ANA: total incorrect if there are multiple mfhds and bib title is in report
- Article Type: Known Issue
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.0
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
* When an invoice is not in the base currency, the invoice amount is not reported correctly if the title is included and there are multiple mfhds.
Defect Status
Issue 16384-12945 / VYG-4497 is resolved for Voyager 8.1.0 and higher.
Replication Steps
1. Create a report with the following Report Items making sure one of the results returned is in a currency other than the base currency and has multiple mfhds:
[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Number]
[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Ledgers/Funds].[Fund Name]
[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Amount]
[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Amount (Base Currency)]
[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Conversion Rate]
[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Invoice Currency Code]
[Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Bibliographic Title Details].[Title]
2. The amount that displays for Invoice Amount and Invoice Amount (Base Currency) will be the correct amount multiplied by the number of invoices.
3. Removing the report item [Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Bibliographic Title Details].[Title] results in the correct amounts displaying.
Pull title information from [Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[MFHD Title Details].[Title] instead of [Invoice Line Item Copy Funds].[Bibliographic Title Details].[Title].
Category: Voyager Analyzer
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013