Are deleted bibs, mfhds, items archived?
- Product: Voyager
Are deleted bibs, mfhds, items archived?
- Deleted bibs are saved in /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/deleted.bib.marc
- Deleted authorities are saved in /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/deleted.auth.marc
- Deleted mfhds are saved in /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/deleted.mfhd.marc
- Deleted items are saved in /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/delete.item
For WebAdmin users: files by the same name are available under System Admin > Report Files.
Additional Information
- There is only ever 1 actively used delete* file. Once (for example) an extension is added to the filename, Voyager will no longer add records to it, and will create a new delete* file starting at 0.
- New deletes are added to the bottom of the files.
- The date that the bib, mfhd, auth (i.e. MARC records) was deleted is stored in the 005.
- The MARC records (deleted.auth.marc, deleted.bib.marc and deleted.mfhd.marc) are stored in the UTF-8 encoding character set.
- The bibs and authorities files can be downloaded to a PC, and viewed with Voyager Cataloging or using a bib utilities program such as MarcEdit.
- The delete.item is a comma delimited file. See the Technical User's Guide for the Item Delete Standard Interface File (Item Delete SIF).
- A good Best Practice is to check delete.item, deleted.mfhd, deleted.bib, and deleted.auth files regularly and rename them before the filesize reaches the Voyager 2 GB filesize limitation. See: Archiving Voyager Record Deletion Files
- Note that if you have Primo, the Primo Extract will process and datestamp your delete* files. See: Why do we have so many record delete files in our /rpt directory?
- Article last edited: 09-Jan-2019