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    Cleaning the SFX_REQUEST table

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: SFX
    • Product Version: 3

    What is the SFX_REQUEST table, why do I need to clean it, and how do I clean it?

    The SFX_REQUEST table is used to store data required to generate each SFX menu screen - the data on requests before it actually gets processed by the statistics module. It is not directly related to statistics tables, so cleaning it does not result in a loss of statistical data.

    If you clean the SFX Request table using the server_admin_util tool, it will keep the last 24 hours of requests in the table, which is really all that is necessary for SFX Request to function, so the users will not be affected in any way.

    When selecting server_admin_util, choose option 5: Statistics.

    Then you will see:


    1 Move data from online to offline
    2 Archive statistics
    3 Load statistics from a file
    4 Show stats tables monitor information
    5 Scheduling for statistics maintenance tasks
    6 Clear SFX_REQUEST table
    Please select [1-6,q,m]:

    so you would choose option 6.

    This should reduce the size of the table to near zero.

    it is also possible to schedule this table for cleaning also using Option 5>5 of server_admin_util :
    5 Schedule clearing of SFX_REQUEST table

    We recommend cleaning the SFX_REQUEST table once a month, preferably before running the monthly update. A large SFX_REQUEST table may contribute to the fill-up of the /exlibris filesystem disk space and increase the time it takes to back up the instance database.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013