Summon: Catalog Merge Opt Out
How do I prevent my local catalog records from being merged with other provider records?
The Summon Match and Merge system combines multiple records for the same item, obtained from a variety of providers, into a single Summon service record with the richest possible metadata. However, sometimes this merging causes results to include metadata that is not as helpful for particular patrons, such as subject terms in a different language or incorrect date or language information. Beginning in June 2018, you will have the option to turn off the Match and Merge system for your local Library Catalog records. This feature cannot be used partially. It turns off merging eligibility for ALL of the records in a particular Library Catalog collection, such as your local catalog records or your 360Marc update records.
Configuring the Catalog Merge Settings
The Catalog Merge Settings page under Content Ingestion allows you to specify which catalog collections are excluded from the merge. Changes to this configuration will be included in the next scheduled search update.
Log on to the Summon Administration Console.
Open the Content Ingestion page and then select Catalog Merge Settings. Initially, this page will list all of your Library Catalog collections under the Included section on the left. The default setting for the Summon service is to include all Library Catalog collections in the Match and Merge process.
Use your cursor to drag and drop the source-package identifiers of the collections that you do not want merged to the Excluded list on the right.
Select Save to submit your changes. As noted below the Included/Excluded lists, changes will be reflected in the next Central Discovery Index Update, which currently happens twice per week.
It may take several days for the changes to become live in your Summon service.