Summon: Book and E-Book Facet Behavior
- Product: Summon
How does the combined Book/E-Book Facet affect patron search results in the Summon service?
The Book and E-Book facets are combined into a single facet as a step to provide accurate and easily discoverable full-text book and e-book searching.
Full-text book searching begins with the merging of your catalog records with the full-text records from HathiTrust. This merging process allows patrons to search the words on the pages of books that are on your library's shelves in addition to the metadata from MARC records. This provides the patron a more relevant set of search results.
In the example below, the library catalog record (book) for "Fractals: a very short introduction" was merged with and enhanced by the other metadata in CDI:

To limit results to electronic content only, a patron should select either of the following refinements, if enabled in the Summon Admin Console:
- Book/eBook Content Type facet and the Full Text Online refinement filter
- eBook Full Text Online refinement filter
To limit results to print content only, a patron should select the Physical Books in Library Catalog refinement filter. This option also returns the electronic link if merged with the record.
For additional information, see Search Result Facets and Refinements.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 23-Nov-2022
- Old Article Number: 8754