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    Automatically Add Deposited Items to a Collection

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Rosetta
    • Product Version: 3

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Automatically add manually deposited items to a collection.

    1. Go to Producers > Advanced Tools > List of Metadata Forms and create a new metadata form (* denotes a mandatory field in the form):
    a. *Label - Collection name
    b. *Type - Text
    c. *DC Tag - Is Part Of
    d. *Mandatory - Yes
    e. Single Line - No
    f. Default Value - Collection name
    g. Tooltip - optional
    h. *Description - displays to the Depositor, so it may be helpful to add: "Note that this item will be added to the ??? Collection"

    2. Go to Submissions > Advanced Tools > SIP Processing Configuration List
    a. click "Add Processing Configuration" button to create a new processing configuration.
    Include the following information in the field creation form (* denotes a mandatory field in the form):

    *Name - SIP Processing Configuration name
    Validation Stack Routine - Validation Stack - Full
    Approval - Approver
    Enrichment Routine - Assign Collection by DC

    3. Go to Submissions > Advanced Tools > (Routing) Rule List and create a new SIP Routing Rule as follows:
    a. Make sure it’s at the top of the list of SIP Routing Rules (list is read top-down)
    b. Specify the following Input General Parameters so that IEs that meet these criteria will get added to the collection:
    Material Flow = Name of material flow for this collection
    Producer = Name of producer for this collection
    Producer Group = producer group for this collection
    c. Specify the following Output Parameters:
    Approver Group = approver group for this collection
    Process Configuration Id = select the "Process Configuration Id" created in step #2 above.

    4. Create a Task that is applied during the Enrichment state of the submission that creates this collection:
    Advanced Configuration > Repository > List of Task Chains > "Assign Collection by DC" Task Chain Details
    Task List:
    Name - Assign Collection By DC
    Description - Assign Collection By DC
    Task Parameters:
    DC Field - Is Part Of
    DC Separator Character - /

    5. Ingest content and confirm that the collection was added based on the 'default' value in the metadata form and that the IE was also added to the collection.

    Category: Deposit - Rosetta

    Subject: Rosetta

    • Article last edited: 5/28/2014