Summon: Subscription Rights in Summon
- Product: Summon
How are rights in Summon determined in the Client Center?
Rights are determined by the Display In Summon check box in the Client Center. All resources that were tracked in the Client Center as of Dec. 18, 2010 have the Display In Summon check box selected.
When a resource status is set to Subscribed, the Display In Summon check box will automatically be selected. When a resource Status is changed to anything other than Subscribed, the check box will not automatically change. If you do not want rights for a resource to be included in the Summon service, clear the check box.
A resource will not appear as available in the Summon service, if one of the following two things is true:
- The status of the resource is Not Tracked; or
- The Display In Summon check box on the Database Details or Holding Details page is clear (not selected).

NOTE: Changes made to the subscription status and the Display In check boxes may require up to 48 hours to take effect in Summon. This includes time for both the daily profile data refresh and another 24 hours for the Summon service to refresh the rights information.
For more information, see Resource Status vs. Visibility in Various Serials Solutions Services.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 28-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 8852