Avoid huge Publishing extract after HEADINGS regen
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local
Keep from unnecessarily re-extracting a large portion of the database after a HEADINGS regen?
- Before beginning HEADINGS regen, manually run a Publishing extract: /m1/voyager/xxxdb/sbin/PprimoExp.pub -f ../ini/PrimoExp-Publishing.ini
- Run the HEADINGS regen.
- Set HeadingChanges=N in PrimoExp-Publishing.ini
- Manually run the Publishing extract again.
- Set HeadingChanges=Y in PrimoExp-Publishing.ini
Instead of steps 3-5, update the date in ChangedSince.txt to reflect a date/time shortly after the HEADINGS regen completed.
Additional Information
After a HEADINGS regen, the CREATE_DATE of headings is updated to the date of the regen.
The next time the Publishing extract is run, any bib with a heading that has been updated since the last Publishing extract (i.e., any bib with a heading) will be extracted if you have HeadingChanges=Y in the configuration file.
This process allows the Publishing extract to avoid picking up all bibs with headings and to only pick up changed bibs and bibs with changed headings to update Primo.
- Article last edited: 29-May-2014