institution.
Sharing RefWorks styles
To share a RefWorks style with your institution, you first need to rename the style.
Sharing modified styles
To share a modified citation style with the institution, select the Citation Style Editor page in your account and share the style with the institution by selecting Options > Share with my institution.
It is important to note that updates to RefWorks’ global styles will not be applied to those styles shared with an institution. When a global style is updated, the institutionally shared global style will need to be removed from the list of preferred styles, the updated global style renamed, and then shared again with institution.
When shared successfully, the style name will be updated and appear institution wide in user accounts.
The Recent and Institutional styles can be accessed in Create Bibliography and Citation View settings in RefWorks, and in RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM).