ACQ: Can save Invoice with blank Invoice Number field
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.0
Problem Symptoms:
If invoice number is copied and pasted into Invoice Number field very quickly before invoice form loads completely, invoice can be saved and approved without an invoice number
Defect Status:
Issue VYG-4460 is resolved for Voyager 9.1.1 and higher.
Replication Steps
1. Go to Acquisitions > Invoices > Search Invoices
2. In "Search by" dropdown, select "Invoice Number"; after "Search For:", enter an invoice number, then click "Search" button
3. Copy text of invoice number searched
4. Go to Acquisitions > Invoices > New Invoice
5. As invoice screen is loading, paste invoice number into Invoice Number field very quickly, before cursor appears in field; Click Save
6. Note that text of number does appear in Invoice Number field as if it will be saved there; Click Save
7. Note that top of Invoice says "Invoice: [Pending]" instead of "Invoice: (invoice number text) [Pending]"
Other information
*Text of invoice number must be pasted immediately after clicking "New Invoice" or problem will not occur; problem does not happen if invoice form is allowed to load fully to the point where cursor can be seen blinking in Invoice Number field.
*If invoice is searched using criteria other than invoice number (vendor, voucher number, etc.), invoice will show up in results list with blank Invoice Number column.
*If problem is noticed before invoice is approved, invoice number can be supplied and saved to database; if invoice is approved while Invoice Number field is blank, invoice is stuck without an invoice number, because that field is not editable in an approved invoice.
Category: Acquisitions - Voyager
Subject: Voyager
- Article last edited: 18-Aug-2022