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    Block size in Storage configuration

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Rosetta
    • Product Version: 3.2.1


    What is the use of Block size and what does it mean ?


    Rosetta calculates a file's logical storage size based on the actual size in bytes and the block size.
    So if the blockSize is 8 and the file is, for the example, 795, the file's storage size will be : 800, since it will use 100 blocks of 8 each.

    File's logical Size = FileSize + (BlockSize - FileSize%BlockSize)

    In my example : 795 + (8 - 3) = 800

    Blocksize is used in calculating free storage space. If the value is too high then actual free space will be larger than reported free space (no harm, just some unutilized disk space). If too low, then vice versa and Rosetta will think it has (logical) space when it actually does not, so actual storage will exceed the allocated storage (again, we're probably talking about a few MB at most).

    If there's no free (permanent storage) space then the SIP will land in to permanent.

    Category: Administration

    Subject: Storage

    • Article last edited: 4/17/2014