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    targets/services/portfolios inactive with red asterisk

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: SFX
    • Product Version: 3

    My targets/services/portfolios appear greyed out / inactive with a red asterisk next to the grey "N" button. What does this mean?

    The Y/N gif only indicates that a target /service/portfolio is active/inactive for the DEFAULT institute. If IP institute information is specified for a target/service/portfolio, this is indicated by an asterisk (*) next to the Y/N gif. Thus when a target is deactivated for the DEFAULT institute but active for an IP institute, you will see the N gif with an asterisk. Please note that you can click on the asterisk to edit the institute settings for any target/service/portfolio.

    The DEFAULT institute basically represents any user that is not defined as a specific IP address or range. Once any other institute is defined in the institute table, the DEFAULT institute also is set automatically. The reason it is present in all of the targets is because undefined users need to have the possibility of reaching any of these targets, unless they are specifically excluded. So a greyed out target with an asterisk means that users that do not belong to a set of IP addresses associated with a defined Institute cannot access this item in the SFX Menu

    The targets that only have the DEFAULT institute turned on would work just like targets that do not have any institute thresholds at all in version 2. If the DEFAULT institute is present and active (yellow Y) - it behaves as if its ip range was *.*.*.* If the DEFAULT institute is present and inactive (grey N) - outside access to a target is totally disabled unless another specific institute is set up as having access to that target.

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    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013