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    Configuring Rialto Settings

    To configure general parameters, you must have the following role:
    • Rialto System Administrator
    System administrators can configure general Rialto parameters and settings (on the institution level only) from the Rialto configuration menu (Configuration menu > Market). 
    From here the following options are available:
    • Other Settings - From here you can access a table of configurable customer parameters.
    • Cart Routing - From here you can enable and define the values that will display to staff under the "Cart Routing" field in the cart, orders awaiting approval page, and order history. 
    • Rialto Vendor Codes - This page provides the ability to adjust the out-of-the-box Rialto orders mapping to another specific vendor or account code in Alma.
    • Skip E-activation task - This page provides a table for setting a Skip E-Activation Task per platform.
    • Purchase Request Form - From here you can adjust the settings for an embeddable purchase request form. 

    Other Settings

    To access other settings, select Configuration menu > Market > Other Settings.

    Upon page load, you are presented with a table of customizable parameters:


    Customer Parameters Mapping Table
    You can edit the parameters on this page, as follows:
    Parameter key Parameter Value options Description
    rialto_add_list_to_cart true/false

    When set to true, this allows for a background job to be performed when adding more than 20 items to the cart from a list.  Turning bulk adds to a job frees the user to be able to perform other list and cart actions. 

    The default is true. 

    rialto_check_allow_duplicate_checkbox true/false

    This is paired with the rialto_enable_duplicate_validation setting. When rialto_enable_duplicate_validation is set to true, displaying the "Allow Duplicate" checkbox in the cart to staff,  rialto_check_allow_duplicate_checkbox forces the "Allow Duplicate" to be checked when set to true, allowing for purchases for held titles to be submitted, and purchased.  If set to false, then library staff will be prevented from submitting an order for a known held title, and either have to manually check the box, or remove the offer from the cart. 

    If rialto_enable_duplicate_validation is set to false, preventing the display of the "Allow Duplicate" checkbox, then settings for rialto_check_allow_duplicate_checkbox are ignored. 

    The default for rialto_check_allow_duplicate_checkbox is true. 

    rialto_enable_duplicate_validation true/false

    Indicates if system validations for duplicate purchases are executed by introducing the "Allow Duplicate" checkbox option on all Rialto cart items. For more information, see Allow Duplicate Checkbox in the Submitting Cart to Approval page.

    The default setting is true, allowing for display of the checkbox to end users. 

    rialto_faculty_auth_method empty, string

    This defines the authentication method to use for faculty login from faculty title alert emails. This will be blank by default. For more information, see Faculty Title Alerts.

    The string that is expected with this parameter option is SAML, CAS, etc.

    rialto_faculty_separate_list true/false Set this value to true to separate faculty recommended titles into a unique list for review before displaying them on the orders awaiting approval page. When set to false, these titles will appear in the orders awaiting approval page only. For more information, see Reviewing Faculty-Recommended Titles.
    rialto_hide_courses_panel true/false Set this value to show or hide the Leganto course information in the holdings panel. Default is set to true to show the course information. 
    rialto_rush_checkout_enabled true/false Controls the behavior of displaying (true)/not displaying (false) the Rush order option. (Only print offers) When the option is selected, it instructs the vendor that rush handling applies.
    rialto_selector_location_and_fund_mandatory true/false

    Indicates whether location and fund are mandatory fields in a selector's cart.  Location and fund will always be mandatory for purchasers and approvers.

    Note that this is in addition to institution-wide mandatory fields defined by an administrator, as described in Institution-level Cart Customizations.

    rialto_show_unsubscribed_platforms true/false Set to true to allow visibility of titles offered by platforms your institution is not subscribed to. Titles and details will appear, but titles cannot be added to the cart or DDA.  Set to false to prevent visibility of titles from unsubscribed platforms.
    rialto_show_usage_eba true/false Indicates whether or not to show sushi counter usage on listed titles in your EBA feed(s).
    rialto_skip_e_activation_task true/false Set to true to prevent Rialto ebook orders from generating an e-activation task.  Set to false to allow Alma to create e-activation tasks for each ordered title.
    rialto_prevent_publish_and_display_suppressed_holdings true/false

    By default, Rialto is configured to show holdings that are suppressed and factor them into queries for holdings.  To prevent displaying and querying on suppressed holdings, set to true.  For more information, see Show/Hide Suppressed Holdings.

    Cart Routing

    Cart Routing allows selection staff to assign a value of your creation from the cart that acquisition staff can use to filter on from the Orders Awaiting Approval page. To learn more about how your staff can take advantage of this feature, please watch the cart routing training. 

    To access cart routing configuration, select Configuration menu > Market > Cart Routing.

    cart routing fields

    1. Within this table add a row for each value you would like to add.  Each row should contain a Code and Description. The Description will appear within the routing option display within Rialto. 
    2. Select "Add Row" after entering the code and description.
    3. If adding multiple values you can adjust the order of appearance using the arrows within the table.
    4. Select the default value that will appear to users when multiple values are created.
    5. Click Customize in the upper right corner. 

    Rialto Vendor Codes

    By default, Rialto orders are mapped to the Rialto vendor.  The Rialto Vendor Codes table allows you to attach Rialto orders to a different vendor of choice.  This table is also used to define what vendor accounts are used for different order types.  To edit vendor codes for Rialto purchases, select Configuration menu > Market > Rialto Vendor Codes.

    A vendor and its accounts must be defined in Alma in order for this configuration to work.


    To define what vendor and accounts Rialto uses when creating new orders:

    1. On the RIALTO_VENDOR row, select Customize.
    2. In the Code column, enter the code for the vendor you would Rialto to use when creating new orders.
    3. Repeat for each account in order to define where to map firm orders, DDA orders, selection plan orders, and EBA orders.

    Multiple different order types can reuse the same account.

    Skip E-Activation

    Rialto Administrators can now define for which platforms Rialto creates an e-activation task. This enables Administrators to choose which platforms generate an e-activation task.

    To edit which platforms generate an e-activation task, go to Configuration menu > Market > Skip E Activation Task. 

    Customize each row to be "True" (does not create an e-activation task), "False" (allows for the e-activation task to be created), or "Default", which uses the value of the "rialto_skip_e_activation_task" parameter under Configuration menu > Market > Other Settings.

    If, for example you only want only a few platforms to have the e-activation task, then set the main parameter ("rialto_skip_e_activation_task") to "True" on the "Other Settings" page. On the "Skip E Activation Task" page, leave the platforms you want to bypass the task for set to "Default", and set the platforms that you want the task for to "False". 

    Purchase Request Form

    You can customize a web-based purchase request form that can be used to link from any of your institution's pages. This Rialto specific form allows library patrons to submit purchase requests directly to the system. 

    For more information on how the web form behaves, please see Purchase Request Web Form Management

    You can configure a list of reasons to reject a purchase patron request. For more information, see Configuring Purchase Request Reject Reasons.

    To edit the Rialto purchase request web form, select Configuration menu > Market > Purchase Request Form.

    In the Purchase Request Form, you can:
    1.  Generate the web form and link (URL).
      1. Do this by selecting "Get purchase request form link". Once selected the web form URL will appear. 
    2. Enable or disable the web form
      1. Select the "Enable the purchase request web form" to enable the form, and uncheck the box to disable the form. The form will appear inactive to patrons when disabled.disabled_form.png
    3. Customize the header and footer.
      1. Rich text enabled for copy, and hex codes for background colors.
    4. Apply a university logo.
      1. These are the same logos entered elsewhere in Alma used for emails and homepage branding.
    5. Alter the form title and page description (Subtitle).
    6. Customize the form fields.
    Select the Form fields option to access and edit the Mapping Table of the Purchase Request Form fields.


    You can do the following in this table:

    1. Hide fields: In the Enable field, move the toggle off.  
    2. Edit Field labels: The field label will contain a code for the default label. If you would like to customize it, remove the existing text and enter the new label you would like to see, no code is required.
    3. Make fields optional: In the Mandatory field enter 'true' or 'false'.
    4. Change the order of fields: In the Position field, indicate the numerical desired position of the field on screen.
    5. Add custom fields: Select Add Row. In the dialog box that opens, fill in the necessary fields.  
    6. Select Save to save your changes. 

    The resource_metadata.title field is always displayed and mandatory in the web form. You cannot hide it and cannot make it optional. 


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